Amending sec. 8, chap. 41, Comp. Stats., Consol. Stats. Public holi days. Section 8. That the following days, to-wit: The 1891; sec. 2975, first day of January, the twenty-second day of February, the twenty-second day of April, known as "Arbor Day," the first Monday in September known as "Labor Day," the twenty-fifth of December, the thirtieth day of May and the fourth day of July, and any day appointed or recommended by the Governor of this state or the President of the United States, as a day of fasting and thanksgiving, and when any of these shall occur on Sunday, then the Monday following shall for all purposes whatsoever as regards the presenting for payment or acceptance, and the protesting and giving notice of the dishonoring of bills of exchange, bank checks or promissory notes made after the passage of this act, be deemed public holidays, and be treated and considered as is the first day of the week commonly called "Sunday;" Date of payment on holiday or Sunday. Repealing clause. Provided, That in every such case, and whenever the date of maturity or last day of grace as the case may be, of any negotiable instrument mentioned herein, shall fall on Sunday or a legal holiday, it shall be lawful to make demand, and if need be, protest and notice of dishonor, on the following business day. SECTION 2. Said Sections three (3) and eight (8), of said Chapter forty-one (41), be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 8, A. D. 1893. [Senate File No. 60.] CHAPTER 20. AN ACT to amend Section No. 3218 of the Consolidated Statutes Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Amending sec. Stats., 1891; sec. SECTION 1. That section No. 3218, of the Con-218, Consol solidated Statutes of 1891, be amended to read as 5, chap. 18, follows: Comp. Stats., 1891. Notary public; Section 3218. Each Notary Public, before per-al; date of forming any duties of his office, shall provide him-term of office. self with an official seal, on which shall be engraved the words "Notarial Seal," the name of the county for which he was appointed and commissioned, and the word "Nebraska," and in addition, at his option, his name and the date of expiration of his commission or the initial letters of his name, with which seal, by impression, all his official acts as notary public shall be authenticated, and under his official signature on all certificates of authentication made by him, such notary public shall write the date at which his term of office, as such notary public will expire. Provided, such date of expiration is not engraved Official record. on the seal. Each person so appointed and commissioned shall also before entering upon the duties of the office, provide himself with an official record in which shall be recorded all his official acts together with a copy of the instrument, certificate of protest, notices and other matter by him acted upon, except Repealing clause. the taking of acknowledgments and proofs of deeds and other instruments required by law to be recorded, either in this or other states; affidavits and depositions and other acts not relating to protests; and the record and seal of such notary public shall be exempt from levy or sale on execution, attachment or warrant of distraint. SECTION 2. That said original Section No. (3218) of the Consolidated Statutes of 1891 be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved March 31, 1893. [House Roll No. 388.] CHAPTER 21. Legalizing state poultry association. Annual con. vention. AN ACT legalizing the Nebraska State Poultry Association, to define certain duties of said Association, to make an annual appropriation therefor, and fixing a penalty for the misappropriation of any of the money hereby granted. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. That the regularly organized and incorporated society known as the Nebraska State Poultry Association, whose articles of incorporation are recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, be and the same is hereby legalized as a state institution. SEC. 2. The Nebraska State Poultry Association shall hold a convention annually on the third Tuesday in January at such place in the state as the board of managers may select, for the purpose of gathering statistics and diffusing practical knowledge on subjects pertaining to the poultry interests of the state,' by addresses, papers, discussions, and such other means as the board of managers may direct. tary. SEC. 3. The secretary of said association shall Duties of secrepreserve all papers read and take a stenographic report of all addresses and discussions at said annual convention and shall make a report of the same to the governor, together with a full report of all business transacted, including an itemized statement of all expenditures of money, and shall publish in pamphlet form not less than two thousand copies of said report which shall be distributed according to the laws governing the distribution of the reports of the State Board of Agriculture. SEC. 4. The sum of one thousand dollars is Appropriations hereby annually appropriated out of any moneys in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the use and benefit of said association, and the State Auditor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant for the same upon presentation of proper vouchers therefor certified to by the president and secretary of said association, said amount to be used only for defraying the expenses incurred in holding conventions and in publishing and distributing reports and such other purposes as in the discretion of the board of managers shall best subserve the poultry interests of the state. Embezzlement SEC. 5. If any officer or member of said asso- of funds. ciation shall convert any of the moneys hereby appropriated to his own use or suffer the same to be lost or expended in any other way or manner or for any other purpose than is designated by law, such officer or member shall be deemed guilty of embez zlement and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one or more than three years. Approved April 8, A. D. 1893. [House Roll No. 108.] CHAPTER 22. Amending sec. AN ACT to amend section Five (5) and six (6) of an act entitled "An act to provide for the leasing of the Saline lands belonging to the State of Nebraska" approved April 5, 1889, being, sections 3,808 and 3,810 of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska of 1891. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. That section five (5) of an act, en1891; Bec. 3809, titled "An act to provide for the leasing of the Sa 16, art. 2, chap. 69, Comp. Stats. Consol. Stats., 1891 Leases of saline lands. line lands belonging to the State of Nebraska," approved April 5, 1889, being section 3,809 of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska of 1891, be amended so as to read as follows: Section 5. All leases shall be made of a rental of six per cent, on the appraised value, payable annually in advance. And in addition thereto the lessees shall pay the appraised value of the improvements on said land, which amount shall be immediately paid to the owner or owners of said improvements. Applications for the lease of any such lands not leased at public offering may be made at any time to the Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings: Provided, That if there be two or more persons wishing to lease the same land, the said commissioner shall auction off and lease the land to the person who, in addition to the six |