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Joan of Arc and Hannah More -Their deeds-Repugnance to former
-Love for the latter-These feelings instinctive and universal-
Queen Elizabeth-Martha Glar-Jael - Volumnia and Virgilia
Lady Jane Grey-Queen Victoria-A law of the mind-Claims set
up for women -Protest of woman's nature-Sustained by the Gos.
pel-Christ's truth made a Mary, a Dorcas, a Lydia-Martyrs - Did
not change the sphere of women- The lady's surprise- The pas
tor's answer-A great truth-Diversity of sphere not inferiority
of employment - Woman's sphere described - Ship at sea- The

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The Swiss huntsman-The discovered treasure-The enchantment of
gold-The fatal rock-The hunter's death-Pity for his fate-A
kindred folly-The future sacrificed to the present-A first duty —
Fitness for the emergencies of life-The ivy and the oak-A dis-
credited saying-Madame Letitia-Pictures of Marie Antoinette-
Mournful illustration of the uncertainty of hope-The illustration
applied-Independence on the question of marriage secured by self-
reliance-Marrying for a settlement-Superior position of a self-

dependent woman changes

Morvale's firmness Advance into life brings Creates necessity for self-reliance-A great fact-Fallen women-Influence of poverty on their fall-Self-reliance might have saved them- Effect of self-reliance in women on observers -The two queens-Marie Antoinette's failure in a crisis - Queen Esther's success in a great exigency- Causes of Marie's failure -Of Esther's success- Elements of self-reliance, . 128



The emir's daughter - Her love - Her pursuit and its success- Her folly Rash self-reliance described-True self-reliance - A decided mind one of its springs - Example of Pizarro- Consecration to the idea of duty-Effect on the feelings in view of danger-Illustrated. by Empress Josephine's affection for Napoleon-Extract from Joanna Baillie Courage a spring of self-reliance - The mother of Jonathan Harrington - Necessity of courage-Use of in woman Alberti and his noble wife Ayxa the sultana - Poetic extractLearning how to support self-Henry Laurens to his daughters— Madame de Genlis - Education a means of support-Skill in needlework-Life in a factory considered-Labor not degrading-Madame Roland- Mary Dwight-Trust in God-Paul at the Roman tribunal, 152




Ethwald's character - Sameness of human hearts

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Seed of good and ill Culture a condition of growth-Sculptures in museums- Relation of skill and beauty-Diversity of female character-Vain women - Artful, selfish, malicious women- - Slanderers Model women The difference explained-Self-culture urged - Encouraged - Extract from De Montfort The embroidery pattern Correct aim necessary -- Mutual relations of mind and body - Health must be cared for Intellectual culture-Reading for pleasure - Novels-Their relation to pleasure and to character-Their irreligious tendency - Object of reading- How to find pleasure in reading - The Bible-How to read it-Moral culture - A secret-Jeanie Deans-Princess ElizabethA comparison - Constantine to Victoria- Impulses - The sinking

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The two trees-The divided heights-Images of marriage-False
notions of marriage- Magic castles-Marriage important-Desira.

ble-Hasty marriages improper-Single life better than a bad mar riage- Picture of a miserable wife-What is marriage-Relation of affection to genuine marriage-Injurious ideas-Nonsensical views of love-The affections controlled by reason-Courtship-Its object -A lover's character to be studied-A vital test-Passion leads the young astray-The military chieftain enthralled by it- Passion's dreamland - A young lady's love her greatest treasure- -Poetical extract - A reason for caution in courtship-Strangers - How to regard them- Villains may be detected. -Extract from Coleridge From Eliza Cook - Mental and moral purity a woman's armor chaste woman described - The characteristics requisite in a suitor — Self-denial-Energy - Cultivation - Industry - Economy - Benev. olence Must not be a proud man - -Nor a clown-Nor a fop-Nor deformed - Should be religious-On consulting parents-Female monsters-Myra's elopement - Her subsequent misery — Caution in the intimacies of courtship-No haste to wed-Premature marriage inadvisable Concluding remarks,..



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