The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1942 |
Judges VI | 457 |
Table of Cases Reported XIV | 481 |
Авторские права | |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
action affirmed alleged amended amount appellant appellant's appellee application Atty bank bankrupt bankruptcy Board of Tax charge Circuit Court Circuit Judges claim Columbia Commission Commissioner of Internal Company contract Corporation counsel counts Court of Appeals debtor decision decree deduction defendant denied District Court dividend electric employees evidence F.Supp fact Federal Power Act Federal Power Commission filed gift tax habeas corpus held Helvering income interference proceeding Internal Revenue invention issue Jersey Central judgment June jurisdiction jury KEY NUMBER SYSTEM L.Ed Labor Relations Board lease license matter ment National Labor Relations operation paid parties Pat.App Patent Office payment Permanent Edition petition petitioner plaintiff preferred stock prior art proceeding question quitclaim deed reduction to practice Revenue Act rule S.Ct Section Sloan Valve Company Stanolind Stat statute suit supra taxable taxpayer tion trust United Words and Phrases