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composition CuSO4 3 CuO. These basic sulphates are mostly insoluble in water. Sulphates having the simple constitution MSO are called neutral or normal sulphates.


Most sulphates are decomposed at a red heat, giving off their sulphuric acid, sometimes undecomposed, sometimes resolved into sulphurous acid and oxygen; but the neutral sulphates of potassium, sodium, lithium, barium, strontium, calcium, magnesium, and lead, are not decomposed by heat alone. All sulphates are decomposed when heated to redness in contact with

charcoal, that substance separating their oxygen, and reducing them to sulphides.

Some sulphates, chiefly of course those which are insoluble or sparingly soluble in water, are found native. The most abundant is the sulphate of calcium, the substance commonly called gypsum or plaster of Paris; sulphate of barium, or heavy spar, is likewise very abundant. luble sulphates occur in sea water, river water, and many mineral springs. phate of magnesium occurs in the Epsom water; sulphate of sodium is also of frequent occurrence; the spring water of London contains large quantities of sulphate of calcium. Hyposulphurous Acid. S2 O, or SO2 + S.


[blocks in formation]

This precipitate, however, soon turns yellow, then brown, and is ultimately converted into black sulphide of silver, while free sulphuric acid remains in the liquid :—

Ag S2O3 + HO= AgS + HSO4.

All hyposulphites are decomposed by the action of the stronger acids, such as sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, and the So-hyposulphurous acid, as soon as it is set free, is immediately resolved into sulphuSul-rous acid and sulphur. Thus, on adding hydrochloric acid to a solution of hyposulphite of sodium, sulphurous acid is evolved in the form of gas, and sulphur is precipitated in the form of a yellow pow der :

This acid is known only from its salts, the general formula of which is MS2O3, the symbol M denoting a metal. Hyposulphite of sodium is easily obtained by heating flowers of sulphur in a flask, with a neutral solution of sulphite of sodium, formed by passing sulphurous acid gas through a solution of soda or carbonate of sodium, (p 313). The sulphite of sodium, Na SO, then takes up another equivalent of sulphur, and is converted into the hyposulphite, NaS, 03. The solution must be filtered through paper to remove the excess of sulphur, and then left in a warm



To make a paper filter, take a square piece of white blotting paper, ABCD, (Fig. 28); double it over, first A at BD, then at AE, and round it with the scissors at A and B, so as to bring it to the shape indicated by the shaded part of the figure. If you then open it out, D you will have a conical filter, which you may put in a funnel, Fig. 28. moisten with distilled water, and then pour the liquid upon it. The moistening with water must not be neglected, otherwise some of the solid matter will run through the paper.


Na S2O3 + HCl = NaCl + HO +
SO2+ S.

The action is accelerated by heat.


we cannot obtain hyposulphurous acid in the anhydrous compound S, O, be sepathe state of aqueous solution; neither can rated. As before observed, we know this acid only from its salts.

for setting photographic pictures; this it Hyposulphite of sodium is much used does by dissolving out the chloride, bromide, or iodide of silver, which has not been decomposed by the light.

Hyposulphuric Acid. S205.

This compound, also, is not known in the anhydrous state, but only as a hydrated acid, HS,O, and in its salts, whose general formula is, MS,O. When sulphurous acid gas is passed through water in which peroxide of manganese (Mn O2) is suspended, the oxide gradually dissolves, and a solution is formed, containing hyposulphate of manganese:―

2 SO2+ MnO2 = MnS ̧ ̧.



The liquid is filtered and mixed with a solution of sulphide of barium (obtained by heating the native sulphate of barium in a crucible with charcoal or pounded coal, and dissolving out the soluble matter with water). Sulphide of manganese is then precipitated, and hyposulphate of barium remains in solution; and on filtering from the insoluble sulphide of manganese, and cautiously adding sulphuric acid to the filtered solution, taking great care not to add an excess, the barium is precipitated in the form of an insoluble sulphate, and hyposulphuric acid then remains in the liquid:


Ba S2 O + HSO4 = Ba SO4 + HS2 06. The sulphate of barium may be separated by filtration, and the filtered liquid, which is an aqueous solution of the acid, may be concentrated, first by heat, and afterwards by evaporation over sulphuric acid in a vessel exhausted of air (p. 316) till it attains a specific gravity of 1347. It then consists of the hydrated acid, HS, O,, with a very slight excess of water. If the concentration be carried beyond this point, the acid is resolved into sulphurous and sulphuric acid, the former escaping as gas:

[blocks in formation]

Hyposulphuric acid is a transparent and colourless liquid, having a strongly acid taste. When exposed to the air, it slowly absorbs oxygen, and is converted into sulphuric acid. In the dilute state, it dissolves zinc and iron just like sulphuric acid.

All hyposulphates are soluble in water; they may be prepared by mixing the solution of the barium-salt with the sulphate of another metal; thus, to form hyposulphate of copper, we have only to mix a solution of sulphate of copper with hyposulphate of barium, and we obtain a precipitate of sulphate of barium, and a solution of hyposulphate of copper. When the solution of a hyposulphate is mixed with sulphuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acid, the hyposulphuric acid is set free, and is immediately resolved into sulphurous and sulphuric acid, the former escaping, the latter remaining in solution or being precipitated, according to the nature of the metal which is present.

The Polythionic Acids.-This name is given to three acids, consisting of more than 2 eq. of sulphur with 5 eq. of oxygen

(Toλus, many, and ev, sulphur)-viz., Trithionic acid, $,0,; Tetrathionic acid, S40,; and Pentathionic acid, SO. They are not known in the anhydrous state, but their aqueous solutions and a few of their salts have been formed. They are of little importance, and the mode of preparing them cannot well be explained at present. I shall therefore defer them till we come to treat of their principal salts. Their general characters may be understood by regarding them as formed from hyposulphuric acid, by the addition of 1, 2, and 3 equivalents of sulphur.


Dichloride of Sulphur, S, Cl:-This compound is obtained by passing chlorine gas over flowers of sulphur, heated just enough to cause it to sublime. The chlorine must first be passed through a wash-bottle (Fig. 19, p. 194) to free it from hydrochloric acid, then through a tube about a foot long, filled with fragments of chloride of calcium, to dry it, and thence into a tubulated retort containing flowers of sulphur,


Fig. 29.

gently heated by a spirit-lamp. The retort and the end of the drying-tube are represented in Fig. 29. The sulphur and chlorine then combine, and the compound distils over into a receiver connected with the retort, in the form of a red liquid, having a very offensive odour. The product thus obtained contains an excess of sulphur, to free it from which, it must be distilled two or three times at a gentle heat.

Pure dichloride of sulphur is a brownish yellow liquid, which boils at 280°. Its specific gravity is 1-687. When poured into water, it is decomposed into hydrochloric acid, sulphurous acid, and free sulphur:

2 S2Cl + 2 HO=2 HC1 + SO2 + 3 S. The same decomposition is gradually pro

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duced by exposure to the air; hence the liquid emits dense white fumes in the air. This compound dissolves a large quantity of sulphur; and a solution, saturated while hot, deposits the sulphur in octohedral crystals on cooling.

Dichloride of sulphur is used for vulcanizing caoutchouc. For this purpose, it is dissolved in 50 times its weight of pure coal naphtha, and the articles of caoutchouc are immersed in the solution for a minute, then taken out, and dried without heat. By this process, the caoutchouc is made to take up a small quantity of sulphur, whereby it is greatly improved in elasticity and strength.

Protochloride of Sulphur, SCI.-Dichloride of sulphur absorbs chlorine gas in large quantities, and is converted into a deep red liquid. On boiling this liquid, a large quantity of chlorine goes off, and there remains a compound, having a specific gravity 1.620, boiling at 147°, and containing 16 parts of sulphur with 355 parts of chlorine. It is decomposed by water in a similar manner to the dichloride.

Sulphur likewise combines with bromine and iodine, but the compounds have not been much studied.

SELENIUM. Equivalent 40;—Symbol Sc.

an odour like that of hydrosulphuric acid, but produces very painful effects when inhaled through the nose. With metallic solutions it forms precipitates, consisting of metallic selenides.

With oxygen, selenium forms three compounds. Two of these-viz., oxide of selenium and selenious acid, are formed together, when selenium is burned in the air or in oxygen gas. Oxide of selenium, Se O, is a colourless gas, having the powerful horseradish odour above mentioned. It is but slightly soluble in water, and does not redden litmus.

Selenious acid, Se O,, is formed, together with the oxide, when selenium is heated in a glass tube through which oxygen gas is passed; it then sublimes in the cold part of the tube in white, four-sided needles. It is also formed by dissolving selenium in nitric acid, or in a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid. The aqueous solution of this acid and of its salts is decomposed by sulphurous acid, which takes away the oxygen, and separates selenium in the form of a red powder.

Selenic Acid, SeO3, is obtained in the form of a potassium-salt, by fusing selenium with nitre, (nitrate of potassium); and on dissolving the fused mass in water, and adding a solution of acetate of lead, a precipitate of seleniate of lead is formed, which, when suspended in water through This is one of the rarer elements. It which a stream of hydrosulphuric acid gas occurs associated with sulphur in the Lipari is passed, is decomposed, yielding sulphide Islands and other localities; also in com- of lead and an aqueous solution of selenic bination with several metals, lead, copper, acid. This solution, after filtration, may silver, &c. The methods by which it is be concentrated by heat, till it attains a obtained in a state of purity are too com-specific gravity of 2-6, in which state it has plicated to be described in articles necessarily so condensed as the present.

the composition HSeO4, corresponding to oil of vitriol, which indeed it resembles in Selenium, at ordinary temperatures, is a most of its properties. The dilute acid disreddish brown, brittle, solid, having an im-solves zinc with evolution of hydrogen and perfect metallic lustre. Its specific gravity is 4.3. It is insoluble in water; melts at 212° or a little above, and boils at 650°, giving off a yellow vapour. When heated in contact with the air, it emits a strong and peculiar odour, resembling that of horseradish.

Selenium forms, with hydrogen, a gaseous compound called Hydroselenic acid, or Seleniuretted Hydrogen, HSe, precisely analogous to hydrosulphuric acid; it is obtained, in a similar manner, by the action of dilute acids on selenide of iron, and has

formation of seleniate of zinc, ZnSeO. Selenic acid has not been obtained in the anhydrous state. Its salts closely resemble the sulphates, in colour, form, and chemical composition; indeed they can only be distinguished from the corresponding sulphates, by detonating when thrown on redhot charcoal, and by causing an evolution of chlorine when boiled with hydrochloric acid.

Selenium likewise forms definite compounds with chlorine, bromine, iodine, and sulphur.

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Each "theorem" he knew of keen dispute,
Each "problem dark "he solved with glance acute;
And wond'ring Science, at the boy's command

SOLUTION OF BIOGRAPHICAL ENIGMA, Oped all her treasures with delighted hand.

(Page 16);

He track'd each mighty orb that rolls through space;

By MISS CLEMENTINA GRANT, 9, Tavistock Place, Earth's chemic marvels 'twas his joy to trace;

Bishop Wearmouth,

IF ever Genius in a little hour

Scorn'd tedicus years, and burst from seed to flower,
If e'er to stripling boyhood she assign'd

The blossoms and the fruits of heart and mind;
"Twas when to Caledonia Nature gave
CRICHTON, the young, wise, wonderful, and brave!
The miracle of all precocious lore,
His country's pride and glory evermore.
Where lovely Tay, all queenly as she glides,
Bathes the "Fair City "* with her silvery tides;
And shows the Grampians, like a solemn dream,
Mirror'd at sunset in her glassy stream,
This Paragon, with every laurel wreath'd,
The light and breath of heaven first saw and

And on the plain where Celtic clans once fought
With cruel rage, † his infant pastime sought.
But scarce the child had ceased its rosy play,
Ere Knowledge met him on his sportive way,
And smote him with such soul inspiring beams,
He leapt the gulph of mortal life's extremes,
From gathering shells upon her earliest shore,
To clambering mightiest cliffs of sternest lore.
Count but his years-so brief their petty span,
You scarce can deem that he was ever man;
Count his great spirit's powers and their employ,
You scarce can deem that he was e'er a boy;
Lo! on the classic banks of haughty Seine,
MEN with this wondrous stripling strove in vain.
There, in the college named from proud Navarre,
Ere twice nine periods of his natal star;
From challenged masters of all Art's domain
"Twas his the victor's stainless wreath to gain;
Baffle the proud, who deem'd their thrones secure,
And foil each practised disputant mature;
Till he who fill'd calm judgment's awful seat,
Voiced the strange triumph, and the strange defeat;
To wondering crowds the bright achievement told,
Gave the gemm'd ring, and piled the tribute-gold;
And the child-victor hence in rolls of fame
Of" ADMIRABLE CRICHTON" bore the name.
But dearer still to him than all the rolls
Of haughty Fame, were Learning's sacred scrolls;
Keenly he grasp'd all truth they could reveal,
And pluck'd their mystery forth with sleepless

Drew the sunk jewels from their darkening dust,
And Wisdom's ore made pure from sullen rust;
Branded each cloudy error of the schools,
Each solemn foolery of learned fools:
Nay, showed (despite the schoolmen's threat'ning

Where e'en the Stagyrite had falsely trod.

* PERTH. Sec Sir Walter Scott's Fair Maid of Perth. t The North Inch," a piece of beautiful meadow land at Perth, on the river bank, the general play-place of children, and scene of the clan combat in the Fair Maid of Perth. When scarcely eighteen, he challenged all the learned of Paris to dispute with him in the University on subjects drawn from any art or science, and in any one of twelve languages. The palm of superiority was finally assigned to him by the president, together with a diamond ring and a purse of gold.

Each secret of the floral world he knew;
Yet loved its beauties like an infant too!
And viewed with gaze of ecstacy and awe
His God's beneficence in all he saw.

Nor Science only mark'd him reach the goal-
ART's sacred splendours fired his conscious soul;
Touch'd by his pencil's magic, warm and true,
Divinest forms upon the canvass grew.

The laurel of the Dramatist he bore

The changeful sock with matchless skill he wore.
Whene'er he bade sweet Music's strains arise,
A charmed stillness crept o'er earth and skies;
And while through Beauty's region led by taste,
Grandeur and loveliness his soul embraced.

Yet, thus adorn'd and crown'd with all that asks
From other beings sternest toils and tasks,
With all of wisdom graced, and fancy too,
In Solon's heart or Plato's brain that grew;
Thus skill'd in every science, art, and tongue,
A laughing grace on all his motions hung.
With all of studious zeal and manly worth,
He danced the airy round of frolic mirth;
With all of strenuous diligence that e'er
Braced Aristotle's toiling soul to bear,
From peaks of fervid eloquence sublime,
That scarce a Tully had disdain'd to climb,
He bounded to the simple plains below,
And bade the streams of boyish rapture flow;
With graceful trifling pleased each lighter mind;
Charm'd every heart with manners bland and kind.
With gentleness of mien and glance and tone,
Placid in temper, pure in heart and warm,
That Epicurus might have joy'd to own;
"The glass of fashion, and the mould of form,"
Nature in him had all her treasures stored,
"The courtier's, scholar's, soldier's, eye, tongue,

Ah, word ill-fated!-word that bids me tell
What hapless doom this noblest plant befel;
The doom of "princely DION," when the sword
Of slaughtering treachery his bosom gored,-
Thy doom, O CRICHTON! when a "princely" wretch
Thee at his foot in murderous wrath could stretch:
Accurst in Mantua's records ever be
The feast, the night, the hand, that slaughter'd
The hand and heart thine own had strove in vain,
In glory's race, and virtue's path, to train-
That in a moment made that festal time,
For ever and for ever black with crime.

Lo! by the tender light of many a star,
Wanders the stripling with his loved guitar;
And lo! where yonder fiercely treacherous band,
To sterner duties call his startled hand;
Six weapons strive to lay him in the dust-
One skilful weapon foils their every thrust.
Oh! wherefore paint with anguish'd tints anew
The monster prince, the paragon he slew→
Slew, like a demon, with the very blade
His generous victor at his feet had laid,
When goodness, to itself the deadliest foe,
Bared his pure bosom to the dastard's blow;
Black o'er his scutcheon spreads the blot of shame,
And thou, lost Italy, with cheek of flame,
For evermore shalt blush at CRICHTON's name!




Solution to Questions on Pp. 272, 302, & 332. 31. Let a be the area of section of smaller limb of the instrument figured in the margin; this limb being supposed cylindrical, and open at the top. Also, let V and V+V' be the volumes of gas above the liquid in the larger limb (which is closed with a 1 stopcock), at the commencement and end of observation respectively.





vertical depression of liquid in larger limb, by addition of gas. +h difference of level of liquid in larger and smaller limb, at the end of the experiment.

the specific gravity of the liquid.
the pressure of the atmosphere at time
of observation.

area of bore of smaller limb. Then, geometrically, we have

V' ah.... 1.

And, by the condition of fluid equilibrium, Pw+m(x + h) . . . . 2.


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On an inspection of this formula for the volume required, we at once see that it will conduce to simplicity, if V and x be constant; and the following method of observation is immediately suggested:-Let the quantity of liquid in the instrument be so adjusted that at the commencement of the experiment it may stand in both limbs at the fixed level LL', and let the evolution


gas be discontinued when the liquid in the larger limb is depressed to the fixed be attached to the smaller limb, the zero level . If, then, a scale of cubic content. of graduation being at L', ah may be read

off, and the constant ar being added to the reading, we have the requisite data for the determination of the volume. We have omitted to state that V must have been de

termined beforehand by the usual method.

be attained differently, and perhaps occasionThe object of the above experiment might ally with greater convenience, by making the time a constant, instead of a variable element of the observation. Thus, let the experimenter be provided with a small quantity of liquid of the same specific gravity as that in the instrument, and having adjusted that in the larger limb to the level L, let him introduce gas during a fixed interval of time. Then if, by means. of a pipette, liquid be slowly poured into the open limb until the original level is restored in the other, all the requisite data will have been furnished. For let h h be the altitudes of the liquid in the smaller limb, at the beginning and end of the ex

Now, the gas, whose volume at the pressure w is V, will at the pressure P be condensed into the volume V. Hence the volume of the gas introduced, at the pres-periment respectively. Then the gas, whose sure P, must be

[blocks in formation]


V. Р

[merged small][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

volume under the pressure w+mah was V, will be condensed into the volume

[blocks in formation]
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