Jurisdiction to impose fine. Fines go to gen eral school fund. nor more than five hundred dollars ($500) for each and every day that such railroad company or companies shall neglect or refuse to build or maintain such switches. SECTION 6. The fine herein before contained may be imposed by any court having competent jurisdiction. SECTION 7. All fines derived from the violation of this act shall be paid into the general school fund of the State. Approved March 31, 1893. Amending sec. 686, Consol, 162, chap. 16, [Senate File No. 112.] CHAPTER 12. AN ACT to amend Section Three (3) of an act entitled: "An act to provide for the incorporation of universities under certain circumstance," approved February 27, 1879, being "Section Six Hundred and Eighty-Six (686), Chapter Nine (9), entitled Corporations, Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska, of 1891. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. That section three (3), being SecStats., 1891; sec. tion Six Hundred and Eighty-Six (686), Chapter Comp. Stats, Nine (9), entitled Corporations, Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska, of 1891, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 1891. Universities; power of trustees. Section 3. The said board of trustees shall have power to fill all vacancies in their number, to make rules, regulations and by-laws for the government of their board and of the institution; to appoint a president, professors, tutors and teachers, and any other necessary officers and agents, and fix the compensation of each; to erect within, and as departments of said institution, such schools and colleges of the arts and sciences and professions as to them may seem proper, and to confer such academic degrees and honors as are conferred by colleges and universities of the United States, and to borrow from time to time, for the purpose of paying indebtedness such sum or sums of money as they may see fit and to secure such loan or loans by mortgage or trust deed executed by their president and secretary, upon their college or university buildings and grounds, and otherwise as they shall deem expedient; Provided, That, if such institution has stockholders the said board of trustees shall first be authorized to borrow such money and execute said mortgage or trust deeds by vote of the owners of a majority of the stock. Borrowing money. SECTION 2. Said section number three (3) being Repealing Section Six Hundred and Eighty-Six (686), Chapter Nine (9), entitled Corporations, Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska, of 1891, as heretofore existing, be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Whereas an emergency exists, Emergency. therefore this act shall take effect and be in force immediately. Approved March 20, 1893. CHAPTER 13. Amending sec. 779, Consol. 44, chap. 17, [House Roll No. 420.] AN ACT to more definately describe the boundary of Keya Paha Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. Section seven hundred and seventyStats 1891; sec. nine (779) of Chapter ten (10) of the Consolidated statutes of Nebraska of 1891 is hereby amended as follows: Comp. Stats., 1891. Keya Paha county; boundaries. Repealing clause. Emergency. Section 779. The County of Keya Paha is bounded as follows; Commencing in the middle of the channel of the Niobrara river where the line dividing ranges sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) west of sixth (6) Principal Meridian crosses said Niobrara River-thence North to the forty-third (43) parallel of North latitude, thence west along said parallel of North latitude to the line dividing range twenty-four (24) from range twenty-five (25) west of sixth (6) Principal Meridian thence south along said line to the Middle of the Channel of the Niobrara River thence down the Middle of the Channel of the Niobrara River to the place of beginning. SEC. 2. Section seven hundred and seventy-nine (779), of Chapter ten (10) of the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska of 1891 as now existing is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. Whereas, an emergency exists, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 8, A. D. 1893. [Senate File No. 48.] CHAPTER 14. AN ACT to amend Section 3157, chapter 39, of the Consolidated Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of 3157, Consol. Stats., 1891; sec. SECTION 1. That section 3157, chapter 39, of amending sec. the Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska, 1891, re- 78, chap. 18, lating to the duties of "Register of Deeds," be 1891. amended to read as follows: Comp. Stats., ter of deeds. The "Register of Deeds" shall have the custody Duties of regisof and safely keep and preserve all books, records, maps and papers kept or deposited in his office. He shall also record, or cause to be recorded in suitable books, all deeds, mortgages, instruments, and writings authorized by law to be recorded in his office, and left with him for that purpose; and when such deeds, mortgages, instruments, and writings are so recorded, it shall be his duty to proofread or cause to be proof-read, such records; Pro- Errors in revided, however, if an error should occur in recording any of the writings mentioned in this section, therefore necessitating the re-recording of same, the expense thus incurred shall be paid out of the general fund of the county, in the same way as any other claim, and the amount so paid shall be collected from the official responsible for the error or from his bondsmen. cording. lating act. SECTION 2. Any "Register of Deeds" who shall Penalty for vioneglect to perform any of the duties herein before Repealing clause. described shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine, upon conviction, of not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court. SECTION 3. That section 3157, of said chapter, as now existing be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved March 31, 1893. CHAPTER 15. Examination of accounts of County treasurer's office. Notice not given. Character of examinations. Reports of examinations; ing, [House Roll No. 142.] AN ACT to provide for an examination of the office of county treas urers. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of SECTION 1. That by direction and under the supervision of the auditor of public accounts there shall be an examination of the books accounts and affairs of each county treasurer's office in this state, made not less frequently than once every two years: Provided, That no previous notice of examination shall be given the treasurer, or any person connected with the office, the affairs of which are to be examined. SEC. 2. The examination shall develop the county's financial condition, the condition of each fund, and the disposition of all moneys collected or received. SEC. 3. That a brief summary of the result of filing; publish- each examination shall be made in duplicate by the person or persons making such examination, one to be filed in the office of the auditor of public ac |