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Examiner.-W. J. PALMER, M. D.

Morning Paper.

1. Explain the formation of Dew.

2. When does water boil?

3. What are the advantages of spectrum analysis in detecting and discriminating the metals of the alkalies? 4. Explain what is meant by Specific Heat and show its relation to Atomic weights..

5. What elements present exceptional volume weights?

Afternoon Paper.

6. How would you estimate the proportion of Carbon dioxide and Oxygen in the atmosphere?

7. Write in symbols the changes which take place when water is added to


Carbon dioxide,

b. Chlorine monoxide, and

Nitrogen pentoxide respectively.

8. How many Litres of Ammoniacal gas measured at 0°C., and 760 M. M. can be obtained from 100 Grammes of Sal-ammoniac?

Examiner.-JOSEPH EWART, M. D.
Morning Paper.

1. Enumerate the groups included under the Protozoa, and describe the leading and distinguishing characters of

each group.

Describe the mechanism of progression in serpents.

3. Trace the Development of Echinus from its Pluteus. Describe the respiratory structure of Birds.


Afternoon Paper.

5. Describe the process of encysting in Gregarina.

6. Describe the organ of flight in the bat, bird, flying lizard, flying squirrel and Lepidoptera, and indicate the exact nature of its function and the homologies of its component parts in each.

7. Compare Hydride and Actiniæ.

8. Enumerate the structural features by which the echinodermata are separated from other annulose animals.


Examiner.-C. B. CLARKE, M. A.

Morning Paper.

1. Explain the terms diclinous, monoicous, dioicous, polygamous, polygamo-monoicous, polygamo-dioicous.

2. Describe the process of reproduction, (a) in a flowering plant, (b) in a fern.

3. What are the distinguishing features of the subdivision coniferæ ? How can coniferous wood generally be recognised?

4. Describe, as completely as you can, the specimens A, B, C, D; noting particularly the structure of the ovary.

Afternoon Paper.

5. State the chief grounds of the theory that a flower consists only of transformed leaves. Shew by a picture how a syncarpous ovary with parietal placenta may be supposed to be formed out of transformed leaves.

6. What chemical changes take place in the seed during germination? Distinguish exorrhizal from endorrhizal germination.

7. Describe the principal classes of plants which existed during the carboniferous period.

8. Describe the fruits E and F.


Examiner.-W. J. PALMER, M. D.

1. What Pharmacopæia preparations are obtained from plants belonging to the natural order Leguminosa ? State the uses of each.


Enumerate the most important Narcotics, Anodynes, and Soporifics, stating the distinctive therapeutic characters of each.

3. What is the usual strength of the undermentioned classes of British Pharmacopæia preparations

[blocks in formation]

Enumerate the exceptions you remember in each class.

4. Enumerate the several Liniments of the B. P. and state briefly the uses of each.

5. What are the therapeutic uses of the preparations of Bismuth, of the Hyposulphites and of the Bromides.

6. How would you test the purity of Sulphate of Quinine ?

L. M. S. and M. B. Second Examination.


Morning Paper.

1. A European man, about 50 years of age, is admitted to this Hospital with dyspnea and oedema of the lower

extremities. There is albuminuria. How are we to ascertain whether Morbus Brightii is or is not present?


Discuss fully the causes and treatment of Insolation. 3. What are the principal causes of Hæmatemesis, especially as it occurs in India? Give the treatment of a

severe case.

Afternoon Paper.

4. State the causes and treatment of a phosphatic condition of the Urine.


Review the causes and treatment of those states of the blood known as Anæmia and Spanæmia, especially in India.

6. Discuss fully the subject of Regurgitant Disease of the Aortic valves, with especial reference to Morbid Anatomy and Diagnosis.


Examiner.-C. MACNAMARA.
Morning Paper.

1. Describe the pathological changes in, and around, an artery after the application of a ligature, and give an account of the most common causes, and the treatment of secondary hæmorrhage.

2. Give an account of the causes, symptoms and treatment of stricture of the urethra.

3. Describe the symptoms and treatment of a simple fracture of the skull, with depression.

Afternoon Paper.

4. Describe the symptoms due to a strangulated oblique inguinal hernia, the anatomy of the parts concerned, and

the remedial measures you would adopt (including an operation if necessary) for its relief.

5. What are the most frequent forms of disease of the eye which lead to the formation of posterior synechia. Give the treatment of adhesions between the iris and capsule of the lens,



Morning Paper.

1. To what causes may non-dilatation of the os uteri in labour be due, and what is the treatment proper in each ? 2. Describe the uses and forms of pessaries.

3. To what displacements is the gravid uterus liable? What is the management of each ?

Afternoon Paper.

4. You are called for the first time, to a native woman who has been three days in labour, the breech of a large dead child has advanced to the outlet in the abdominal position. The fœtal abdomen and thorax are much distended in consequence of decomposition. Pains have ceased; there is tumefaction with commencing inflammation of the maternal parts. What is to be done here?

5. Rupture of the perineum in labor. To what circumstances is it due? Its prevention? Its treatment?

6. How is bony deformity (first) of the brim and (secondly) of the outlet of the pelvis to be ascertained and measured at the commencement of labor?

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