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with him in glory. Among the heathen, for whose bernefit be so successfully labored, he had the privilege to die and there is his grave, destined for years to come, to shed widely around it a monitory and wholer some influence, both on Christians and heathen, who shall hereafter visit it. DWORCESTER'S life wass comparatively short in the number of its years, but long, if estimated from the labor he performed. He accomplished much in a short time. Wene'er shall look upon his like again"We weep with the wid ow and fatherless children, with his beloved colleague, with his bereaved flockido We, of this Board, who can best estimate 'his worth to us, who have so long acted with him in conducting its arduous duties, cannot rea frain, on this occasion, froma mingling our tears, and weeping with all others who feel with us this loss with the ministers, and churches, and associations with which he was inuvarious ways connected; with the Missionaries, who corresponded with him, and looked to him for counsel, consolation and encouragement, as to a wise and affectionate father and friend; and we weep, also, with the poor heathen, who, as they became enlightened, had begun to know his name, and to estimate his influence in promoting their happiness. The Bible authorises us thus to mourn. In our affliction let us be humble and submissive, trusting in Gon. A laborer with us in the vineyard of the LORD is removed; the more labor devolves on those who survive

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Brethren, let us feel our obligations to God, to our fellow beings generally, and specially to the heathen world. Here is a wide field for the operations of benevolence. Much is to be done. The harvest truly is great, and already it is ripe for the gathering. The time is short. Blessed be God that inchis Prov. idence such visible, Dextensive and remarkable pre parations are made for gathering in this harvest, and for fulfilling the predictions and promises scattered so thickly through the Bible. Heils


At this prospect, every: Christian's heart must glow within him. His best affections and noblest emotions must be touched, elevated and kindled together, in the contemplation of so glorious an object. It will be a token for good, if the counsels of all those who are engaged in promoting this noble design, shall be steadily conducted upon this principle, that the power of godliness, felt and exhibited by professing Christians, enters into the true means of bringing those, who are strangers and foreigners, to be fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of faith It is indeed noble for Christians universally, to have their conversation as it becometh the Gospel of CHRIST, to stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel, and in endeavors to spread the knowledge of its pure doctrines among those who sit in darkness, and in the valley of the shadow of

What remains, then, my brethren in the ministry, and fellow Christians generally, but that we make full proof of our Christian character, taking heed to "let qur light shine before others." With this conduct in Christians, rest assured, is ultimately connected the spread of the Gospel and the advancement of the kingdom of Christ, as well among ourselves, among the people in our frontier settlements, as among the more distant heathen. How

Let no Christian imagine, that because the has not the advantage of, particular situations, or talents, that he can be of no service in the cause of his glorious Redeemer, or that he cannot be the instrument of converting the heathen to CHRIST. The opportunities, of Christians to be useful in this work are various, and separately considered, they may in many cases seem small; yet when combined are of large amount. And they are often connected in such a train, that it is impossible to foresee how much good might be done, were every Christian in his particular sphere to fulfil those duties, exhibit that character and maintain that spirit, which become the Gospel of CHRIST.

Let this then be done by Christians universally, Let them be Christians indeed. Let them be exem, plary in their lives, fervent in their prayers, liberal in their pecuniary contributions, for the prosperity of Zion. Let their prayers and their alms together, come up for a memorial before God. Let the rich, according to their abundance, and others according to their several ability, give to this work of the LORD. Let all men, from the highest to the lowest, in Christian lands, bestow on it their combined energies. Then, through the power of the Holy Ghost, the work will prosper, and in due time be accomplished. God will add daily to his church of such as shall be şaved. Much people will be added to the LORD. Thes heathen will be given to CHRIST for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession. The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our LORD, and JEHOVAH be universally acknowledged king over all the earth. All the families of the earth will be blessed in CHRIST, and call him blessed; the ends of the world will turn unto the Lord, and the


kingdoms of the nations worship before him. Men will fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory will appear from the rising of the sun. The scene is interesting, it is transporting beyond expression, or conception. Shortly this scene will be realized in this fallen world, and God will have all the glory which will result from it, and to his great name will be given universal honor and praise, for ever. AMEN

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Men shall be blessed in him; all nations shall call him blessed.-Psalm 1xxii, 17,




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