Or fongs of morning ftars were heard, 3 Thy early day proclaim'd thee then, 4 The great invifible we fee, To men, and angels out of thee, 5 God's noble works fhine in thy face, HYMN CXXV. C. M. HAR [DODDRIDGE.] Giver of True Liberty. ARK! for 'tis God's own Son that calls Tranfported fall before his feet, Who makes the pris'ners free. 2 The cruel bonds of fin he breaks, 3 Into the captive heart he pours 4 We lose the terrors of the flave, Shake off your bonds, and fing his grace; $ And call on all around to feek, 5 Walk on at large, 'till you attain There fhall you wear immortal crowns, HYMN CXXVI. c. M. God with Us. JAMES RELLY.] EMMANUEL is God with me, *In our exalted Lamb; In whom I'm reconcil'd and free 2 His fonship proves my fin forgiv❜n, 3 In him accepted; and as him, In him I triumph, foar, and fwim 4 All my religion, and my life, Art thou, my Lamb, my God; HYMN CXXVII. c. M. [RICHARDS.] TW The ransom of a Saviour's blood, 2 Ere Satan dar'd th' eternal King; 3 Before that Adam disobey'd, Himfelf and all his fons were thine : 4 Jefus from earth's foundation slain ! HYMN CXXVIII, C. M. I [TOPLADY'S COLL:] Grace triumphant in Jefus. HAIL! mighty Jefus, how divine The ftouteft rebel must refign At thy commanding word. 2 Deep are the wounds thy arrows give i Thy fmiles of grace, the flain revive, 3 Still gird thy fword upon thy thigh, Go forth, fweet Prince, triumphantly, 4 And, when thy vict'ries are complete; Shall round the throne of glory meet, 5 O may my humble foul be found Among that favor'd band! And I, with them, thy praife will found Throughout Immanuel's land. HYMN CXXIX. L. M. [WATTS.] Glory and grace in Immanuel. 1 NOW OW to the Lord a noble fong! Awake my foul, awake my tongue. Hofanna to th' eternal name, And all his boundless love proclaim. 2 See where it fhines in Jefus' face, The brightest image of his grace: God, in the person of his Son, Has all his mightiest works outdone. 3 The fpacious earth, and fpreading flood, Proclaim the wife, the pow'rful God, And thy rich glories from afar. Sparkle in ev'ry rolling ftar : 4 But in his looks a glory stands, 5 Grace! 'tis a fweet, a charming theme, HYMN CXXX. L. M. [PEACOCK.] Image of the Invisible, * NOW in the face of Jefus, we God's brightest form of glory fee :' Beaming with mild and heav'nly rays, He all his Father's grace difplays. 2 Bleft image of th' eternal God, Of all that heav'n's bright courts adorn," 4 See Jefus our exalted head, By whom the heav'ns and earth were made g HYMN CXXXI. c. M. [WATTS.] LO, what a glorious fight appears The earth, and feas are pafs'd away, 2 From the third heav'n, where God refides, That holy, happy place, |