[House Roll No. 371.] CHAPTER 58. AN ACT to appropriate money to employ counsel to assist in prose- Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Appropriation counsel to as ing certain SECTION 1. That the sum of ten thousand to employ ($10,000) dollars be and the same is hereby appro- sist in prosecutpriated out of any funds in the treasury of this state cases. state not otherwise appropriated, and that the same be placed under the control and direction of the governor of this state, to be used by him or so much thereof as he may deem necessary in employing attorneys in prosecuting all criminal cases wherein the state has been defrauded by its officers, employes or those dealing with any state institutions or dealing with or having in their custody, possession or control, any moneys, funds, property or effects of or belonging to the state, and necessary expenses connected therewith, or in commencing or prosecuting, any civil action or actions or proceedings against any officer, person or corporations indebted to the state on account of any moneys, funds, or effects received by him or them for or on behalf of the State or belonging to it or upon any official bond, or upon any contract or obligation, for the payment or safe keeping or disposal of any such moneys or funds or effects. penditures. SEC. 2. The governor shall keep a just and cor- Account of exrect account of the amount of money so expended by him, and shall report the same to the next term Emergency. of the legislature of this state, stating in what cases said money has been paid out, the amount paid, and what for, and the nature of the crime charged. * SEC. 3. It being a case of emergency demanding the speedy enactment of all the provisions of this act, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after the passage and approval of the same. Approved April 8, A. D. 1893. CHAPTER 59. Appropriation of fees of state [House Roll No. 165.] AN ACT to appropriate the matriculation fees of the Nebraska State Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. The sum of two thousand two hunNormal school dred thirty-four dollars and thirty-two cents now in the treasury belonging to the library fund of the State Normal School, together with such other sums as may be paid into the treasury as matriculation fees belonging to said library fund prior to March 31st, A. D., 1895, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the purchase of books for the use of the library of the State Normal School. Disbursements. Emergency. SEC. 2. The moneys hereby appropriated shall be expended by the board of education of the State Normal School as provided by law. SEC. 3. Whereas, an emergency exists, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, Approved March 9th, A. D. 1893, [House Roll No. 183.] CHAPTER 60. AN ACT to appropriate the matriculation and diploma fees, constituting a "library fund" for the University of Nebraska, for the use and support of the library of the University. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. That all moneys which may be re- of fees of State ceived by the State Treasurer from the 31st day of March, 1893, to and including the 31st day of March, 1895, on account of matriculation and diploma fees collected from students of the University of Nebraska, and which by law constitutes a special "library fund" for said University, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the purchase of books for the library of said University. Appropriation SEC. 2. That for the disbursement of the moneys Disbursements. hereby appropriated the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska shall issue certificates, signed by its president and secretary, in the manner provided by an act of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, approved February 23, 1875; and upon the presentation of such certificates the Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and required to draw and issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the amount specified in such certificates, and in favor of the party therein named ; Provided, That no warrant shall issue under this act unless there are funds in the hands of the Treasurer to pay the same. Approved March 13th, A. D. 1893. [House Roll No. 182.] CHAPTER 61. AN ACT to appropriate the tuition fees of the College of Law of the University of Nebraska for the use and support of said college. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. That the moneys which have been received by the state treasurer since the establishment of the College of Law of the University of Nebraska, and all moneys which shall be received by the state treasurer to and including the thirtyfirst day of March, 1895, on account of tuition fees collected from the students in the said College of Law, be and the same are hereby appropriated to and for the payment of expenses already incurred, and for such expenses as may be incurred to and including the thirty-first day of March, 1895, in connection with the support of said College of Law. SEC. 2. That for the disbursement of the moneys hereby appropriated, the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska shall issue certificates, signed by its president and secretary, in the manner provided by an act of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, approved February 23, 1875; and upon the presentation of said certificates the Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and required to draw and issue his warrant upon said Treasurer for the amount specified in said certificates, and in favor of the party therein |