Senate File No. 227 An act to amend section 5660, and section 5663, of chapter 10, section 5666, section 5670, and section 5671, of chapter 11; section 5696, and section 5697, of chapter 14; section 5724, of chapter 16, and section 5762, of chapter 18, of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, and to repeal said sections amended......... Senate File No. 52. An act to amend section 5822, of the Compiled Statutes of the state of Nebraska, of 1891, being a part of chapter 21, entitled "Gaming, Betting and Lotteries," and for the repeal of said original section PAGE 392 397 House Roll No. 30. An act to prohibit lumber dealers, coal dealers, or other persons, companies, partnerships or associations from entering into any contract or agreement or combination to pool or fix the price at which lumber or coal shall be sold, and to provide punishment for violation of the same..... 398 House Roll No. 246. An act to compel the use of safety valves on all cylinders, drums or other vessels, appliances or receptacles for holding, containing, and confining carbonic acid gas, nitrous oxide gas, and like aeriform substances Senate File No. 11. An act to prohibit the importation of armed men into this state for police duty, and to prevent the appointment of any but residents for such service....... House Roll No. 362. An act legalizing the payment and allowance of fees to county treasurers in counties under township organization............................... 402 403 404 House Roll No. 93. and employes of An act to provide for the payment of officers, members the 23d session of the legislature. 405 House Roll No. 311. An act to provide for the payment of incidental expenses incurred during the twenty-third session of the legislature.................. House Roll No. 207. An act making appropriation for the current expenses of the state government for the years ending March 31, 1894, and March 31, 1895, and to pay miscellaneous items of indebtedness owing by the state of Nebraska......................... 406 407 House Roll No. 545. An act making appropriations for the payment of miscellaneous items of indebtedness owing by the state of Nebraska............ 426 House Roll No. 234. An act to provide for the payment of the salaries of the officers of the state government, hospital for the insane at Lincoln, hospital for the insane at Norfolk, asylum for the insane at Hastings, institute for the blind, deaf and dumb, reform school at Kearney, reform school at Geneva, normal school at Peru, home for the friendless, institute for the feeble minded, state university, railroad commission, fish commission, industrial home and soldiers' and sailors' home........ 440 House Roll No. 371. An act to appropriate money to employ counsel to assist in prosecuting certain state cases................................................................................................... 449 PAGE House Roll No. 165. An act to appropriate the matriculation fees of the Ne- 450 House Roll No. 183. An act to appropriate the matriculation and diploma 451 House Roll No. 278. An act for the relief of Scott's Bluff county, Nebraska, ...... 457 House Roll No. 55. An act for the relief of Blaine county.. 458 House Roll No. 325. An act to give A. J. Arnold an honorable discharge and pay for three months' service........ 458 House Roll No. 85. An act for the relief of George Maurer......... 460 Rouse Roll No. 58. of J. P. Paxton, An act to provide for the relief of Dora Paxton, widow Honse Roll No. 305. 463 465 MEMORIAL AND JOINT RESOLUTION. Memorial and joint resolution to congress by the senate of the state of Ne- 466 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. In Force November 1, 1875. PREAMBLE. We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for Preamble. our freedom, do ordain and establish the following declaration of rights and frame of government as the constitution of the state of Nebraska: ARTICLE I.-BILL OF RIGHTS. people. SECTION 1. All persons are by nature free and Rights of independent, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights, and the protection of property, governments are instituted among people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. hibited. SEC. 2. There shall be neither slavery nor in- Slavery provoluntary servitude in this state, otherwise than for punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. SEC. 3. No person shall be deprived of life, lib- Process of law. erty, or property without due process of law. |