8 A SERMON, PREACHED IN NORTHAMPTON, MASS. SEPT. 21, 1825, AT THE Sixteenth Annual Meeting OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. BY JOSHUA BATES, D. D. BOSTON: PRINTED BY CROCKER & BREWSTER. No. 50, CORNHILL. SERVON. JOHN viii, 32. "THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." MAN, viewed as a being susceptible of happiness and capable of responsible action, sustains a thousand relations, involving as many duties. Whatever, therefore, tends to increase this susceptibility and enlarge this capacity, must exalt his nature, and promote the benevolent purpose, for which he was created. Such is the tendency of well-directed education, of virtuous example, of sound philosophy; indeed, of every thing, which gives the understanding a controlling influence over the passions, without taking from them the power of excitement and the energy of action; of every thing which purifies and regulates the feelings, without diminishing their ardor, or depriving them of their appropriate objects. But of all the causes which conspire to produce this effect, none is so uniform, extensive, and efficient, as Christian truth. Indeed, without the concurrence of this cause, all others are feeble in their operations, and exceedingly uncertain in their results. The most refined education, from which Christian instruction is excluded, may be spoiled by a few licentious maxims, or a single vicious habit: may even increase the wretchedness and extend the pernicious influence of those, whose minds are thus enlarged, without being sanctified. So likewise the salutary restraints of the most wholesome example, where there is no settled principle to sanction and support its authority, may be broken by a mere change of situation, or a simple introduction to new associates. And even philosophy, founded on experience and observation, needs the light of Christian faith, and the motives drawn from that futurity which the Gospel unfolds, to give importance to her maxims, and secure obedience to her precepts. Nothing, indeed, has been found to supply the place, or of supersede the necessity, of "the wisdom from above;" whose light never fails to guide its followers in the paths of peace and safetyg That Christianity, believed and regarded, has a tendency to to exalt the character and increase the happiness of mankind, is a doctrine clearly implied in our text. Then said Jesus to those Jews, which believed on him, if ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Without repeating the whole context, or giving a disquisition on the metaphorical language, which runs through it, I shall be justified in calling your attention, at once, to the doctrine already stated; and leading you to consider, at large, the influence of Christianity on the character and happiness of mankind. 102 10 The subject, thus proposed, will be found appropriate to the occasion; full of instruction and consolation for those, who are offering their prayers, devoting their substance, employing their time, and exerting their energies, to communicate the knowledge of this benign religion to their fellow-men-to the heathen, who are afar off-to all the inhabitants of the earth. Let it not be forgotten, however, that the influence of Christianity, to which your attention will be directed, is the influence, which grows out of a firm belief of its doctrines, and a consequent regard to its precepts. The promise of Christ, in our text, is to those, who believe on him and continue in his word. In proportion, therefore, to the conformity of our faith to the pure doctrines of the Gospel, and the fidelity of our obedience to its holy precepts, will be the extent of its influence on our character and happiness. Christianity, in some of its forms, may be so modified, as to lose its beneficent character and sanctifying tendency. And even where its principal truths are admitted in speculation, its genuine spirit may be so completely disregarded, as to pervert its whole design, and render it "a savor of death unto death." But in its purity and simplicity, firmly believed and duly regarded, it always exerts a salutary influence, reaching all minds, adapted to all capacities, bringing "peace and good-will to all men." 1. Let us consider the influence of Christianity on the character and happiness of man, viewed simply as an intellectual being. If we can prove, that Christianity encourages a spirit of free inquiry and philosophical investigation, that it tends to enlarge the sphere of human knowledge and promote intellectual improvement, the inference will follow, that it elevates the character and adds to the happiness of mankind. This must be admitted; or stupidity is a blessing, and unrestrained indulgence of passion a duty. I know, much has been said in praise of ignorance; and even genius, with all her inventions and acquisitions, has been charged with the crime of entailing mischief |