Principles of Geology: Being an Inquiry how for the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface are Referrable to Causes Now in Operation, Том 2John Murray, 1834 |
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ancient animals appear augite basalt Calabria Campania causes century Cetacea changes chasms cliffs coast cone considerable continued convulsions crater deep depth distance district earth earthquakes ejected elevation eruption estuaries Etna fissures flowed fluid formed geological geologist globe Graham Island ground Gulf habits heat height Herculaneum hill hundred feet hybrid Iceland igneous inhabitants Ischia island isles lakes Lamarck land lapilli lava mass matter Mediterranean melted miles modern Monte Nuovo mountain nature observed ocean organization original period phenomena Phil plain plants Polistena Pompeii produced pumice Puzzuoli quadrupeds quake quantity races regions rents rise river rocks sand Santorin scoriæ seeds Serapis shells shocks shores Sicily side soil Solfatara species strata stream subsidence subterranean supposed surface temperature thousand feet thrown tides tion town trachyte tract Trans tuff valley vapour vegetable vents Vesuvius violent volcanic volcanic cones waves whole wild