WHEREAS, The said A. J. Arnold was duly sworn into the service of the Territory of Nebraska, on the 18th day of August, 1864, by Engene S. Sheffield, Adjt. of the 7th Iowa Calvary; and WHEREAS, The said A. J. Arnold served for three months in the active service of the Territory of Nebraska, for which he did not receive any pay; and, WHEREAS, As the Adjutant General of the State of Nebraska has no record of the service of the said A. J. Arnold, and the said A. J. Arnold, has never been discharged from the service of the Territory nor State of Nebraska; Therefore, Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of A. J. Arnold. SECTION 1. That the Adjutant General of the Relief of State of Nebraska is hereby authorized to give the said A. J. Arnold an honorable discharge as First Lieutenant of Militia. SEC. 2. That there is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the State of Nebraska to A. J. Arnold the sum of three hundred and seventyfive ($375.00) dollars, pay for three months service of the said A. J. Arnold, and for use of his horse. SEC. 3. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the sum of three hundred and seventy-five ($375.00) dollars in favor of said A. J. Arnold for the payment of said claim, Approved April 23d, A. D. 1893, CHAPTER 65. [House Roll No. 85.] Preamble. AN ACT for the relief of George Maurer. WHEREAS, On the ninth day of June 1890 George Maurer enlisted in Company "E" of the First Regiment of the Nebraska National Guards, as a private, and continued in good standing in said company, and was on the 3d day of January 1891 ordered out with said company by the Hon. John M. Thayer, Governor of the State of Nebraska, to protect the lives and property of the citizens of the State of Nebraska, in Sheridan and Dawes counties, against the depredations of the Sioux Indians who at said time were actively engaged in a war against the government of the United States, and WHEREAS, Said Maurer while actively engaged in service as a private, was exposed to the cold and freezing weather, and by reason of such exposure while in the line of duty, and without any fault on his part, contracted rheumatism which soon became chronic, from which he suffered great physical pain and incapacitated him from work and preventing him from following his vocation and earning a living, and requiring him to pay out large sums of money for medical care and attendance for a period of more than two years, and WHEREAS, The said Maurer is still sick and has not as yet recovered from said disease contracted as aforesaid, and WHEREAS, The case of said Maurer is one properly falling within the purview of Section 2225, of chapter thirty-one, of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska, and WHEREAS, By reason of the premises aforesaid, and by reason that said Maurer is a poor young man dependent on his own labor for a livelihood, he has been damaged in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), Therefore, Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated For the relief out of any money in the treasury of the State of Maurer. Nebraska, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for the payment of the damages sustained by said Maurer as aforesaid. SEC. 2. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), in favor of the said George Maurer, for the payment of the damages by him sustained as aforesaid. SEC. 3. Whereas, an emergency exists, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Approved April 6, A. D. 1893. Preamble. Relief of Dora [House Roll No. 58.] CHAPTER 66. AN ACT To provide for the relief of Dora Paxton widow of J. P. PREAMBLE. WHEREAS, On the 10th day of April, 1891, in the County of Faulkner State of Arkansas J. P. Paxton was shot and instantly killed by one Matt S. Good, and; WHEREAS, At said time said Paxton was possessed of requisition paper for said Good signed by Governor Boyd and said Paxton was duly qualified and acting constable in and for Greeley County, Nebraska. That said Good was a fugitive from justice, had once been arrested and escaped from the officer who had him in custody, and had fled to said county in Arkansas, where he killed said Paxton. That at the time of said killing, said Paxton was in discharge of his official duty as an officer and was engaged in the arrest of said Good. That at the time of the death of said Paxton he had but little property, his family was very poor, and are almost destitute and have no means of support. That said Paxton's family consisted at the time of his death and still consists of a wife and four minor children. Therefore, Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. That two thousand ($2000) dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the State of Nebraska for the relief of said widow and minor children in the manner and form as hereinafter provided. Two thousand ($2000) dollars be allowed the widow and children of the deceased J. P. Paxton, the same to be placed in the hands of the Probate Court to be paid over by him as their needs may require for their support. And that a warrant for said amount be drawn and the same delivered to the County Judge of Greeley County, Nebraska to be disbursed as herein before provided. Approved April 6, A. D. 1893. CHAPTER 67. [House Roll No. 305.] AN ACT for the relief of Mary J. Carscallen. WHEREAS, on the 15th day of April, 1890, one Mary J. Carscallen executed to the state of Nebraska, a mortgage upon the southeast quarter (4) of section number twenty-one, 21, Township number twenty-four (24), North, Range number five (5) west of the sixth (6) Principal Meridian, in the County of Antelope and State of Nebraska, by mistake, which said mortgage was duly filed for record in the record's office in said Antelope County, on the 15th day of April, 1890, and duly recorded by him in book 28, at page 636, and WHEREAS, said Mary J. Carscallen was not indebted in any sum to the State of Nebraska, and the State of Nebraska having no interest in either the said mortgage or the land thereby conveyed Preamble. |