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Indian policy of the United States, | LABOR: legislation regarding, 138-
139; national department of,


Indictment, use of, 96, 98.

Land cessions of the States, 259.

Inheritance taxes, 151-152, 237- Land Office, Commissioner of the


Information, use of, 96, 98.

"Initiative," the, 81.

Insane, care for, 121-122.

"Insular cases," the, 262.

General, 345.

Lands, public: acquisition of,
259-260; disposal of, 267-273;
surveys of, 273–274.

Insurance companies, control over, Lawlessness, 105.


Interior, the Department of the,

Lawmaking, process of, 80, 300-

Lease system of punishment, 107.

Internal improvements, 222-223, Legislative department, proper func-


Internal revenue, 235-236.
International law, 215.

International Postal Union, the, 278.
International relations, 215-232.
Interpretation, constitutional, 350-

Interstate Commerce Acts, the,
252, 253.

Interstate Commerce Commission:
first, 251-253; present, 253-255.
Iowa, 159.

Irrigation law of 1902, the, 270–272.
Isthmian Canal, the, 222.

JAILS, local, 107.
Japan, treaty with, 221.
Jefferson, Thomas (President), 193,
194, 328.

Johnson, Andrew (President), 312.
Journals of the houses, 299.
Judges: national, 352; state, 52,

tions of the, 9.

Legislators, state, 78-79.

Legislature, the colonial: 44-45;
the present colonial, 263; the
territorial, 265.

Legislature, the state: powers of,
historical, 46; composition of, 77–
79; methods of, 80; importance,
of, 77; limitations on powers of,
80-82; financial powers of, 145;
defects of, 83.
Libel, law of, 95.

Libraries, city: appointment of
assistants for, 64; usefulness of,

Library of Congress, the, 292.
Licenses, liquor: conditions of
granting, 125–126; financial value
of, 152.

Lieutenant-governor, state, 89.
Lincoln, Abraham (President), 331
note, 332, 338.

Liquor questions, 125–127.

Judicial department, functions of Loans: 154-155, 241–243.

the, 9.

Judicial interpretation, rules of,

Jury: trial by, 96, 98; kinds of, 99;
service on a, 99; use of, 100;
merits and demerits of system of,

Justices of the peace: English, 42;
colonial, 42; at present, 51, 93.
Justice, the Department of, 346.
Juvenile couits, 107.


King, English, 42, 43, 44, 45.

Local government: in general; 13;
in England (historical), 41-42;
in the colonies, 42-43; types
of, at present, 49. See also
Towns, County, and City.
Local option, 127.
"Log rolling," 302.
Louisiana, 26.

Louisiana Purchase, the, 259–260.
Lynching, 105.

MACHINE, the political party, 34–35,
also 20, 21, 31, 32, 33.
McKinley tariff, the, 240.

Madison, James (President), 179, | Natural resources, preservation of,


Mail, 277-281.

Maine, 25, 88.

Manual training, 118.

Manufactures, Bureau of, 347.
Marshals, United States, 354.
Maryland, 159, 174, 186.

139-140, 270-273.
Naturalization: two kinds of, 289;
process of individual, 288–290.
Naval yards and stations, 229.
Navigation acts: and the slave
trade, compromise over (1787),
181-182; at present, 223.

Massachusetts, 25, 42-43, 45, 46, Navy, the, 228-229.
88, 186.

Navy, Secretary of the, 346.

Maximum and minimum tariff, 225. Neutrals, 215.
Mayor, city, 61-62.

Meats, inspection of, 111, 286.
Message: the mayor's, 62; the
governor's, 88; the President's
annual, 334; the President's
special, 335.

Mexico, land cession by, 260.
Michigan, 159.

Milk inspection, 110.

Militia, the: organization of, 227;
power of governor over, 88, 105;
power of President over, 227-
228, 332.

Ministers, foreign, 217, 218, 219–220.
Minnesota, 59.
Mint, 248.
Mississippi, 25.

Mississippi river, the, 223.
Missouri, 59.
Money, 242-250.

Money orders, issuance of, 279.
Monometallism, 246-247, 248.
Monopolies, laws against, 137-138,

Monroe, James (President), 219.
Monroe Doctrine, the, 218-219.
Most favored nation clauses, 221.
Municipal ownership, 68-70.

National committees of the politi-
cal parties, the, 31-32.
National convention: organization
of, 324; work of, 324–326.
National government: sphere of
activity of, 205, 206-207; limi- |
tations on, 207-208; relation of,
to States, 9-10, 204, 209-211."
See also Congress, President,
Courts, and Executive depart-


New England Confederation, the,

New Hampshire, 159, 186.
New Jersey, 133, 186.
New Jersey plan, the, 180.
New York (city), 64, 110.
New York (state), 43, 122, 159, 186.
Nominations: by convention, 18-
19; direct, 20-21, 87.
Normal schools, state, 117.
North Carolina, 25, 89, 186.
Northern Securities Co., 256.
Notes: United States, 242-243;
national bank, 248-250.

OATH OF OFFICE: for state officials,
209; presidential, 329.

Officials, public, methods of selec-

tion of: general, 15, 17-30; in
counties, 50-51; in towns, 53;
in cities, 62, 63; for the national
government, 309-311, 314-315,
324-329, 332-334.

Ohio, 89, 159.

Oklahoma, 61, 137, 159.

Order, the preservation of, 103-105.
Ordinance of 1787, the, 261.
Ordinances, 60, 104.
Oregon, 61, 81, 310–311.
Oregon territory, acquisition of, 260.
Outdoor relief, 122-123.
Overseers of the highway, 53.
Overseers of the poor, 53.

PANAMA CANAL, the, 222.
Paper money, 242-243, 248-250.
Pardoning power, the: of the gov

ernor, 88; of the President, 335.
Parish government, 41.
Parks: city, 124; national, 273.
Party, the political: as an organ of

government, 30-31; organization
of, 18-19, 21, 31-32; work of,
19-24, 29, 32-38.

Patents: process of obtaining, 291,


Patronage, 17, 33-34, 333.

Pavements, street, 133.

Payne tariff, 225.

Penitentiaries, 106.

Pennsylvania, 43, 186.

powers of, 331-332; powers of,
in appointment and removal,
332-334; powers of, in foreign
affairs, 335; veto power of, 304-
305, 334; messages of, 335;
judicial power of, 335; relation
of, to Congress, 319; relation of,
to the Cabinet, 338-342.

Pendleton Civil Service Act, the, 38. President pro tempore of the Senate,

the, 311 note.

Press, freedom of the, 95, 193.

Pension policy of the United States, Previous question, the, 301.


Pensions, the Commissioner of, 345.
Personal property taxes, 146–149.
Pests, destruction of, 285-286.
Philadelphia, 60, 64.

Philippine Islands: cession of, 260;
government of, 262-263.

Plaintiff, the, 97.

Primary, the: composition of, 19;
relation of, to the party commit-
tees, 20; direct, 20-21.
Principal meridians, 274.
Printing Office, the Public, 347-

Prison methods, 106-108.
Private law, 167.

Plants: development of, 283-285; Probation, use of, 107.

importations of, 285.

Platform, a political party, 19.
Playgrounds, 124.

Pleadings, 97.

"Pocket-veto," the, 305.

Police departments, city, 64, 104.
Policemen: selection of, 65; duties
of, 104.

Poll taxes, 153.

Polygamy, 96.

Pools, railway, 252-253.

Poor, care of the, 122-123.

Proclamations, presidential, 343.
Progressive taxation, 152, 237.
Prohibition, 126-127.
Promotions, 36.

Proportional representation, 28.
Proprietary colonies, 43.
"Protection,” 224-225.

Public administrators, county, 52.
Public domain. See Lands, public.
Public sentiment, 2, 30, 103.
Puritans, the, 42.

Porto Rico: cession of, 260; gov- QUARANTINE, 108, 109.

ernment of, 263–264.

Posses, 105.

Postmasters, selection of, 277.
Post Office Department, the, 277-
281, 347.

Preamble of the Constitution, 187.
President, the: general, 12; con-
stitutional changes in method of
selection of, 201; influence of
unwritten constitution over, 201-
202; prominent position of, 323;
nomination of, 324–326; qualifi-
cations of, 326; election of, 326-
329; inauguration of, 329; term
of, 329-330; compensation of,
330: legal successors of, 330-331;
importance of powers of, 323-
324; executive and military

Quartermaster-general, the, 345.
Quorum: in Congress, 301.

RAILWAYS: state control of, 134-
135; national aid to, 251; na-
tional control of, 251-255.
Railway commissions: state, 135;
national, 252-255.

Railways, Commissioner of, 345.
Railways, street, problem of, 69.
Rates, railway, 135, 253, 254.
Real estate, tax on, 146-149.
Rebates, railway, 252, 253, 254.
"Recall," the, 30.
"Reciprocity," 225.
Reclamation of arid lands, 270–272.
Recorders, county, 52.
Referendum, the: in general, 80-

81; in cities, 60, 155; with con- | Secretary of State: national, 342-

stitutions, 160.

Reform schools, 107-108.

Registered mail, 279.

Registration of voters, 22.
Religious liberty, 95, 193.
Removals from office: general, 29-
30, 36-39; in cities, 61; by
governors, 88; national ques-
tions of, 334.
Representative government, 7-8.
Representatives, House of. See
House of Representatives.
Reservations, Indian, 290-291.
Reserves, forest, 272-273.

Residuary powers, 205.

343; state, 89.

Sections of township, 274.
Seeds, selection of, 283.

Selectmen, the New England, 53.
Senate, the national: disputes over
composition of (1787), 180;
special sessions of, 298 note;
organization of, 297; general
character of, 309; election of
members of, 309-311; commit-
tees of, 311; debate in, 301, 311;
special powers of, 312-313; influ-
ence of, in appointments, 332-
333; treaty making power of,

Revenue. See Taxation and Fi- Senates, the state, 78, 79.

[blocks in formation]

"Senatorial courtesy," 312, 333.
Senators: election of, 309-310;
proposed changes in election of,

Sessions: of the legislatures, 78;
regular, of Congress, 298; special,
of Congress, 298.

Sewage systems, 110-111.
Sheriff: English, 42; colonial, 42;
at present, 51.

Sherman Anti-Trust Law, 255–257.
Shoshone irrigation project, 270,
271 (cuts).

Silver, coinage of, 246–248.
"Slates," use of, 32.

"Slaughter House Cases," quota-
tion from the, 212-213.
Slave trade and navigation acts,
compromise over, 181.
Slavery, prohibition of, 195.
Slaves, the counting of, 181.
Smuggling, 235.
Soils, use of, 282–283.
South Carolina, 26, 186.
Sovereignty: of the people, 7, 211;
in Articles of Confederation, 174.
Spanish-American War, the treaty
after, 217.

Speaker of the House of Represent-

atives, the, 315–316.

Special assessments, 154.

Special legislation forbidden, 82.
Speech, freedom of, 95, 193.

Secession, impossibility of legal, at "Spoils system," the, 37-38, 332-

Schools, public, 116-119.

[blocks in formation]

Staff, general, 227.

Stamp Act Congress, the, 174-175.
State, the Department of, 342–343.
State admission, 266–267.

State governments: historical, 45-
47; at present, see States.

TARIFF: attempt to give Congress
of the Confederation control
over, 176; recent changes in,
224-225; for revenue only, 225;
administration of, 235; present
colonial, 262.

State law, uniformities and di- Tax, characteristics of a good, 144-

versities in, 161–165.
"Statement," a tax, 147.
States, the: sphere of activity of,
165-168, 205-206; restrictions
on, under the Confederation,
174-175; prohibitions on, under
the Constitution, 208-209; rela-
tion of, to the Nation, 209–211;
uniformities and diversities
among, 161-165; constitutions
of, 12-13, 158-161; government
of, in general, 13; local rural
governments of, 49-56;
governments of, 57-76; legis-
latures of, 77-85; executive and
administrative officials of, 86-
91; administration of justice in,
92-102; protective work of, 103-
115; general welfare work of,
116-129; commercial functions
of, 130-142; finances of, 143–155.
Statutes in state constitutions, 161.
Stone and timber act, 272.
Streets, city, 131-133.


Strikes, executive interference with,
105, 332.

[ocr errors]


Taxation: of general property,

146-149; of corporations, 149-
151; of inheritances, 151-152,
237; legislative control of (colo-
nial), 45, 172, 173; national and
state, 206; congressional power
over, 233; history of national,
233-234; of imports, 234-235;
of internal revenue, 235-236;
direct, 237; of incomes, 236-

Tax rate, 148.

Teachers, selection of, 118.
Tencment regulations, 110.
Tenure of Office Act, the (1867),

Terms of office: general, 16; local,
51, 59; state, 79, 87; national,

Territories: general power of Con-
gress over, 259; acquisition of,
259-260; government of un-
organized, 260-265; government
of organized, 265–266.
Texas, 260.

Subsidies, in aid of industry or Texas plan of city government, 61.
commerce, 223, 250-251.

Text-books, free, 116.

Succession, the presidential, 330- "Third-term tradition," the, 329-

Suffrage: in colonial times, 26, 44;
historical changes in, 26-27; in
the States, at present, 25-26;
Amendment XV on, 196; in our
present colonies, 263.
Summaries of activities: local
rural, 54-55; cities, 66-67, 73-
76 (outline); congressional, 294-
296 (outline).
Supervisors, county boards of, 51.
Supreme Court, the United States:
position of, 350-352; organization
of, 353; jurisdiction of, 353.
Surveyors, county, 52.
Surveys, public land, 273-274.


Tilden, Samuel J., 328.

Titles of nobility, forbidden, 207.
Town government (historical), 41,
43, 47.

Town meeting, the, 41, 43, 53.
Towns at present: two types of, 52;
meetings in, 53; officials of, 53-


Township, civil. See Towns.
Township, congressional, 47, 274.
Trade. See Commerce.
Treason, definition of, 207 and note
Treasurers, county, 52; state, 90.
Treasury, the Department of the

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