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BY JOHN RICHARDSON, Corner of Carpenter and Seventh Street,

NO. 1.

the almost obliterated remains of the lost We shall support, whenever we have fit authors of Greece and Rome. Every class occasion, the views which the society of of organized beings, down to the doubtful Friends entertain respecting many allowed animalcule of the microscope, has been ex-abuses, such as lotteries, gambling, and inamined and described. The boundaries of temperance. Price Two Dollars per annum, payable in advance. the solar system have been passed, and



As we wish to make the paper a fireside astronomers are now observing its path companion for Friends throughout this through the starry heavens, and computing country, we shall study to infuse into it the revolutions and magnitude of the stars the mild and liberal spirit of our peculiar themselves. All this prodigious energy institutions, and to take from the most scruof research is guided by a practical good pulous mind all just cause of distrust resense, which is continually bringing it to specting the practical tendency of our labear upon the common interests of man-bours. kind; and enriched by a taste and a cultivat- The journal will exhibit a summary of ed imagination, which beautify whatever passing events, and an account of the varithey touch, and embellish the grave sci-ous plans for internal improvement which ences with all the graces of composition. are in operation.

From these inexhaustible sources, as instructive and elevating as they are pure and delightful,-in place of the novel and the romance,- -we propose to fill a large department of our paper.

A portion will be set apart for original communications, essays, poetry, and criticism. In this department we have good reason to look for strong support.

In announcing their intention of commencing the publication of a new periodical journal, the editors feel that it will be expected of them to assign substantial reasons for the undertaking. It may be said, that the public is burdened with those which are already printed, and that a new journal can with difficulty force its way into notice, amidst such numerous competitors. We feel the force of the remark, but may suggest, that the field in which we propose to labour, is still unoccupied. Our object is, to furnish to the members of the society of Friends, an agreeable and An important part of our labours has instructive Miscellany. For this purpose, A portion of our journal will be devoted not yet been alluded to. Attached from we shall expatiate over a wide and diver- to selections from the writings, both in conviction of their truth, to the doctrines sified field, of which a general outline will prose and verse, of the great masters of of the people called Quakers, we make no here be delineated. In the first place the old English school. A relish for the secret of our opinions. We are well satiswe shall endeavour to present a selection pure and simple models of composition fied that many of the evils under which from the literature of the present day, pu- which they have left, is a sure indica- the society now suffers, have arisen from rified from the exaggerated sentiments, tion of correct and manly habits of ignorance of our true principles, on the the theatrical manner, the false morality, thought, and will be inculcated through- part of many of those who have left our the perverted sublime, with which the ex-out our pages. There is a natural adapta- communion. There is a natural adapta- communion. We shall, therefore, endeaample of a few great geniuses has infected tion of manner to the subject and occa- vour to illustrate, according to our ability, the taste of the age. sion, which is required both by good the genius and history of our society. ExWe think that the time is peculiarly taste and sound morals. It is truly tracts from, and reviews of the writings of fitted for such an undertaking. At no refreshing to turn from the exaggerat- Friends, whether of early or modern date; former period, has the human intellected and overloaded style which has be- and dispassionate expositions of the great been so intensely and variously occupied. come fashionable, to the simplest yet pow-principles involved in the present controWe can scarcely turn our eyes to a corner erful touches, the happy keeping, the versy, will be frequently and freely given. of nature, respecting which, during the graceful lights and shades, which distin- Nor shall we shrink, when we think the last thirty years, there has not been some guish the writings of Addison and Swift, cause of justice requires it, from a free eximportant discovery. Within that period, of Pope, of Goldsmith, and Cowper. amination of the public conduct of indivinew sciences have been created, and all In another department of our paper-the duals, and a defence of the course pursued the old ones enlarged in their boundaries. philanthropic-we can promise to our by Friends, where we believe it to be misDepartments of knowledge, apparently the readers a fund of interesting information. represented and calumniated. In doing most unconnected, have been made to shed The improvements in education, in prison this, we shall allow no taint of party spirit light on each other. Remote regions of discipline, in the management of the poor, to darken our pages. The truth itself the earth have been explored by the most the sick, and the insane, and in the instruc- may sometimes be severe; but whatever learned men of the age. The pyramids tion of the dumb and the blind; the efforts it may require at our hands, personalities and the catacombs of Egypt have given up of Christian beneficence throughout the shall be steadily avoided, and private their treasures of ancient lore to the pa- world, in spreading the Scriptures, in civi- character held sacred. tient genius of Europe; which is restoring lizing the savage, and loosening the bonds to us, from beneath monkish chronicles, of slavery, will all pass under review.

A great mass of curious and valuable information relative to the early settlement

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