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rious conclufions. It is proved that the balance of commerce is an infignificant word; that the balance paid in gold is not a proof that the trade is difadvantageous to the nation paying, nor advantageous to the nation receiving fuch balance; that the tables or calculations of the balance of commerce are not to be depended on;-that the only method of eftimating the increase of trade is by the increase of population;-that it is impoffible to determine the quantity of money in a country ;-and that the calculations made for this purpofe are faulty, as being built on uncertain data;—that the precious metals are not true riches;— that, confidered as the means of change, it would be better to fubftitute, in home trade, paper-money inftead of coin, and to employ coin for thofe purposes in which paper is ufelefs, namely in foreign trade.

The Authors then apply the general principles, before laid down, to the prefent ftate of France and the United States; they defcribe the fituation and the productions of the country, and the difpofitions and employment of its inhabitants. It may be objected, that it would be better for France to improve her home trade and cultivation, than to extend her foreign trade; the extenfion of a foreign trade is efteemed the fitteft, if not the only effectual means, of improving her cultivation, her manufactories, &c. Some very just reflections are added, on the inferiority of the French manufactures to thofe of England; the caufes of this inferiority are pointed out, and a foreign trade is fhewn to be the only means for rendering them more flourishing.

In the next Chapter, a view is taken of the United States; from which it plainly appears, that they are under an abfolute neceffity of carrying on a foreign trade. The Authors confider, feparately the wants of the Americans, viz. the wants of neceffaries, of conveniences, and of luxury; thefe are only to be fupplied by a foreign trade; manufactories are as yet almoft unknown to the Americans; they are a new people, and have no time to exact or establish any manufactories until their country is well cultivated; their greatest prefent intereft is, to apply themselves to agriculture, and by no means to establish manufactories. After enumerating the advantages of fuch a practice, the Authors fhew that France alone is, of all other countries in Europe, the best adapted to supply the wants of America. This is demonftrated by taking a view of the reciprocal importationS and exportations carried on between France and the United States. The Authors prove, that it would be difadvantageous to the Americans to cultivate the vine in order to make wines; and that the French wines are preferable to all others. In a fimilar manner, brandy, oil, olives, &c. &c. are feparately confidered; together with the produce of induftry, fuch as cloth, linen, filk, hats, leather, glais, hardware, paper, &c. &c.


The articles which America can fend to France, are, tobacco, fish oil, fpermaceti, corn, mafts, and other timber for fhip-building, furs, rice, indigo, lintfeed, pitch, turpentine, &c. &c. Thefe are leparately treated, and reafons are given why America can furnifh fuch commodities better than any other country.

The work concludes with a collection of original papers relative to France and the United States; among which is a proclamation for the establishment of regular packet boats between Havre and New-York; one of thefe fails every fix weeks from Havre, or oftener, if the complement of paffengers is full in a fhorter time.

Meffrs. Claviere and De Warville are fpirited writers; but they are sometimes too violent. The ardor of liberty is liable to break out into the flame of licentioufnefs, unless reftrained by the fuperior judgment of a calm and unbiassed reafoner.

The Authors are juftly entitled to the united thanks of the French and the Americans; for they have plainly fhewn the mutual advantages that may accrue from a commercial intercourfe between the two nations; and they have, at the same time, given a juft view of a foreign trade in general, and the benefits thence arifing.


Animadverfiones Philologica in nonnulla Corani loca, cum Illuftrationibus in V. T. ex Arabifmo ac Perfijmo depromptis ; quibus recognitis atque auctis in hac nova Editione accedunt Specimina quinque, oftendentia LL. Lat. Ital. Hifp. Gall. Lufit. ac Angl. cum Arabica aut Perfica Affinitatem. In Ufum Arabizantium Tyronum compofuit, ediditque R. Antonius Vieyra, LL. B. ac LL. Hifp. et Ital. P. Reg. in Coll. Stæ et Inde Trin. Dublin. Dublinii apud L. White, Sumptibus Univerfitatis. 1785.

R. Vieyra, we understand, is a native of Portugal, and the VI Author of a Portuguese and English Dictionary, in two volumes 4to, publifhed in London, in the year 1773. His prefent defign is to facilitate the ftudy of the Arabic language, by fuch a comparison of Oriental and European words, as may develope the elements and fignifications of both; and, by illuftrating their mutual agreement, fupply the ftudent in Eaftern literature with the most effectual affiftance and encouragement. Mr. Vieyra inlifts particularly on the great utility of this plan to every one who wishes to collect an ample ftore of words in the Oriental languages; as the neceffary exercife of the judgment in fuch etymological refearches will not only afford intervals of relief to the memory, but render the impreffions which are made on it

* See Rev. vol. L. p. 319.

SI 2


more useful and more permanent. He obferves further, that many European words, which agree in fignification with those of the Eaft, differ in their elements, yet it is moft certain that the former are derived from the latter; and hence he infers the neceffity of a Clavis Etymologica, to fhew the changes which have taken place in the elements of words in their paffage from one language to another; either according to the different effects of climate on the organs of articulation, or the different manners of nations inhabiting the fame climates. Without taking upon us to determine how far this fcheme is practicable, or whether the talents of our Author are fuch as would afford a fair profpe& of fuccefs in the execution of it, we must give him due credit for the modefty with which he speaks of his own labours.

• Cum autem hujufmodi Clavis explicationem completam, omnibusque numeris abfolutam, fpeciminum horum limites haud admittant; littus tantum iftius, ut ita dicam, immenfi maris legere mihi propofui. Que quidem opella, nunc levi tantum brachio a me fufcepta, atque expedita, tum in præfenti, ut fpero, prælucebit tyronibus ad orientalis eruditionis palmam laudemque contendentibus; tum in omne reliquum tempus materiam fuppeditabit ad id, quod levissimis tantum frieturis a me percurfum eft, novâ exemplorum copiâ inftruendum, illuftrioreque adhuc luce perfundendum.”

The book is publified at the expence of the Univerfity of Dublin, and is dedicated to the Provoft and Fellows of Trinity College, whofe patronage, however, does not appear to have placed the Author beyond the reach of indigence; which, though it fometimes kindles the latent fpark of genius in the breaft of the indolent, too frequently overwhelms the mind with languor and defpondency; and by exacting the fame degree of exertion at the happiest and the most unpropitious feafons, evidently fubjeas a writer to difadvantages, which, though we cannot recognize them, as critics, we muft commiferate, as men.

We fincerely lament, that Mr. V. had not the means of publifhing his work without the affiftance of the Univerfity, particularly as the total want of Hebrew and Arabic types, on which he refts his apology for printing the Oriental words in European characters, exhibits no very favourable idea of the state of Eaftern literature in the fifter kingdom. We fhall endeavour, however, to do him as much juftice as we can, by fupplying this defect, in the few fpecimens we mean to produce of his work.

The first part of the book is compofed of obfervations on the Coran: but we are forry to fay that they do not, either from their number or importance, merit any particular character.

With refpect to the criticifms on the Old Teftament, we will not controvert our Author's pofition, that the English verfion may frequently be corrected by confulting the language of the Coran. We are well aware of the affinity which fubfifts between


the Hebrew and Arabic languages; and we may add that words which are rarely to be found in the former, admit of a fatisfactory interpretation, from their frequent occurrence in the latter.. We are fatisfied, that the primary fenfe of words, whofe roots are wanting in the Hebrew, máy often be determined by a reference to the Arabic, in which their roots are ftill preferved. We recollect that Maimonides, Tanchum of Jerufalem, and other ancient Rabbins, not bigotted, like their fucceffors, to the imaginary fanctity and drape of their own tongue, inftead of thinking it contaminated by explanations drawn from the language of Mohammed, applied their knowledge of Arabic to the illuftration of the facred text with equal zeal and ability. The labours of Chriftian scholars will never ceafe to be remembered, till the names of Pocock and Bochart are forgotten, and till the annotations of Schultens and Hunt no longer adorn our public libraries, or attract the general attention of icholars. We with, indeed, we could enroll the name of Mr. Vieyra in this illuftrious catalogue; but we cannot help obferving, that, though he merits much praise for his intentions, and though he certainly difplays no vulgar proficiency in the Eaftern languages, his remarks are but unfuccefsfully directed to the end he had in view. To the divine they certainly convey little ufeful or important information; to the orientalift they open no new or recondite fources of grammatical difquifition; and to the general reader they most affuredly do not come recommended by that fpecies of criticifm, which points out beauties unknown before, which fupplies tafte with objects congenial to itfelf, and exemplifies the elegance it defcribes. If there be any exceptions to thefe obfervations the following criticifms may, perhaps, be among the number :

is thus rendered by וייך אליו אגג מעדנת .32 .I Sam. xv

the English tra flators, And Agag came unto him delicately. Mr. Vieyra proposes that we should tranflate y languide, remiffe, invito, from the fenfe of the Arabic word, which fignifies remiffio, languor.

Pfalm xvii. 3. Day-hat I am utterly purpofed that my mouth fhall not offend, our Author thinks will be better rendered,

*The teftimony of Maimonides on this fubject is clear and decifive,

اما اللغة العربية والعبرانية نقد اتفق كل من علم اللغتين انهما لغة واحدة بلا شك

Arabicam vero linguam, et Hebraicam, omnes qui probe callent, utramque unam et eandem haud dubio effe profitentur. Vide Cafiri Biblioth. Arab. Hifp. Efcur. vol. i. p. 292.



agreeably with the fenfe of the Arabic, capiftro alligavi ne tranfgrediatur os meum. Capistrare linguam, and capistrare fermonem, are metaphors frequently ufed by Arabic writers.

Lingua mea fylus לשוני עט סופר מהיר .2 .Palm xlv

feriba velocis-Mr. V. tranflates periti. The Arabic verb

fignifies acutus ingenio, folers fuit, in re exercitatus fuit. In this tranflation, we would obferve, our Author is supported by the authority of the Chaldee Paraphraft, and of the Syriac and Arabic verfions. The expreffion of the English tranflators, either by accident or defign, is ambiguous, and will fairly admit of either of thefe interpretations, My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

We are next prefented with five catalogues of words in the European languages, that are derived, or at leaft fuppofed to be. derived, from the Arabic or Perfic. The firft fhews the affinity of the Latin to thefe two languages; the fecond, that of the Italian; the third, that of the Spanish, and Portuguefe; the fourth, that of the English; and the fifth, that of the French.

On Etymology in general we fhall deliver our fentiments as concifely as poffible, fo far at least as they are in any degree connected either with the defign or execution of Mr. Vieyra's work. We scarcely know any character that requires a more rare aflemblage of extraordinary qualifications, than that of a fkilful Etymologift. A writer of this defcription will find ample fcope for the exercife of the moft penetrating fagacity and deliberate judgment, even if he confines his refearches within the bounds of his vernacular tongue. The difficulty of tracing English words to roots, which though of English growth, have long fince become obfolete, or are preferved only in the provincial dialects of the rude and illiterate, has led too many into foreign countries in fearch of what could aiore be found at home. It fhould be obferved alfo, that this difficulty is neceffarily increafed when the work is undertaken by a ftranger, who has fewer opportunities of acquainting himself with the provincial dialects, and who is lefs likely to be informed of the changes, which, originating at firft in the pronunciation of words, pafs gradually into their orthography. We may be permitted to fuggeft by the way, that the native etymology of every living language would be better understood, if collections were made of such words as are peculiar to the vulgar in the feveral diftricts, and either publifhed feparately, or uniformly fubjoined at left to fuch topographical hiftories as have lately enriched the literature of our own country. But it is not to any fingle lan'guage that the labours of the Etymologift can well be confined, and in proportion as the sphere in which he acts is extended, his talk becomes more complicated and more arduous. For before


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