I Our hearts, to wifdom's facred ways, HYMN CCXXIV. THY C. M. [S. STENNETT.] The Death of Infants. 'HY life, I read, my dearest Lord, Thine image trace in ev'ry word, 2 Methinks I fee a thoufand charms, 3 I take thefe tender lambs, faid he, 4 Death may the bands of life unloofe, Millions of Infant fouls compofe The family above. 5 Their feeble frames my pow'r fhall raise, And mould with heav'nly fkill; I'll give them tongues to fing my praise; 6 His words the happy parents hear, Dear Saviour, all we have and are, HYMN CCXXV. C. M. [DODDRIDGE:] On the Death of Children. IYEmourning Emourning friends, whofe ftreaming tears, Say not, in transports of defpair, 2. While cleaving to that darling duft, Rife, and with joy and rev'rence view, 3 Tho' your young branches torn away, 4 I'll give the mourners, faith the Lord, No names of daughters and of fons, 5 Tranfient and vain is ev'ry hope, HYMN CCXXVI. C. M. [DODDRIDGE.] Comfort in Trouble. 'MY God the cov'naut of thy love, Abides forever fure; And in its matchlefs grace I feel, 2 What tho' my houfe be not with thee, To nobler joys than nature gives 3 Since thou, the everlasting God, Jefus my guardian, and my friend, 4 I welcome all thy fov'reign will; And when I know not what thou doft, 5 Thy cov❜nant the laf accent claims, HYMN CCXXVII. c. M. [RIPPON'S COLL.] I Fear not, it is I. AND art thou, with us, gracious Lord? Doft thou proclaim thyfelf our God? 2 Doft thou a father's bowels feel? For all thy humble faints? And in fuch friendly accents fpeak To footh their fad complaints? 3 Why droops our hearts? Why flow our eyes While fuch a voice we hear? Why rise our forrows, and our fears? 4 To all thefe other favors add, And death itfeif fhall hear us fing, HYMN CCXXVIII. P. M. [STEELE.] Submiffion. AND can my heart afpire so high, To fay, my father God! Lord at thy feet I fain would lie, 2 I would fubmit to all thy will, 3 Thy love can cheer the darksome gloom, Till hopes and joys immortal bloom, 4 My father, O permit my heart And afk the blifs thefe words impart, HYMN CCXXIX. 1. . M. [RIPPON'S COLL.] Confolation in forrow. THRO' all the various, thifting fcene, Thy hand O God, conducts unfeen, 2 Thou giveft with paternal care, 3 Truft we to youth, or friends, or pow'r ? Fix we on this terreftrial ball? 4 When moft fecure, the coming hour, When lowest funk, with grief and fhame Loft to relations, friends, and fame, And all for greater good were giv❜n, HYMN CCXXX. L. M. [S. STENNETT.] Thanksgiving Hymn. TO God the univerfal King, Let all mankind their tribute bring 2 The fpacious earth on which we tread, 3 Here the bright fun that rules the day, |