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counts, and the other with the county clerk or chairman of the county board in the county where the examination has been made, the report to be published with the regular proceedings of the board. SEC. 4. By direction and under the supervision Uniform sys of the auditor of public accounts, there shall be established a uniform system of keeping all accounts pertaining to the office of county treasurer.



swer questions.

SEC. 5. Any county treasurer or his deputy, Rinity for rerefusing to answer truthfully, and to the best of his knowledge, all questions asked, or refusing to exhibit all papers, books or accounts pertaining to his office and demanded by the person or persons making the examination provided for in section one of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdedemeanor and fined not to exceed one hundred ($100) dollars. SEC. 6. That the auditor of public accounts is appointment; authorized to deputize or empower two competent' accountants to make the examination provided for in section one (1) and to establish uniformity in the system of keeping accounts provided for in section four (4) of this act, at salaries not to exceed fifteen hundred ($1,500) dollars each per annum, to be paid out of any fund in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated.




SEC. 7. The person so appointed shall file sworn mentor exami quarterly statements with the Auditor of Public ner's expenses. Accounts of his actual expenses incurred in performing the duties of his office.


Section 8. Such accountant before entering Bonds of examupon the duties of his office shall execute to the people of the State of Nebraska for the benefit of any county injured a bond with good and sufficient

sureties to be approved by the governor, in the penal sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, Conditioned that he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of his office.

Approved April 8, A. D. 1893.

[House Roll No. 138.]



AN ACT authorizing the appointment of supreme court commis-
sioners and defining their duties.

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of

Supreme court SECTION 1. The supreme court of the state, appointment. immediately upon the taking effect of this act,

Duties of commissioners.

Terms of office; salaries; oath of office.

shall appoint three persons, no two of whom shall be adherents to the same political party, and who shall have attained the age of thirty years and are citizens of the United States and of this state and regularly admitted as attorneys at law in this state, and in good standing of the bar thereof, as commissioners of the supreme court.

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of said commissioners, under such rules and regulations as the supreme court may adopt, to aid and assist the court in the performance of its duties in the disposition of the numerous cases now pending in said court, or that shall be brought into said court during the term of office of such commissioners.

SEC. 3. The said commissioners shall hold office for the period of three years from and after their ́appointment, during which time they shall not en

gage in the practice of the law. They shall each receive a salary equal to the salary of a judge of the supreme court, payable at the same time and in the same manner as salaries of the judges of the supreme court are paid. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties they shall each take the oath provided for in Section one (1) or Article fourteen (14) of the constitution of this state. All Vacancies. vacancies in this commission shall be filled in like manner as the original appointment.

SEC. 4. Whereas, an emergency exists, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved March 9th, A. D. 1893.



[Senate File No. 163.]

AN ACT to amend Section thirteen hundred and ninety (1390) of
Chapter twelve (12) of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska,
entitled "Decedents, Estates," and to repeal said section thirteen
hundred and ninety (1390) as now existing.

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of

1390, Consol. Stats., 1891; sec.

SECTION 1. That section thirteen hundred and Amending sec. ninety (1390) of Chapter twelve (12) of the Con- 844, chap. 28, solidated Statutes of Nebraska entitled "Decedents, 1891. Estates," be amended to read as follows:

Comp. Stats.,

Mortgage of


Section 1390. The county judge upon proper real estate by showing by petition supported by competent testi- or guardian. mony, showing that the best interest of the estate demand it, grant authority to the administrator of

intestate estates, and guardians of estates of minor

Repealing clause,


children to mortgage any real estate belonging to such estates, where mortgages existing on such real estate are due or are about to become due, and there is no money belonging to such estate with which to pay or redeem such mortgage; Provided, that in no instance shall authority be granted by such county judge to such administrator or guardians to mortgage such real estate for a greater sum than the amount secured by the original mortgage.

SECTION 2. That section thirteen hundred and ninety (1390) of Chapter twelve (12) of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska entitled "Decedents, Estates," as now existing, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. Whereas an emergency exists, therefore this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Approved April 7, 1893.

[House Roll No. 29.]


Assistants for county clerks.

AN ACT to provide clerks and assistants for the county clerks in
counties having over twenty-five thousand inhabitants, and pro-
viding for payment of same.

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of

SECTION 1. That in all counties in the State of Nebraska having Twenty-five Thousand (25,000) inhabitants or over, the County Clerk shall be supplied by the Board of County Commissioners or Supervisors with the help necessary for the use

of such office, said clerks or help to be paid in the manner hereinafter provided.

SEC. 2. The salaries of such clerks or assistants Salaries. shall be fixed, allowed and paid monthly, by the County Commissioners or Supervisors out of the General funds of the county.

Approved April 8, A. D. 1893.

[Senate File No. 78.]


AN ACT to amend Sections three (3) and eight (8), of Chapter forty-
one (41), entitled, "Instruments Negotiable," of the Compiled
Statutes of 1891, and to repeal said sections as now existing.

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of

3, chap. 41, Comp. Stats.,

1891; sec. 2970;

Consol. Stats.

SECTION 1. That Section three (3), of Chapter Amending sec. forty-one (41), entitled "Instruments Negotiable" of the Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:


Section 3. All notes, bonds or bills made nego-Ingibe tiable by this chapter, except bank checks and days of grace. instruments made payable on demand, shall be entitled to three days' grace in the time of payment and the demand of payment from the maker on the third day of grace, or of acceptance if the instrument is a sight draft and notice of non-payment or non-acceptance thereof to the endorser within a reasonable time, shall be adjudged due diligence under the provisions of this chapter, unless the endorser shall express in writing other conditions.

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