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(All references are to pages.)

ADAMS, J. Q. (President), 329.
Adjournment of Congress, 298 and
note, 299.
Adjutant-general, the, 345.
Administrative departments: city,
63-64; state, 90-91; national,

Appropriation bills, 241.
Army, the: 226-227; use of, by
the President, 332.
Articles of Confederation, the:
174-176; revision of, 178-179.
Assemblies, the colonial: composi-
tion of, 44; development of, 45.

Agriculture, the Department of, Assessors, local, 52.

Agricultural colleges, state,


Attorneys, county, 52.

117, Attorney-general, the, 346.
Attorneys-general, state, 90.
Auditors, county, 52.
Australian ballot, the, 22-24, 29.


Agricultural lands, 266–269.
Agriculture, promotion of:
States, 140; by national gov-
ernment, 281-287.

Alabama, 26.

Alaska, 260.

Albany plan of union, the, 171.
Aldermen, city, 59.
Aldrich-Vreeland act, 249.
Ambassadors, 217, 218, 219–220.
Amendment, process of constitu-
tional: state, 160; national, 188.
Amendments. See Constitution.
American Association, the, 173.
Animals, protection of, by govern-
ment, 285-286.

Amnesties, granting of, 335.
Annapolis Academy, the, 229.
Annapolis Conference, the, 178.
Anti-Federalists, the, 183.
Anti-trust laws: of the States,
137-138; of the United States,

Appointment, methods of: general,
36-39; in counties, 51; in
cities, 61, 62, 64; in the States,
86; by the President and Senate,
224, 332-334.

BAIL, 96.

Ballots: sample, 22; use of official,

Banking system, the national, 248-

Bankruptcy laws, 245 note.
Banks, control over state, 137.
Base lines, 223.
Belligerents, 215.

Bills of attainder, 207.

Bills of Rights: early state, 46;
present state, 94-96; national,

Bills, legislative, 80.

Bills, congressional, 300-306.
Bimetallism, 246.

Bonds, sale of, 154, 241-242.
Borrowing money: in localities,
154-155; for the national gov-
ernment, 241-243.

Boss, the political party, 34–35.
Boston, 64.

Bribery: the prevention of, in
elections, 29; punishment of,

Apportionment of United States Bryce, James, reference to, 28, 35,

representatives, 314.



Building laws, city, 110, 112.
Buildings, national, 343, 345 notes.
Business and government: general,
130-131; transportation, 134-
135, 250-255; industrial, 136-
138, 255-257; labor, 138-139.

Cabinet, the American: composi-
tion and duties of, 338, 340-342;
selection of, 338; relation of, to
the President, 341-342; relation
of, to Congress, 319-320, 339-341.
Calendars, use of legislative, 301.
California, 59.

Campaigns, election, 21, 87.

Canal, the Isthmian, 222.

Civil Service Commission, the, 38.
Civil service reform, 38, 64-65.
Civil suits: character of, 97, 167.
procedure in, 97-98; juries in,
97, 100.

Civil War: constitutional results
of, 194-196; finances during,
236, 237, 239; presidential power
during, 332.

Claims, court of, 353 note.
Clerks, county, 52.

Cleveland, Grover (President), 219.
Coasts: patrolling of, 222; defense
of, 229.

Coinage, 245-248.

Collectors: county tax, 52, of
customs, 235.

Canals: state, 134; ship, 222, 251. Colonies, English, in America:

Capital, the national, 264.

Caucuses, legislative, 302.

Census: need of taking a, 181;
bureau of, 347.

Centralized government, a, 10.
Certificates, gold and silver, 250.
Chain gang, 107.

"Charge," of judge to jury, 98.
Charities, public, 119–124.

Charter colonies, 43-44.

local government in, 42-43,
central government of, 43-45,
union of, before 1776, 171-174
Colonies, present American:


quisition of, 260; government of,

Columbia, District of, 264–265.
Comity, interstate, 165.

Commerce, state, control of, 134-

Charters, city: character of, 59; Commerce, foreign and interstate:

granting of, 58-59.

Child labor, 139.

Children, care for dependent, 120-


Circuit Courts, national, 354.
Circuit Courts of Appeals, 354.
Cities: character of, 57; growth of,
57-58; incorporation of, 58;
charters of, 58-59; councils of,
59-61; mayors of, 61-62; ad-
ministrative boards of, 63-64;
essential functions of, 66-67, 74-
75; business functions of, 67-70,
75; outline of government of,

Citizen of a State: rights of, 213;

duties of, 2-3, 35, 103.
Citizen of the United States: under
the Confederation, 175; since
adoption of Amendment XIV,
195-196, 211-213.

need for national control of, in
1787, 176, 178; powers of Con-
gress over, 220; promotion of,
220-224; foreign, 224–225; inter-
state, 250-255.

Commerce, the Department of,

Commercial treaties, 221.
Committees, conference, 304.
Committees, congressional, 305–
306, 311, 316.

Committees of the legislature, 80.
Committees of the Whole, 305 note.
Committees, political party: or-
ganization of, 31-32; work of,
21, 32-35.
Common carriers, 254.
Compromises: over composition of

Congress, 180; over the counting
of slaves, 181; over slave trade
and navigation acts, 181.

Citizenship: definition of, 8; dual Concurrent powers, 206–207.

character of, 211.

Confederacy, the Southern, 195.

Confederation, the Articles of, 174–
175, 178, 179.
Confederation, the: formation of,
174; objects of, 174; Articles of,
174-175; defects of, 175-176;
failure of, 176; importance of,

Confederation, the New England,

Conference: White House (1908),

162; Annapolis (1786), 178.
Conference committees, 304.
Congress, the United States: com-
position of (1787), 180; at pres-
ent, 11, 297; general powers of, |
187; financial powers of, 233-
243; commercial powers of,
220-225, 245-246, 250-257; terri-
torial powers of, 259-274; mili-
tary powers of, 225-230; mis-
cellaneous powers of, 277-292;
summary of powers of, 294-296;
implied powers of, 198-202;
regulations for, 297-299; privi-
leges and disabilities of members
of, 299-300; procedure in, 300-
committees of, 305-306,
311; houses of, 309-319; rela-
tion of, to the President, 319,
339; relation of, to the execu-
tive departments, 319, 339-341;
relation of, to courts, 319, 351.
Congress of the Confederation, the,
175-176, 178.
Congresses, early: the Albany
(1754), 172; the Stamp Act
(1765), 172; the First Conti-
nental (1774), 173; the Second
Continental (1775-1781),


Congressional Record, the, 299.
Congressmen: election of, 309-311,
314-315; privileges of, 299;
pay of, 300; disabilities of, 300.
Connecticut, 25, 43, 44, 45, 180, 186.
Connecticut compromise, the, 180.
Constable, the, 53, 105.

Constitution: the character of a,

Constitution of the United States:
formation of, 178-182; ratifica-
tion of, 183-186; provisions of,

11, 187-188; method of amend-
ment of, 188; first eight amend-
ments of, 193; ninth amendment
of, 193; tenth amendment of,
193; eleventh amendment of,
194; twelfth amendment of, 194;
thirteenth amendment of, 195;
fourteenth amendment of, 195-
197, 212; fifteenth amendment
of, 196; development of, 192,
196-201; relation of, to state
constitutions, 209-211; inter-
pretation of, by the courts, 350-

Constitutions of the States: gen-
eral, 12; during the Revolu-
tionary War, 46; character of,
158-159; adoption of, 159-160;
amendment of, 160; contents of,

Constitution, the unwritten, 196-

Consuls, 223–224.
Contested elections, 299.
Continental currency, 243.
Contracts, governmental supervi-
sion of, 1, 3, 130.
Controller, state, 90.
Conventions, constitutional: first

state, 46; present state, 159-
160; national, of 1787, 178–182.
Conventions, nominating: in gen-
eral, 18-19; state, 87; national,

Copyright, 291-292.
Coroners, county, 52.
Corporation taxes, 149-151.
Corporations: diverse state laws
regarding, 136, 162; state con-
trol of, 136-138; national con-
trol of, 255-257.

Corporations, public, 50.
"Correction lines," 274.

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County government, historical, 42-| EDUCATION. See Schools.

Courts, national: general, 12, 350-

355; and Congress, 319, 351.
Courts, state and local: systems of
state, 92-93; relation of, to
national courts, 351-352.
Courts, territorial, 266.
Crematories, 110.

Crime: diversities in state laws
regarding, 163; methods used
for punishment of, 106-108.
Criminal cases: character of, 96,
168; trial of, 98-99; juries in,
100, 101.

Currency, 242-250.

Customs duties: use of, as a tax,
234-235; collection of, 235 note;
value of, to industry, 224-225.

Debate on proposed laws, 301, 311.
Debts, public: state and local, 154-
155; national, 239 (chart), 241-

Declarations of Rights: (1765)
173, (1774) 173.
Defectives, care of, 120-121.
Defendant, the, 97.

Defense, national, 225-230.
Delaware, 25, 186.
Delinquent taxes, 148.
Desert land act, 269.
Des Moines plan, 61.
Dingley tariff, the, 225.
Diplomatic relations, 215-220.
Diplomatic service, the, 219–220.
Direct legislation, 80-81.
Direct nominations, 20-21.
Direct taxes, 237.

Discriminating rates, 253, 254.
Disease, suppression of, 108-110.
District attorneys, national, 354.
District Courts, national, 354.
District of Columbia, government
of, 264.

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Educational land grants, 119, 267.
Elastic clause, the, 196, 198-199,
205, 350.

Elections: steps in, 18; registra
tion for, 22; voting at, 22-24;
who may vote at, 25-26; regu
lations for purification, 28-29;
importance of in U.S., 16-18,
29-30; local, 50, 53; municipal,
62-63; state, 27, 87; senatorial,
309-311; congressional, 314–315;
presidential, 326-329; of 1800,

328; of 1824, 329; of 1876, 328.
Electoral "College," the, 327-328.
Electoral Commission, the, 328.
Electoral Count Bill, the, 328.
Electric lighting in cities, 68.
Elkins Act, 253.

Emancipation Proclamation, the,

Eminent domain, use of, 132.
Enabling act, an, 266.
England: local government in,
before 1650, 41-42; cabinet gov.
ernment in, 339.
Epidemics, prevention of, 108.
Equalization, boards of, 148.
Ex post facto laws, 207.
Exclusive powers, 205.
Execution, writ of, 98.
Executive councils, 88 note.
Executive department, functions
of the, 9.

Executive departments, national:
under the Confederation, 175;
at present, 338-348; see also
under Cabinet and names of the
different departments.

Executive officials of the States,

Executive sessions of the Senate,312.
Expenditures: city, 143; state,
143; national, 233, 238, 239.
Experiment stations, agricultural,
117, 282, 283-285.

Districts, representative, 7-8, 27-28. Exports, duties on, 182.

Divorce laws diverse, 163.

Dollar, coinage of the, 247-248.
Dred Scott case, the, 261 note.
Drugs, pure, 111, 286.

Duties, 224-225, 234–235.

Expressed powers, 205.


Federal system of government, ex-
plained, 9-10, 209-211.

Federalist, The, 183 note.
Federalists, the, 183, 186.
"Filibustering," 302.

Finance: city, 60, 143, 152-153;
local, in general, 143-156; state,
143-156; national, 233-246; po-
litical party, 21, 32–33.
Fire, protection against, 112–113.
Fire departments, city, 112.
Fish protection, 140.
Florida, 260.

Food: inspection of, 111-112;
food legislation, 111, 286.
Foreign Relations, Senate
mittee on, 217.



Forest reserves, 139, 272-273.
Franchise, the elective. See Suf-

Franchises: municipal, 67, also 60,
68, 69; taxation of, 150, 153.
Franklin, Benjamin: 152; quota-
tion from, 182.
Free coinage, 246.
Fruit inspection, 112.

Galveston plan, 61.
Game laws, 140.
Garbage disposal, 110.
Garfield, James A. (President), 325,
331 note.

Gas supply of cities, 68.

General property tax, the, 146-149.
General Staff (military), the, 227.
Geological Survey, Director of the,

Georgia, 26, 186.
Gerrymandering, 27-28.
Gold coins, 246–248.
Gorman-Wilson tariff, the, 240.
Government: kinds of, in the United
States, 1; essential functions of,
1, 3-4; optional functions of,
4-5; proper scope of work of,
5-6; need of, 6; departments of,
9; general character of, national,
11-12, 189-190; general charac-
ter of, state and local, 12-13,
165-168; classes of powers of,

Governor, the colonial, 44.

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HABEAS CORPUS, power to suspend
writ of, 207.

Hamilton, Alexander, 178, 183, 186,
341, 343.

Harbors: improvement of, 222-
223; defense of, 229.
Hawaii, 260.

Hayes, Rutherford B. (President),

Health, protection of, 108-112,

Highways, public, 131-133.
Homestead Act, the, 268.
Hospitals, 123; insane, 122.
House of Representatives, national:
dispute over representation in
(1787), 180-181; general charac-
ter of, 313-314; selection of
members for, 314-315; Speaker
of, 315-316; committees of,
305 and note; financial powers
of, 240-241; election of a Presi-
dent by, 328-329; influence of,
in treaty making, 218.

Houses of Representatives, state:
composition of, 78, 79; special
powers of, 79-80.

IDAHO, 25.

Illinois, 28, 252.
Immigration, regulation of, 287-

Impeachment: of state officials,
90; of national officials, 312-313.
Implied powers, use of, 196, 198-
199, 205.

Inauguration, the presidential, 329.
Income taxes, 236-237.
Incorporation: of cities, 58; of
villages, 65; of business corpo-
rations, 136.

Independent voting, 35-36.
"Indeterminate sentence," the, 106.

Governor, the state: changes con- Indoor relief, 122, 123.

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