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Extra compensations.

Salt springs.

Providing for the election of officers in townships, incorporated towns or cities.

Summoning or empaneling grand or petit juries. Providing for the bounding of cities, towns, precincts, school districts, or other municipalities. Providing for the management of public schools. Regulating the interest on money.

The opening and conducting of any election, or designating the place of voting.

The sale or mortgage of real estate belonging to minors or others under disability.

The protection of game or fish.

Chartering or licensing ferries or toll bridges.
Remitting fines, penalties, or forfeitures.

Creating, increasing, and decreasing fees, percentages or allowances of public officers during the term for which said officers are elected or appointed. Changing the law of descent.

Granting to any corporation, association, or individual the right to lay down railroad tracks, or amending existing charters for such purpose.

Granting to any corporation, association, or individual any special or exclusive privileges, immunity, or franchise whatever. In all other cases where a general law can be made applicable, no special law shall be enacted.

SEC. 16. The legislature shall never grant any extra compensation to any public officer, agent, servant, or contractor, after the services shall have been rendered, or the contract entered into. Nor shall the compensation of any public officer be increased or diminished during his term of office.

SEC. 17. The legislature shall never alienate the salt springs belonging to the state,

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SEC. 18. Lands under the control of the state Donations of never be donated to railroad companies, pricorporations, or individuals.



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expenses of

19. Each legislature shall make appro- Appropriations for the expenses of the government until government.



expiration of the first fiscal quarter after the



ment of the next regular session, and all appropriations shall end with such fiscal quarter. whenever it is deemed necessary to make further appropriations for deficiencies, the same shall require a two-thirds vote of all the members to each house, and shall not exceed the elected amount of revenue authorized by law to be raised in such time. Bills making appropriations for the members and officers of the legislature, and pay of for the salaries of the officers of the government, shall contain no provision on any other subject. SEC. 20. All offices created by this constitution Vacancies in shall become vacant by the death of the incumbent, by removal from the state, resignation, conviction of a felony, impeachment, or becoming of unsound mind. And the legislature shall provide by general law for the filling of such vacancy when no provision is made for that purpose in this constitution.



SEC. 21. The legislature shall not authorize Lotteries pro-
games of chance, lottery, or gift enterprise
any pretense, or for any purpose whatever.
SEC. 22. No allowance shall be made for the Money, how



drawn from

incidental expenses of any state officer, except the treasury.
same bẻ made by general appropriation and upon
an account specifying each item. No money shall
be drawn from the treasury except in pursuance of
a specific appropriation made by law, and on the

presentation of a warrant issued by the auditor thereon, and no money shall be diverted from any appropriation made for any purpose, or taken from any fund whatever, either by joint or separate resStatement of olution. The auditor shall, within sixty days after the adjournment of each session of the legislature, prepare and publish a full statement of all moneys expended at such session, specifying the amount of each item, and to whom and for what paid.

legislative ex


Members not liable for debate.

Acts shall take effect, when.

SEC. 23. No member of the legislature shall be liable in any civil or criminal action whatever for words spoken in debate.

SEC. 24. No act shall take effect until three calendar months after the adjournment of the session at which it passed, unless in case of emergency (to be expressed in the preamble or body of the act) the legislature shall, by a vote of twothirds of all the members elected to each house, Publication of otherwise direct. All laws shall be published in book form within sixty days after the adjournment of each session, and distributed among the several counties in such manner as the legislature may provide.


Senatorial districts.


Until otherwise provided by law, senatorial and representative districts shall be formed, and senators and representatives apportioned as follows:


District No. 1. Shall consist of the county of Richardson, and be entitled to two senators.

District No. 2. Shall consist of the county of Nemaha, and be entitled to one senator.

the audit

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District No. 3. Shall consist of the county of


and be entitled to two senators.

Cass, and be entitled to one senator.
District No. 4. Shall consist of the county of
District No. 5. Shall consist of the county of



and be entitled to two senators.

ict No. 6. Shall consist of the counties of

Douglas and Sarpy, and be entitled to one senator.
District No. 7. Shall consist of the county of
Washington, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 8. Shall consist of the county of
Dodge, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 9. Shall consist of the county of Cuming, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 10. Shall consist of the counties of Burt and Dakota, and be entitled to one senator. District No. 11. Shall consist of the counties of Madison, Stanton, Wayne, Pierce, Antelope, and Boone, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 12. Shall consist of the counties of Dixon, Cedar, Knox, Holt, and the unorganized territory west of Holt, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 13. Shall consist of the counties of Hall, Howard, Merrick, Greeley, and the unorganized territory north of Greeley, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 14. Shall consist of the counties of Platte and Colfax, and be entitled to one senator. District No. 15. Shall consist of the counties of Butler and Polk, and be entitled to one senator. District No. 16. Shall consist of the county of Saunders, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 17. Shall consist of the county of Lancaster, and be entitled to two senators.

Representative districts.

District No. 18. Shall consist of the counties of Johnson and Pawnee, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 19. Shall consist of the counties of Gage and Jefferson, and be entitled to one sen


District No. 20. Shall consist of the county of Saline, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 21. Shall consist of the county of Seward, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 22. Shall consist of the counties of York and Hamilton, and be entitled to one senator. District No. 23. Shall consist of the counties of Fillmore and Clay, and be entitled to one senator. District No. 24. Shall consist of the counties of Adams, Webster, Nuckolls, and Thayer, and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 25. Shall consist of the counties of Buffalo, Kearney, Franklin, Harlan, Phelps, Sherman, Valley, and the unorganized territory west of Sherman, Valley, and senatorial district number thirteen (13), and be entitled to one senator.

District No. 26. Shall consist of the counties of Lincoln, Dawson, Gosper, Furnas, Red Willow, Frontier, Hitchcock, Dundy, Chase, Keith, Cheyenne, and the unorganized territory west of Frontier, and between Frontier and Chase, and be entitled to one senator.


District No. 1. Shall consist of the county of Richardson, and be entitled to four representatives. District No. 2. Shall consist of the county of Pawnee, and be entitled to two representatives.

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