(House Roll No. 152.) [Introduced by Mr. Jeary.]
AN ACT to amend Section 21, 39, 76, 97 and Subdivision XLV of Section 129 of Chapter 13, Article I of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, for the Year 1911, and Sections 7920, 7938, 7975, 7996 and 8073 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes entitled, "An act to incorporate cities of the first class having a population of more than 40,000 and less than 100,000 inhabitants, to define, regulate and prescribe their organizations, duties, liabilities, powers and government, and to repeal Art. I of Chap. 13 a, Compiled Statutes of 1889," and to repeal the sections so amended, and to provide for an emergency......... .......58
(Senate File No. 12.) [Introduced by Mr. Bushee.]
AN ACT To amend Sections 11541 and 11542 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911 [C. S., Ch. 79, Subd. 2, §§ 11a-b], to provide for an equitable division of taxation for school purposes in joint school districts, and to repeal said original sections, and declare an emergency......€4
(Senate File No. 24.)
[Introduced by Mr. H. V. Hoagland.]
AN ACT To amend Section 8057 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of 1911 [C. S., Ch. 13, Art. 1, § 129, Subd. 29], relating to fire department of cities having more than 40,000 and less than 100,000 inhabitants, providing that no fireman, other than the chief and assistant chief, shall be on duty more than twelve hours continuously in any one day, and to repeal said original section. .....65
(Senate File No. 124.)
[Introduced by Mr. Bushee.]
AN ACT To amend Sections 11549 and 11551x1 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of the State of Nebraska for 1911 [C. S., Ch. 79, Subd. 2, 14a, 14d), and to repeal said original Sections:....
(House Roll No. 197.) [Introduced by Mr. Bollen.]
AN ACT To enable the State of Nebraska to condemn lands needed for state institutions or the state fair, or for any state use, and to provide the
method of procedure of such condemnation, and declaring an emer-
(Senate File No. 28.)
[Introduced by Mr. Bartling.]
AN ACT To amend Section 2338 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of the State of Nebraska [Cr. Code. § 241] and making it unlawful to play base ball on Sunday in a competitive game, except upon certain conditions, and to provide a penalty for the violation of the act and repeal said original section so amended... ...71
(House Roll No. 68.) [Introduced by Mr. Wood.]
AN ACT To amend section 11602, Chapter 51, Subdivision 6, Cobbey's An- notated Statutes for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 79, Subd. 6, § 4] relating to sums voted for school purposes, to provide for a levy of thirty-five mills on the dollar of assessed value of such district, and to repeal said original section, and to declare an emergency. .....73
(House Roll No. 18.) [Introduced by Mr. Brain.]
AN ACT Toamend Section 8878 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of Nebraska for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 14, Art. I, § 39k] and to repeal said original section, and to declare an emergency....
(House Roll No. 32.)
[Introduced by Mr. Mockett.]
AN ACT To appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for the maintenance of the Nebraska Orthopedic Hospital and for certain immediately necessary alterations and repairs in buildings of said in- stitution until April 1, 1913, and to declare an emergency....75
(House Roll No. 65.)
[Introduced by Messrs. McKissick and Schaupp.]
AN ACT To amend Section 11218, Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 1911, [C. S. Ch. 77, Art. 8, § 19] relating to expenditure of inheritance tax
on county roads, and to repeal said original section, and all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, and declare an emergency....76
(House Roll No. 83.)
[Introduced by Mr. Anderson.]
AN ACT Making the state treasurer the fiscal agent of the state of Nebraska, providing that bonds and coupons shall be payable at the office of the state treasurer, prescribing the duties of officers in relation thereto, and repealing Sections 11221, 11222, 11223, 11224 and 11225 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of Nebraska for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 9, §§ 1-5] providing a State Fiscal Agency in New York City, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act.... ....78
(House Roll No. 166.) [Introduced by Mr. Banks.]
A JOINT AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ratifying the proposed amendment to Paragraphs One (1) and Two (2) of Section Three (3) of Article One (1) of the Constitution of the United States providing for the election of Senators by the people of the several states, and the manner of filling vacancies. ....79
(House Roll No. 234.) [Introduced by Mr. Cronin.]
AN ACT To appropriate for the uses of the State Aid Bridge Fund ninety per cent. of the levy of one-fifth of one mill, provided by Chapter 112 of the Session Laws of 1911, [C. S. Ch. 78, §§, 90a-h] for the years 1913 and 1914........ ......81
(House Roll No. 92.)
[Introduced by Mr. Norton.]
A JOINT RESOLUTION To amend Section 1 of Article 9 of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska, relating to revenue.
[Introduced by Mr. Bushee.]
AN ACT Relating to interfering and injuring irrigation and water power canals and stealing therefrom; to define and prohibit the same; to provide for a penalty therefor....
[Introduced by Messrs. Hoagland and Marshall.]
AN ACT To amend Sections 8725, 8726, 8728, 8729, 8730,8731, 8732 and 8745 of Chapter 37 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of Nebraska for 1911, [C. S., Ch. 14a, Art. 3, §§ 19, 20, 22-26, 39] relating to the "Commission Plan of City Government," and repealing said original sections as now existing, and declaring an emergency. .....85
[Introduced by Mr. Bushee.]
AN ACT To amend Section 6852 of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1911 [C. S., Ch. 93a, Art. 3, §6], in relation to Irrigation Districts, and repealing said original section.
[Introduced by Messrs. Mockett, Jeary, Quiggle, Burket, Richardson and
AN ACT To provide for the purchase, construction, reconstruction, acquiring, extending, maintenance and operation of municipal electric and gas plants, street railways, telephone plants, lines and systems, and other public service and public utility properties and plants of any kind and description by cities of the first class, having a population of more than forty thousand and less than one hundred thousand inhabitants, with power to fix rates and with power to borrow money and pledge the credit and property of said cities upon their negotiable bonds, or other- wise, for such purposes, and to repeal Sections 115 and 116 of Article 1, of Chapter 13, Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1911, [A. S. §§ 8014, 8015], and to declare an emergency.
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