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Or fongs of morning ftars were heard,
As pure without alloy :

3 Thy early day proclaim'd thee then,
The first born child of grace:
Great reprefentative of men,
Before the Father's face.

4 The great invifible we fee,
In thee, and thee alone:

To men, and angels out of thee,
The Godhead is unknown.

5 God's noble works fhine in thy face,
Thou his infinite thought;
Creation, providence, and grace,
In thee, decreed and wrought.




Giver of True Liberty.

ARK! for 'tis God's own Son that calls
To life and liberty;

Tranfported fall before his feet,

Who makes the pris'ners free.

2 The cruel bonds of fin he breaks,
And breaks old Satan's chain,
Smiling he deals thofe pardons round,
Which free from endless pain.

3 Into the captive heart he pours
His fpirit from on high;


We lose the terrors of the flave,
And Abba Father, cry.

Shake off your bonds, and fing his grace;
The finner's friend proclaim;


And call on all around to feek,
True freedom by his name.

5 Walk on at large, 'till you attain
Your Father's houfe above;

There fhall you wear immortal crowns,
And fing immortal love.


God with Us.


EMMANUEL is God with me,

*In our exalted Lamb;

In whom I'm reconcil'd and free
All praise attend his name.

2 His fonship proves my fin forgiv❜n,
Makes my falvation fure,
Prepares for me a feat in heav'n,
And keeps my joy fecure.

3 In him accepted; and as him,
Receiv'd in realms above;

In him I triumph, foar, and fwim
In everlasting love."

4 All my religion, and my life,

Art thou, my Lamb, my God;
I'm fix'd; from hence my future strife
Shall be, to praise thy blood.'

Grace in Chrifl, before the world began.
WAS finish'd, faith the faithful God,
Before the world itself began:


The ransom of a Saviour's blood,
From everlasting, flow'd for man.

2 Ere Satan dar'd th' eternal King;
Ere Eden faw the morning fun;
Ere Eve had felt the ferpent's sting;
Thy perfect will, O God, was done.


Before that Adam disobey'd,

Himfelf and all his fons were thine :
Those works, thy life, thy death display'd,
Confirm eternity's defign.

4 Jefus from earth's foundation slain !
Worthy art thou, thrice worthy, Lord!
To ever live, and rule, and reign,
By angels, and by men, ador'd,




Grace triumphant in Jefus.

HAIL! mighty Jefus, how divine
Is thy victorious fword!

The ftouteft rebel must refign

At thy commanding word.

2 Deep are the wounds thy arrows give i
They pierce the hardeft heart:

Thy fmiles of grace, the flain revive,
And joy, fucceeds to smart.

3 Still gird thy fword upon thy thigh,
Ride with majestic fway:

Go forth, fweet Prince, triumphantly,
And make thy foes obey.

4 And, when thy vict'ries are complete;
When all the chofen race

Shall round the throne of glory meet,
To fing thy conq'ring gracè ¿,

5 O may my humble foul be found Among that favor'd band!

And I, with them, thy praife will found Throughout Immanuel's land.


L. M.


Glory and grace in Immanuel.


OW to the Lord a noble fong! Awake my foul, awake my tongue. Hofanna to th' eternal name,

And all his boundless love proclaim. 2 See where it fhines in Jefus' face, The brightest image of his grace: God, in the person of his Son, Has all his mightiest works outdone. 3 The fpacious earth, and fpreading flood, Proclaim the wife, the pow'rful God, And thy rich glories from afar. Sparkle in ev'ry rolling ftar :


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But in his looks a glory stands,
The nobleft labour of thine hands.
The pleasing luftre of his eyes
Outfhines the wonders of the kies.

5 Grace! 'tis a fweet, a charming theme,
My thoughts rejoice at Jefus' name!
Ye angels, dwell upon the found;
Ye heav'ns, reflect it to the ground!
6 Oh, may I live to reach the place
Where he unveils his lovely face!
Where all his beauties you behold,
And fing his name, to harps of gold!


Image of the Invisible,

* NOW in the face of Jefus, we

God's brightest form of glory fee :' Beaming with mild and heav'nly rays, He all his Father's grace difplays.

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2 Bleft image of th' eternal God,
Here his rich glories fhine abroad;
With a refplendant luftre fhine
His pow'r, his truth, and love divine.
3 Of all creation the first born;

Of all that heav'n's bright courts adorn,"
He as a prince, and fov'reign reigns,
Almighty pow'r his throne fuftains.

4 See Jefus our exalted head,

By whom the heav'ns and earth were made g
Subjected to his high command,'
Thrones, kingdoms, and dominions stand.
5 It pleas'd th' eternal fulness well,
In Christ the Lord alone to dwell;
From this rich fountain freely flows
Complete relief for all our woes.

Kingdom of Chrift.

LO, what a glorious fight appears
To our believing eyes!

The earth, and feas are pafs'd away,
And the old rolling skies.

2 From the third heav'n, where God refides, That holy, happy place,

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