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(Senate File No. 74.)

[Introduced by Mr. Shumway.]

AN ACT To provide for and regulate marriages and divorces among certain
Indians, and to provide for the records thereof, and to define rights of
Indian children, and to provide penalties for the violation of the




(Senate File No. 86.)

[Introduced by Committee, Codification Statutes.]

AN ACT To define and punish the crime of sodomy, and repeal section 2356
of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of 1911, [Crim Code, § 205a], and
declaring an emergency...


(Senate File No. 187.)

[Introduced by Mr. Reynolds.]


AN ACT Concerning weights and measures and the regulations thereof, and
to repeal sections 12250, 12254 and 12255 of Cobbey's Annotated Stat-
utes of Nebraska for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 94, §§ 1, 5, 6], and to provide for
damages, fines and peanlties for the violation thereof, and for the in-
spection of weights and measures and the enforcement thereof by the
State Food, Drug and Dairy Commission, and to provide for compensa-



(House Roll No. 36.)

[Introduced by Mr. Jackson.]

AN ACT To amend Section 5886 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911,
[C. S., Ch. 26, § 117z] relating to nomination of candidates in party
primaries, providing that the county clerk or other official having in
charge the canvass of votes in such primary shall mail a registered notice
to each candidate nominated by any party in such primary and no
candidate's name shall be placed upon the ballot as a party nominee
unless he files his acceptance of such nomination, and to repeal said
original section.


(House Roll No. 76.)

[Introduced by Mr. Chris. Anderson.]

AN ACT To amend Section 5302 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911,
[C. S.. Ch. 52, § 3] relating to void marriages, to further regulate the
marriage of white persons with those of alien blood, and to repeal said
original section as the same now exists...


(House Roll No. 125.)

[Introduced by Mr. Bartels.]


AN ACT To appropriate money belonging to the State Normal School Library
Funds for the purchase of books and library supplies for the Library
of the State Normal School at Wayne, Nebraska.


(House Roll No. 263.)

[Introduced by Mr. Pearson.]


AN ACT To amend Section 11540 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911,
[C. S., Ch. 79, Sub. 2, § 11] relating to the levying of taxes for school
purposes, and to repeal said original section.


(House Roll No. 267.)

[Introduced by Mr. Nichols.]


AN ACT Providing a method for perfecting the record title to real property,
and making such record prima facie evidence of the facts recited, and to
legalize like instruments now appearing of record...


(House Roll No. 380.)


[Introduced by Messrs. Bartels, Kauffman, Harris, Hostettler and Reische.]
AN ACT To appropriate the cash funds and other receipts from miscellaneous
sources arising at the State Normal schools of Peru, Kearney, Wayne
and Chadron during the biennium beginning April 1st, 1913 and ending
March 31st, 1915, and all sums of money in the State treasury belonging
to the cash fund of said institutions on March 31st, 1913, to the current
expense funds respectively of each of said Institutions..



(House Roll No. 382.)

[Introduced by Mr. Baker.]

AN ACT To amend Section 4757 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911,
[C. S., Ch. 19, § 46] and to repeal said section as the same now



(House Roll No. 11.)

[Introduced by Mr. Fries.]

AN ACT To amend Section 9472 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911,
[C. S., Ch. 28, § 24] relating to the compensation of judges and clerks
of election, and board of canvassers, changing the same from two dollars
per day to thirty-five cents per hour, and to repeal said original sec-



(House Roll No. 21.)

[Introduced by Mr. Fuller.]

AN ACT Compelling all persons, associations or corporations doing a public
telephone business in this state to connect trunk or toll lines through
their switching stations, and to give and make terminal service to all
subscribers from any point in the State of Nebraska regardless of the
ownership of lines or routes over which such message or service was
received. To provide in what manner same shall be done, and giving
certain instructions to the state railway commission regarding the divi-
sion of toll charges and the enforcement of the provisions of this act,
and to provide a penalty for the violation of the same, and to repeal all
acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith....


[House Roll No. 56.]

[Introduced by Mr. Harris.]

AN ACT To appropriate money belonging to the State Normal Library fund,
for the purpose of books and library supplies for the library of the State
Normal School at Kearney.....


(House Roll No. 116.)

[Introduced by Mr. Mallery.]

AN ACT To require railroads to equip all switch stands with lights at certain
penalty for the violation of this act.... ...224

hours and to provide


(House Roll No. 122.)

[Introduced by Mr. Buckner.]

AN ACT To restrict the use of common drinking cups, and to empower the State Board of Health with the regulation and enforcement thereof, and to provide a penalty...



(House Roll No. 299.)

[Introduced by Mr. Hasik.]

AN ACT To amend Section 9477, Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 28, § 43] relating to county officers making report of fees, to provide for the manner of payment of such fees, and to repeal said original section....



(House Roll No. 341.)

[Introduced by Mr. Reische.]

AN ACT To appropraite money belonging to the State Normal School Library Funds for the purchase of books and supplies for the library of the State Normal School at Chadron, and to declare an emergency..


(House Roll No. 554.)

[Introduced by Mr. Elmelund.]


AN ACT To amend Section 22 of Chapter 6 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 8, § 22; C. A. S., § 3721] relating to banks, striking therefrom the requirement relating to banks that are depositories or reserve agents for other banks, and to repeal said original section....227


(House Roll No. 684.)

Introduced by Messrs. N. J. Anderson, Brain, Davis, Druesedow, Flanagan, Foster, Hoff, Lee, Simon, Smith, Sugarman, Yates and Gates.]

A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Authorizing the governor of Nebraska to appoint three commissioners to act in conjunction with a like commission from the state of Iowa in ascertaining the true and correct boundåry between the state of Nebraska and the state of Iowa, so far as the same may be the boundary between the counties of Douglas and Sarpy in Nebraska, and Pottawattamie County in Iowa.. ..228


(Senate File No. 13.)

[Introduced by Mr. Bushee.]

An Act To amend Section 10921 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911,
[C. S., Ch. 77, Art. 1, § 2] relating to the compensation of county asses-
sors, providing that in counties having an assessed valuation of less than
$700,000 the time of said assessors shall be fixed by the county board,
and to repeal said original section..


(Senate File No. 43.)

[Introduced by Mr. Smith.]


An Act To amend Sections 6135, 6136, 6139, 6140, and 6141 of Cobbey's An-
notated Statutes for 1911, (the same being sections 2755, 2756, 2759,
2760 and 2761 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913) [C. S., Ch.
78, §§ 85g, h, k, l, m] relating to construction and repair of bridges, to
provide that the secretary of the state board of irrigation, or state officer
in charge of public highways, shall prepare uniform plans and specifica-
tions and bidding blanks for all bridges in this state, the estimated cost
of which is over five hundred ($500) dollars, and to repeal said original
sections and also section 6137 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911,
(the same being section 2757 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska for
1913) [C. S., Ch. 78, § 85i.] as the same now exists....


(Senate File No. 61.)

[Introduced by Mr. Grace.]

AN ACT Requiring the owners and operators of every railroad, to construct
and maintain proper road crossings over their tracks, and to fix a penalty
for failure so to do; and to repeal Chapter 73, of the session laws of 1887,
being Sections 6162, 6163, 6164 and 6165, of Cobbey's Annotated Laws
of Nebraska for the year 1911. [C. S., Ch. 78, §§ 110-113.]......... 233


(Senate File No. 64.)

[Introduced by Mr. W. V. Hoagland.]

AN ACT Regulating cold storage and refrigerating ware-houses, the holding
of food therein and the disposition or sale of the food kept or preserved
therein, and defining the duties of food, drug and dairy commissioner in
relation thereto....


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