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make way. When on a journey, the rider himself carries in his hand a little ftick pointed with iron, with which he pricks his beaft on the withers.

When the rider alights, he has no occafion to tie up his afs. He merely pulls the rein of the bridle tight, and paffes it over a ring on the fore part of the faddle, which, confining the head of the beaft, is fufficient to make him remain patiently in his place.

Though the Arabs do not take quite fo much pains to preserve the breed of their affes, as they do for promoting the excellence of their horfes, it may be faid with truth, that affes are no where attended with fo much care as in Egypt and Arabia. They are regularly rubbed down and washed: which renders their coat fmooth, foft, and gloffy: and their food is the fame as that of horfes, commonly confifting of chopped. ftraw, barley, and small beans.

To add to the fpecies of ufeful animals, or, which is the fame thing, to improve them fo as to render them more useful, is to increase the advantages of public and private economy. If, without remitting our attentions to the horse, we deigned to pay a little regard to the afs, though placed by nature fecond in the scale, we could not fail to be gainers. For the attainment of this useful object, it would be necessary to cross the breed. Arabian or Egyptian males would improve the offspring of our females in ftrength and beauty; and these, by repeated croffings, would produce with time and care an excellent breed of animals, fuited to the majority in point of expenfe, and not deftitute of pleafing qualities.

The handsomeft affes feen at Cairo come from Upper Egypt and Nubia. On afcending the Nile, the influence of climate on these animals is perceptible, they being of the greatest beauty in Saïd, while toward the Delta they are inferior in all refpects. So true it is, that they owe their excellencies to great heat and extreme drought. In countries, which, though very hot,

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are at the fame time wet, they are but indifferent: for in India, and even the fouthernmost parts of the peninfula, which are nearer to the equator, but likewife 'more humid, than Arabia, Nubia, and Thebaïs, the affes are fmall, dull, weak, and ill-shaped **.

From the excellent qualities of the Egyptian affes, it is not to be wondered that they have been objects of luxury. The opulent vied in keeping affes of the highest price. To the Europeans fettled at Cairo, this was an indemnification for the restraint from riding on horfeback, to which they were condemned. But this fpecies of luxury attracted the attention of government in 1779. It was deemed indecorous, that foreign merchants, abominated on account of their religion, fhould ride upon animals fuperior even to those kept for the wives of the beys themfelves. This was fufficient to bring upon the European merchants a forced contribution, an avanie of four or five hundred thoufand franks, which they were obliged to pay, for having kept fine affes.

In the caft, these were at all times among the number of animals moft valued. They formed part of the wealth of the ancient patriarchs, as they ftill do of the herds of the wandering nations in the fame countries. The Egyptians alone abominated them. To them they were the execrated emblem of the evil genius of Typhon, of that giant monster with a hundred heads, and a hundred mouths vomiting flame, the son of Earth and Tartarus, who had dared to wage war with the gods, and had at laft been cut to pieces by Ofiris, one of the deities of Egypt. The inhabitants of Coptos in particular, fo publicly declared their inveterate anti

*Such at least is the affertion of the author of Effais Philofophiques fur les Mours de divers Animaux étrangers, pages 240 et 246.-Pliny had obferved, that the afs was not fond of cold countries, ipfum animal frigoris maxime impatiens. Hist. Nat. lib. viii. cap. 43.


pathy to these animals, as to throw them down from the fummit of a rock; and the people of Bufiris and Ly. copolis carried their fuperftition fo far as to refrain from blowing the trumpet, because, in their opinion, its found refembled the braying of an ass * !


CHARACTERISTIC OF EACH MONTH IN THE YEAR, Chiefly extracted from the New Edition of Dr. Aikin's Caler dar of Nature.




Oh winter! ruler of th' inverted year,
Thy fcatter'd hair with fleet-like ashes fill'd,
Thy breath congeal'd upon thy lips, thy cheeks
Fring'd with a beard made white with other fnows
Than thofe of age-thy forehead wrapt in clouds,
A leafless branch thy fceptre, and thy throne
A fliding car, indebted to no wheels,
But urg'd by forms along its flippery way.
I love thee all unlovely as thou seem'st,
And dreaded as thou art.



HIS month, in general, the most unpleasant in the whole year. 2. Vapours, clouds and ftorms, form almoft the only viciffitudes of weather; thus, according to Shakespeare-" The rain and wind

* See the Differtation fur Typhon, par l'Abbé Banier, member of the Academy of Infcriptions and Belles Lettres, tome iii. page 116.

Hh 3


beat dark December." 3. Every change now melancholy, advancing to univerfal gloom and defolation:

No mark of vegetable life is feen,

No bird to bird repeats his tuneful call,
Save the dark leaves of fome rude ever-green,

Save the lone red-breast on the mofs-grown wall.


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4. Wild quadrupeds and amphibious animals retire to their winter quarters, which they feldon quit till the return of fpring. 5. Some lay up no ftores of provifions, and therefore become entirely torpid, till the warm weather reftores them, and their food along with them; thus the frog, lizard, badger, hedge-hog, and bat, all of whom feed on infects or vegetables. 6. Dormice lie torpid the greater part of the winter, though laying up fome food, they, on a warm day, revive, eat it, and then relapfe into their former condition. 7. Squirrels, water-rats, and field-mice, provide large ftores of provifion; not known to be torpid, but, probably, fleep more at this time than in fummer. 8. Cold is the immediate caufe of torpidity in animals. 9. A frog immersed in water at thirty-two degrees, or the freezing point, becomes torpid in a few moments, and the application of a warmth of 50 degrees, will restore it to activity. 10. The only vegetables now flourishing, are moffes and lichens, or liver- worts; thus offering their fructification to the botanift, when the rest of nature is dead to him. 11. Moffes of little ufe in commerce, domeftic economy, or as food for either man or beaft. 12. Lichens, fome ufeful; viz. one fort, confifting of white flexible branches, the fole fubfiftence of the deer in Lapland; and alfo the Iceland lichen, ufed when fresh, medicinally, as a purgative, but when dried, a fubftitute for bread to the inhabitants of the arctic regions. 13. Many kinds ufed as dying drugs, efpecially a grey one, found in the Canary Islands, efteemed for its purple dye, fugitive, but extremely beau

tiful, and used for giving a luftre to filks. 14. Lichens
likewife ferviceable in the economy of nature, forming,
upon barren places, a ftratum of vegetable mould for
the fupport of larger and more useful plants.
15. A
caftle or edifice deferted and ruined, foon becomes
covered with lichens, deriving their nourishment from
thefair and rain, thefe decaying, turn into mould between
the crevices, into which fall the winged feeds of ash and
fycamore, these feeds expanding and enlarging in time,
fplit into pieces and overthrow the moft maffy towers.
16. On the 21ft of December is the winter folftice, or
fhortest day, the fun being fomething lefs than eight
hours above the horizon, even in the fouthern parts of
this ifland. 17. Froft and fnow now generally begin
to fet in for the rest of the winter. 18. The farmer
having little to do out of doors, attends to the feeding
and management of his cattle, and various matters of
household economy. 19. The feftival of CHRISTMAS
feafonably cheers this comfortlefs period. 20. Great
preparations for it in the country, and plenty of ruftic
dainties provided for its celebration, according to the
rites of ancient hospitality. 21. The old year steals
away unlamented, and fcarcely perceived. 22. The
NEW YEAR begins with lengthening days and brighter
fkies, infpiring fresh hopes and pleafing expectations:
Thefe naked fhoots,

Barren as lances, among which the wind
Makes wintry mufic fighing as it goes,
Shall put their graceful foilage on again;

And more afpiring, and with ampler spread,

Shall boaft new charms, and more than they have loft.
Then each in its peculiar honours clad,
Shall publifh, even to the diftant eye,
Its family and tribe. Laburnum, rich
In ftreaming gold; fyring or iv'ry pure;
The fcented and the fcentlefs rofe; this red,
And of an humbler growth; the other tall;
And throwing up into the darkest gloom

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