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tation of corners established by the government of the United States,
and providing a penalty for the violation thereof and to declare an emerg-



(House Roll No. 27.)

[Introduced by Mr. Simon.]

AN ACT To provide a pension for the widows and minor children of police-
men in metropolitan cities, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in
conflict herewith:



(House Roll No. 41.)

[Introduced by Mr. Mockett.]

AN ACT To authorize the county board of any county in which any city or
cities of the first class having over 40,000 and less than 100,000 inhabi-
tants, is situated, to grade, pave or otherwise improve roads leading
thereto, and to assist such city or cities in the improvement of such roads
within the corporate limits as are extensions of roads leading thereto,
and to provide for the payment of the cost of such improvements, and
to repeal Chapter 25 of Session Laws of Nebraska for 1911. [C. S., Ch.
18, Art. 1, § 24a; C. A. S., § 6051.]....



(House Roll No. 42.)

[Introduced by Mr. Hardin.]

AN ACT To provide for a lien upon the get of stallions, jacks and bulls and the
dams thereof, for the enforcement of such lien and the filing of the same
with the County Clerk and to repeal Section 3118 of Cobbey's Annotated
Statutes for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 4, Art. 1, § 40.] ...........


(House Roll No. 57.)

[Introduced by Mr. Regan.]

AN ACT To require all light engines running upon railroads in the State of
Nebraska to be manned with a crew consisting of one engineer, one fire-
man and one conductor, and to provide for the enforcement of this


(House Roll No. 124.)

[Introduced by Mr. Nichols.]

AN ACT To repeal Sections 1703d and 1703e, Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
for 1911, [Civil Code, §§ 675 f, g] relating to abstract of records and bill
of exceptions in the Supreme Court of this State and declaring an emerg-



(House Roll No. 151.)

[Introduced by Mr. Knudson.]

AN ACT To amend Section 521 of the Civil Code in Regard to Exemptions,

and to repeal said original section.


(House Roll No. 179.)

[Introduced by Mr. Hoffmeister.]


AN ACT To protect fish in the streams of this state whose waters are used for
irrigation purposes, by providing for the construction of screens, and to
provide penalties...



(House Roll No. 204.)

[Introduced by Mr. Hasik.]

AN ACT Regulating the duties, procedure and personnel of town boards in
counties under township organization, requiring the town clerk to pre-
pare and publish an itemized financial report of said town in January
of each year, and to amend Sections 4540, 4563, 4572, 4575 and 4580
of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 18, Art. 4, §§ 19,
42, 51, 54, 59] to repeal said original section, and in addition to repeal
Section 4581 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911, [C. S., Ch.
18, Art. 4, § 60.] And to declare an emergency.


(House Roll No. 220.)

[Introduced by Mr. Hartwell.]

AN ACT To provide for the licensing and regulation of pool or billiard halls
or bowling alleys by the county boards of the various counties of the
State of Nebraska, to determine the manner of petition and remon-
strance and to fix the amount of such license..

(House Roll No. 223.)

[Introduced by Mr. Jackson.]

AN ACT To protect the owners of receptacles used in the sale of Soda waters,
mineral or aerated waters, cider, ginger ale, and other unintoxicating
beverages, milk, buttermilk, cream, ice cream and butter; providing
for the adoption of a name, mark or brand; prohibiting any person,
company or corporation from adopting or using any brand or mark
which has been selected, designated or appropriated; making it a mis-
demeanor to use, traffic in, destroy or withhold such receptacles with-
out the consent of the owner; providing a penalty for the unlawful use,
traffic in, withholding or destruction of the same; and providing for the
searching of premises to find such receptacles, being unlawfully used
trafficked in, withheld or destroyed; and to repeal sections 2219, 2220,
2221, 2222, and 2223, Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911, [C. S.,
Crim. Code §§ 245 f-j] and also to repeal section 9840x11, 9840x12,
9840x13, 9840x14, 9840x15, 9840x16 and 9840x17 Cobbey's Annotated
Statutes for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 33, §§ 38-44] as the same now exist and
declaring an emergency...


(House Roll No. 262.)

[Introduced by Mr. Pearson.]

AN ACT To amend Section 11545 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911,
[C. S., Ch. 79, Sub. 2, § 14] relating to the length of time school shall be
taught, and to repeal said original section..


(House Roll No. 416.)

[Introduced by Messrs. McKissick and Hoff.]

AN ACT Defining the duties, liabilities and rights of keepers of hotels, res-
taurants, apartment houses and rooming houses and to provide for an
inn-keeper's lien on property belonging to or in guest's control, to pro-
vide for a sale of such property in certain cases and disposal of the pro-
ceeds, to provide for the punishment of persons guilty of defrauding
hotels, restaurants, apartment houses or rooming houses, to provide
penalties for violation of this act and to repeal Sections 6375, 6376,
6377, 6388, 6389, 6390, 6391, 6392, 6393, 6394, 6395, and 6396 of Cobbey's
Annotated Statutes for 1911. [C. S., Ch. 39, §§ 1-3b.]...169


(House Roll No. 306.)
[Introduced by Mr. Potts.]

AN ACT To amend Section 10393 Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911,

[C. S., Ch. 80, § 37] relating to bonds of permanent school, permanent
university, agricultural college endowment, and normal endowment
funds, providing that the same may be sold at not less than their cost
to the state with accrued interest, and to repeal said original section.. 173


(House Roll No. 321.)

[Introduced by Mr. Morris.]

AN ACT To provide for the establishment of the Nebraska Live Stock Sanitary
Board, to prescribe and define the powers and duties thereof, to desig-
nate the governor as state veterinarian, to provide for the appointment
of a deputy state veterinarian, setting forth his qualifications and duties,
and to repeal sections 3182, 3183, 3184, 3185, 3186, 3187, 3188, 3190,
3191, 3193, 3194, 3195, 3196, 3197 and 3198 of Cobbey's Annotated
Statutes of Nebraska for 1911. [C. S., Ch. 4, Art. 2, §§ 1-10,



(House Roll No. 3.)

[Introduced by Mr. Fuller.]

AN ACT To provide for the establishment, maintenance, extension and opera-

tion of Public Telephone Systems.


(House Roll No. 328.)

[Introduced by Mr. Stebbins.]


AN ACT To fix a maximum rate of charge for the transmission of telegrams
by telegraph companies in the State of Nebraska and to delegate powers
to the State Railway Commission to regulate the same and to provide
a penalty for the violation of this act, and to declare an emergency...183


[House Roll No. 415.]

[Introduced by Messrs. McKissick and Hoff.]

AN ACT To provide a State Hotel Commission and for the regulation of hotels,
rooming houses, apartment houses and restaurants, to amend Sections
6384 and 6929 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911, [C. S., Ch.
30, §§ 20, 15] relating to fire escapes and fire chutes, removing the same,
in hotels, tenement, boarding and eating houses from under the super-
vision of the Bureau of Industrial Statistics, and to repeal said original
sections 6384 and 6929, and in addition thereto, to repeal Sections

6397, 6398, 6399, 6399X1, 6399X2, 6399X3, 6399X4, 6399X5, 6399X6,
6399X7, 6399X8, 6399X9, 6399X10, 6399X11, 6399X12, 6399X13,
6399X14, 6399X15, 6399X16, 6399X17 and 6930 of Cobbey's Annotated
Statutes for 1911. [C. S., Ch. 39, §§ 14-33; Ch. 39b, § 6. ]....184


(House Roll No. 637.)

[Introduced by Committee Finance, Ways and Means.]

AN ACT To provide an annual levy of 85 one hundredths of one mill upon the
dollar valuation of the grand assessment roll of the state, for the support
of state normal schools at Peru, Kearney, Wayne, and Chadron and for
expenses of the State Board of Education, to appropriate ninety per cent
of the face of said levy for the biennium ending March 31, 1915 and to
declare an emergency..

(Senate File No. 5.)

[Introduced by Mr. W. V. Hoagland.]

AN ACT To amend Section 252 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State
of Nebraska, the same being Section 1231 Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
for 1911, relating to the granting of injunctions; to authorize the grant-
ing of restraining orders by the County and District Judges, and to repeal
said original Section.


(Senate File No. 22.)

[Introduced by Mr. Krumbach.]

AN ACT To amend Section 10569 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska of 1913,
being Section 2743x15 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of Nebraska,
for the year 1911, [C. S., Ch. 83, Art. VIIc, § 4] and to repeal said original



(Senate File No. 73.)

[Introduced by Mr. Shumway.]

AN ACT To make the selling or giving away of malt, spirituous, or vinous
liquors, or intoxicating drinks of any kind whatsoever, to an Indian of
whole or mixed blood, an offense and providing a penalty therefor, and
repealing Section 7160, of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of 1911, [C. S.,
Ch. 37b, § 2] and declaring an emergency..


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