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CHAP. 134

For the salary of the justice of the superior court,
for the county of Kennebec, as provided by
chapter one hundred and sixteen, section one,
revised statutes, twenty-five hundred dollars..


For the salary of eight justices of the supreme
judicial court, as provided by chapter one hun-
dred and sixteen, section one, revised statutes,
forty thousand dollars...

For the salary of the reporter of decisions, as pro-
vided by chapter one hundred and sixteen, sec-
tion one, revised statutes, twenty-five hundred

For the salaries of stenographers to justices, as
provided by chapter one hundred and sixteen,
section one, revised statutes, twelve thousand


For the salary of superintendent of public build-
ings, as provided by chapter one hundred and
sixteen, section one, revised statutes, twelve
hundred dollars


For salaries of subordinate officers of Maine state
prison, as provided by chapter fifty-four public
laws of nineteen hundred and seven, as amended
by chapter one hundred ninety-seven, public
laws of nineteen hundred and nine, eleven thou-
sand and fifty dollars...

Amounting to the sum of one hundred and thirty-
eight thousand, nine hundred seventeen dollars
seventy-four cents

$2,500 00

40,000 00

2,500 00

12,000 00

1,200 00

11,050 00

$138,917 74

Section 2. This act shall take effect when approved.

Approved March 16, 1911.

Chapter 135.

An Act to amend Chapter three hundred fifty-nine, of the Special Laws of nineteen hundred and nine, relating to maintenance of a dam across Big Machias Stream, in the town of Ashland.

CHAP. 135

chapter 359,

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows: Section one, chapter three hundred fifty-nine, of the special Section 1, laws of nineteen hundred and nine, is hereby amended by sub- special laws stituting for the words "shall not," in the fourteenth line of amended. said section, the word 'may,' so that said section as amended shall read as follows:

of 1909,

ized across

Big Machias


booms au


'Section 1. George R. Ketchum of Ashland, his heirs and Dam authorassigns are hereby authorized and empowered to erect and maintain a dam across Big Machias stream, so-called, in the town of Ashland on lots numbered fifty-five and fifty-six, for the purpose of raising a head of water and facilitating the driving of logs and lumber down the same; also to erect and plers and maintain piers and booms in said stream in said town of Ashland and in Garfield plantation, for the purpose of holding all logs and lumber coming down said stream and destined for use or manufacture by said Ketchum. Said Ketchum is authorized to impound and restrain the natural flow of said waters only when and in so far as is necessary for log-driving purposes. The dam authorized by this act may be used for power purposes.

All the property, rights and franchises within the state of Maine acquired, erected, owned, held or controlled by the said Ketchum, or his heirs and assigns, at any time after this act shall take effect, under and by virtue of the terms thereof, shall be subject to be taken over by, and become the property of, the state of Maine, whenever said state shall determine, by appropriate legislation, that the public interests require the same to be done. Upon taking effect of such legislation, the ownership of said property, rights and franchises shall immediately be transferred to, and vest in, said state of Maine, and said state shall pay to said corporation the fair value of all the same, excepting, however, such franchises and rights as are conferred upon said Ketchum under and by virtue of the provisions of this act, which said franchises and rights shall be wholly excluded in the determination of the amount to be paid to said Ketchum by said state of Maine.'

Approved March 16, 1911.

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restrain natur


all prop

erty, rights,

etc., subject over by the

to be taken


CHAP. 136



authorized transfer all of its property, real and personal.

Chapter 136.

An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the General Conference of
Free Baptists.

Whereas, the general conference of Free Baptists was incorporated by the legislature of the state of Maine by an act approved on January nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninetyone, for religious, missionary, educational and charitable pur


And whereas besides the other property of the said corporation it was authorized to take and hold property conveyed to it by the Freewill Baptist Foreign Mission Society, the Free Baptist Woman's Missionary Society, the Freewill Baptist Home Mission Society, and the Freewill Baptist Education Society;

And whereas the said general conference of Free Baptists at its session held at Ocean Park, Maine, from July thirteenth to July twentieth, nineteen hundred and ten, voted to approve and did approve a basis of union of the Free Baptist denomination with the Baptist denomination in missionary and denominational activity; and at the same time voted to authorize and empower and did authorize and empower its conference board, duly safeguarding all vested interests and sacred trusts, to transfer and deliver, at suitable times, the real and personal property of the general conference of Free Baptists to the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society (formerly the American Baptist Missionary Union), the American Baptist Home Mission Society, the American Baptist Publication Society, or the Northern Baptist Convention, to one or several of them, as the case may be, and to make and execute such deeds, conveyances, bargains, contracts, agreements, documents, papers and things as may be needful to carry out the meaning and intent of the basis of union in the co-operation of the two bodies, Baptist and Free Baptist, in missionary and other denominational work;

And whereas said transfer of property cannot be legally made by said general conference of Free Baptists under the provisions of its act of incorporation.

Now, therefore, be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows:

Corporation Section 1. The general conference of Free Baptists, a corporation created by the legislature of the state of Maine, by an act approved January nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, is hereby authorized and empowered to transfer and deliver from time to time to each of the four corporations,

to wit, the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania, the American Baptist Home Mission Society, incorporated in the state of New York, the American Baptist Publication Society, incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania, and the Northern Baptist Convention, incorporated in the state of New York, such part or portion as to said general conference of Free Baptists may seem proper, of all the real and personal property which the said general conference of Free Baptists now holds or which it may hereafter acquire or receive, it being the intent of this act that all of said real and personal property shall be so transferred and that said property shall be held and used by the corporation to which it shall be transferred and delivered, for religious, missionary, educational or charitable purposes.

CHAP. 137

quests, and

Section 2. All gifts, bequests, devises and conveyances of Gifts, beproperty heretofore or hereafter made to or received by said devises, etc. general conference of Free Baptists subject to any condition, limitation or use shall be held and used by that one of the said corporations to which it shall be transferred or delivered, subject to such condition, limitation or use.


how held.

Section 3. If said general conference of Free Baptists shall Property not hold any property, gift, bequest or devise which for any reason valid in law is not transferable, said general conference of Free Baptists shall continue to hold and use said property, gift, bequest and devise for the purpose designated in the making of the gift, bequest, devise or conveyance of property thus held.

Approved March 17, 1911.

Chapter 137.

An Act regulating the use of Rights and Locations in Public Streets.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows: Section I. No corporation granted a right or location in the streets of Augusta shall abandon or discontinue the use of a portion of said location without the consent of the municipal officers.

Section 2. Any part of a location granted as in section one of this act which has been discontinued or abandoned without the consent of the municipal officers shall forthwith be resumed and restored to the use for which such location was granted upon order of the municipal officers.

[blocks in formation]

CHAP. 138

Enforcement of this act.

Section 3. To enforce the provisions of this act injunction proceedings upon petition of the municipal officers shall lie to restrain the partial use of any location or right until compliance with the order set forth in section two of this act.

Approved March 20, 1911.

Town authorized to lease lands along highways.

Appropriation authorized.

Care and protection of leased lands.

Chapter 138.

An Act to authorize the Town of York to lease certain lands within said Town.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows: Section I. For the purpose of preserving and improving the natural scenery along the highways and townways in the town. of York, the inhabitants of said town are hereby authorized to acquire by lease, any tract of woodland lying along any of the highways or townways in said town on such terms and conditions as the owners thereof, and said inhabitants may agree, but in no case shall payment amount to more than three and one-half per cent of the value of said property per annum. Section 2. Said inhabitants are hereby authorized to make such appropriation as they may deem advisable for the purposes aforesaid.

Section 3. Said inhabitants are hereby further authorized to make such arrangements for the care and protection of lands so leased as they may deem advisable.

Approved March 20, 1911.

Jurisdiction enlarged.

Chapter 139.

An Act relating to the jurisdiction of the Bar Harbor Municipal Court, of the Town of Eden.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows:

The jurisdiction of the Bar Harbor municipal court of the town of Eden, in civil causes is hereby enlarged from one hundred dollars exclusive of costs, as now established by law, to two hundred dollars.

Approved March 20, 1911.

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