Mosher Brothers, for grading grounds home of the friendless, eighty four and ninety two cents ($84.92). Mary E. Ward, a member of the advisory board of Soldiers and Sailors home at Grand Island, for expenses and pay, visiting the same, seventy six dollars and thirty cents ($76 30). J. W. Townsend, a member of advisory board of Soldiers and Sailors home at Grand Island, for expenses and pay visiting the same, ninety six dollars and seventy one cents ($96 71). Lincoln Ice Company, for ice furnished capitol, fifteen dollars and twenty cents ($15 20). Custer County, for over payment on Insane Hospital account, two thousand two hundred seventy seven dollars and ninety one cents ($2277 91). Shilling Bros., for supplies for Capitol, twenty six dollars and fifty cents ($26 50). F. S. Korsmeyer & Co., for balance due them on material and work in building the Normal School building in Peru, Nebr. five hundred twenty dollars and eighty cents ($520 80). H. M. Waring, for clerk and stenographer work on special committee, forty four dollars and eighty cents ($44 80). A. W. Buffman for services and expenses as member of board Soldiers and Sailors home, ninety one dollars and seventy six cents ($91 76). Geneva Democrat, for printing Governor's proclamation, one hundred and five dollars. (105.00). Peoples Poignard, for printing the Governor's proclamation, one hundred and five dollars (105.00). Howard county, for over payment on Insane Hospital account, five hundred and twenty-six dollars and seven cents ($526.07). Frontier county, for over payment on Insane Hospital account, sixty one dollars and thirty one cents ($61.31). Red Willow county, for overpayment on Insane Hospital account, five hundred and seventy eight dollars and twenty cents (578.20). Hooker County, for overpayment on Insane Hospital account, one dollar and twenty-two cents ($1.22). Nance County, for over payment on Insane Hospital account, two hundred sixty six dollars and forty nine cents ($266.49). State Journal, for printing and supplies two hundred and sixteen ($216.00). Geo. W. Shaffer, for balance due on supervision of the building of the Home of the Friendless building, eleven dollars and forty one cents ($11.41). Funke & Ogden, for supplies for the House of Representatives, three hundred nineteen dollars and eleven cents ($319.11). Nellie M. Beardsley, transcribing, short hand notes in the investigation of the Hastings Asylum and Lincoln Asylum, two hundred seventy nine Dollars ($279.00). Baldwin Bros., for hardware for Capitol building fifty four dollars and forty cents ($54.40). Lucy E. Lemon for excess interest on school land thirty seven dollars and four cents ($37.04). Jennie M Zentmeyer, for services as member of the visiting board Soldiers and Sailors Home forty four dollars ($44.00). Fred J. Sackett, County Clerk for boxing, cartage and express, thirteen dollars and eighty five cents ($13.85). Korsmeyer Plumbing and Heating Company, for work and material in east wing of Capitol building, fifty three dollars and seventy cents ($53.70). James E. Stockwell for brick furnished in building Grant Memorial Hall six hundred fifty one dollars and thirty seven cents ($651.37). James H. O'Neill, for extras and fixtures furnished in the erection of Hospital for Insane at Norfolk, twelve hundred eighty one dollars and fifty nine cents ($1,281.59). Calhoun & Woodruff, maps for labor commissioner and stereotyping report, three hundred and ten dollars and twenty five cents ($310.25). News Publishing Company, for advertising for bids for supplies for hospitals for Insane at Lincoln Hastings and Norfolk, thirty four dollars and fifty cents ($34.50). Kimball County for overpayment on Insane Hospital, ninety nine cents ($.99). McArthur & Son for supplies furnished at Capitol two hundred and forty eight dollars and sixty four cents ($248.64). United States Express Co., to expressage on ballots from different parts of the State forty dollars and seventy cents ($40.70). Lincoln Ice Co., for ice furnished during December, fourteen dollars and twenty cents ($14.20). Lincoln Water Works, for water furnished Capitol for the months of December, January and February, fifty-six dollars and forty cents ($56.40). Jennie Zentmeyer, for services in visiting the Soldiers and Sailors Home, thirty-two dollars ($32.00). Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co., for fire clay four dollars ($4.00). H. F. Vivyan & Co. for coal, Capitol building, two thousand five hundred and seventy two 60-100 ($2,562.60-100) dollars. Mohrman & Arends, for supplies, for Girls Industrial School at Geneva three hundred forty-six dollars and eighty cents ($346.80-100). Sorrick & Son, for supplies, for Girls Industrial School at Geneva, eighty-three 80-100 dollars ($83.80-100). Frank Wight for supplies for Girls Industrial School at Geneva, one hundred forty six dollars and forty-nine cents ($146.49). Mrs. R. E. Harbaugh, for supplies for Girls Industrial School at Geneva, fifty-three dollars and seventy cents ($53.70). J. R. Ballard & Co. for supplies, for Girls Industrial School at Geneva, twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents ($29.50). J. G. Burress, for supplies for Girls Industrial School at Geneva, fifty-three 25-100 dollars ($53.25). Homewood & Co. for supplies, for Girls Industrial School at Geneva, eighty dollars ($80.00). F. J. Beals & Co. for supplies, for Girls Industrial School at Geneva, ten 29-100 dollars ($10.29). Cambria Mining Co. F. F. Beals, agents, for coal, for Girls' Industrial School, Geneva, three hundred forty one 60-100 dollars ($341.60.) A. Koehler, for supplies, for Girls Industrial School, Geneva, seventeen 56-100 dollars ($17.56). A. G. McGrew, for medical attendance, for Girls Industrial School Geneva, thirty-eight 25-100 dollars ($38.25). Plant Seed Co., for supplies for Girls Industrial School, Geneva, thirty-six 20-100 ($36.20). E. B. Wordworth, for supplies, for Girls Industrial School, Geneva, twelve 30-100 dollars ($12.30). J. D. McKelvey, for transportation, A. Buck, from Girls' Industrial School, twenty-three 63100 dollars ($23.63). W. L. Spear & Co. for supplies, for Girls' Industrial School, Geneva, five dollars 40-100 ($5.40). Geneva Journal, for supplies for Girls Industrial School, Geneva, twelve 50-100 dollars ($12.50). Gum & Co., for supplies, for Girls Industrial School, Geneva, ten 56-100 dollars ($10.56). George H. Downing, balance for coal supplied Nebraska State Industrial School, Kearney, seven hundred twenty one 88-100 dollars ($721.88). C. J. Miles & Co., for coal, for Nebraska State Industrial School, Kearney, seven hundred seventy-one 47-100 dollars ($771 47). R. T. Shannon, for coal, for Nebraska State Industrial School, Kearney, two thousand two hundred five dollars ($2,205.00). D. P. Rolfe & Co. for coal, for the Nebraska Institute for the Blind, Nebraska City, nine hundred forty-two 10-100 dollars ($942.10). S. E. Moore for painting and labor, Capitol |