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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,

Department of Agriculture,
Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 5, 1910.

Bulletin No. 147, published by this Department in 1906 met with so much favor that the greatest care possible was required, in its distribution to prevent an exhaustion of the whole number printed, before those most interested in the subjects discussed were supplied.

The fact that the supply of this bulletin was practically exhausted nearly a year ago, and that calls for literature upon the subject of "Market Gardening" continued to come to the Department almost daily, together with the fact that constant progress is being made in the development of new methods and the improvement of methods that have been in common use, led to the conclusion that there is great need for another bulletin upon the same subject. Arrangements were accordingly made with the same author to prepare "Market Gardening, No. 2," which is sent out in the hope that, like its predecessor, it will prove a great help to those who wish to take advantage of the excellent market facilities enjoyed by the vegetable growers of our State.

Secretary of Agriculture.


State College, Pa., December 1, 1910.

Hon. N. B. Critchfield, Secretary of Agriculture:

Sir: In compliance with your request, I have the honor of submitting to you the manuscript for a bulletin on "Market Gardening." It is gratifying that the first bulletin on this subject, No. 147, published by the Department of Agriculture, and which I had the pleasure to prepare, has found a place among the farmers and vegetable growers of the State. It is hoped that the second bulletin, which is more comprehensive and better illustrated, will meet the needs of every soil tiller in Pennsylvania who desires to increase profits by the production of high grade vegetables. The instructions are based upon many years of practical experience as well as careful study of the most important market gardening sections of the East.

Yours respectfully,


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