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Impeachment of the Hon. Samuel Chafe

THURSDAY, January, 5th 1804.

On a motion made and feconded, that the houfe do come to the following refo. lution:

Refolved, That a committee be appoint ed to enquire into the official conduct of Samuel Chafe, one of the affociate juf tices of the fupreme court of the United States, and to report their opinion, whe ther the faid Samuel Chafe hath fo acted in his judicial capacity, as to require the interpofition of the conftitutional power of this house!

The houfe proceeded to confider the faid motion at the clerk's table: Whereupon,

A motion was made and feconded, that the farther confideration of the faid refolution be poftponed until to-morrow.

And debate arifing thereon,

Another motion was made, and the queftion being put, that the houfe do now adjourn,

It paffed in the negative-Yeas 52Nays 62.

FRIDAY, January 6th, 1804.

The house refumed the confideration of the motion of the fifth inftant, "for the appointment of a committee to enquire into the official conduct of Samuel Chafe, one of the affociate justices of the fupreme court of the United States," and the faid motion, as originally propofed, being again read, in the words following,

to wit:

"Refolved, That a committee be appointed to enquire into the official conduct of Samuel Chafe, one of the affociatė juftices of the fupreme court of the United States, and to report their opinion whether the faid Samuel Chafe hath fo acted in his judicial capacity, as to require the interpofition of the constitutional power of this houfe."

A motion was made and feconded, to amend the fame, by inferting after the words "one of the affociate juftices of the fupreme court of the United States," the following words, " and of Richard Peters, diftrict judge of the district of Pennfylvania."

And on the queftion. that the house do agree to the faid amendment,

It was refolved in the affirmativeYeas 79-Nays 37.

[blocks in formation]


ye being demanded by one fifth of the members prefent,

Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Seth Haftings,

William Hoge,
James Holland,

David Holmes,
Benjamin Huger,
John G. Jackfon,
Walter Jones,
William Kennedy,
Nehemiah Knight,
Michael Leib,
Jofeph Lewis, jun.
Thomas Lowndes,
John B. C. Lucas,
Andrew M'Cord,
David Meriwether,
Nicholas R. Moore,
Thomas Moore,
Jeremiah Morrow,
Anthony New,
Thomas Newton, jun.
Jofeph H. Nicholson,
Gideon Olin,
John Patterson,

Oliver Phelps,

John Randolph, jun. Thomas M. Randolph,

John Rea (of Pennsylvania) John Rhea (of Tennessee) Jacob Richards,

Eraftus Root,

Thomas Sammons,

Thomas Sandford,

Ebenezer Seaver,

Thompfon J. Skinner,
James Sloan,
John Smilie,

John Smith (of Virginia)
Richard Stanford,
Jofeph Stanton,
James Stephenfon,
John Stewart,
David Thomas,
Philip R. Thompson,
John Trigg,

Philip Van Cortlandt,
Ifaac Van Horne,
Jofeph B. Varnum,
Daniel C. Verplanck,
Marmaduke Williams,
Richard Winn,
Jofeph Winston, and
Thomas Wynns.79%

Those who voted in the negative are,

George Michael Bedinger,
Silas Betton,
Adam Boyd,
William Chamberlin,
Martin Chittenden,
Clifton Claggett,
Manaffeh Cutler,
Samuel W. Dana,
John Davenport,
Gaylord Griswold,
Roger Grifwold,

[blocks in formation]
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