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Being the 24th Year of Publication. With Texts for every Day in the Year.
On a Sheet, price 2d., or 1s. 6d. per dozen.

A Gift Book for Parents or Cottagers.
In Cloth Bevelled Boards, with Woodcuts, 1s. In Paper Cover, 6d.


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Take Care of Your Money.

"Admirably adapted for Cottage Homes and Village Libraries."Mothers' Friend.


Old Peter Pious; or. Go to Church Regu-
larly, and you won't like to Miss. 2d.
Mrs. High-Spirit; or, "My Mother said I
was born with a Temper." 2d.

"What shall I Wear?" A Word to Young
Women. 2d.

We are all Good-tempered till we are
tried. 20.

Solomon Sobermind; or Look before you
Leap. 3d.

Grumblers, Look at your Mercies. 2d.

Sam Selfish; or, Charity begins at Home. 2d.
Mrs. Snap; or, "Is any Mother so plagued

as I am?" 2d.

[blocks in formation]

The Great Exhibition of 1862, and the
Village Holiday. 1d.
The "Golden Eagle," and some Talk of
what Happened there. 2d.

Mrs. Ruffle: Worry, Worry, from Morning till Night; or, the Blind Boy his Mother's Comfort. 2d.

Money, and how to Spend it. 20.
Our First Baby, and some Talk about it. 24.

A Few Words for Christmas and the
New Year. 4s. per 100.

The Sufferer Cheered; or, the Feeble Members Necessary.


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For the Sick, the Tried, and the Sorrowing.

In Limp Cloth, Sixpence. Tinted Cover, price Threepence. WORDS OF CONSOLATION AND COUNSEL.


"Printed in good and bold type, it is peculiarly adapted for gifts to the aged poor."-Ragged School Union Magazine.

"Exceedingly well suited for circulating amongst the Weary and Sorrowful."-Golden Hours.




The Kind God. A New Year's Address for 1869. By Rev. P. B. POWER. 2d. Also, Mr. Clipstick's Clock. What it made him Think about the Old Year, and What it made him Do in the New One. 1d.

Thy Future. Thoughts for the New Year. By H. J. W. 1d.

Is your Soul worth Saving? By H. J. W. 12th Thousand. 1d.

It is Time to Seek the Lord! A New
Year's Appeal. 1d.

Never Give Up. A New Year's Motto. 6d.

per dozen.

I will Help Thee. A New Year's Promise. 13th Thousand, ld.

We Spend our Years as a Tale that is Told. By the Author of "Is it nothing to You all Ye that Pass by?" 1d.

Will you Refuse this Year also? 6d. per dozen.

Only Believe. 6d. per dozen.
We are the Lord's. Thoughts for the New

Year. 1d.

Guidance and Rest; or, a New Year's Promise. 1d., or 25 for 1s. 4d.

The Thing that never Stands Still. 1d., or, 25 for 1s: 4d.

Numbering our Days; or, Thoughts for the
Old and New Year. 1d.
Go Forward.
Year. ld.

A Command for the New

A Happy New Year. By Rev. A. OXEN1d., or 25 for is. 4d.


Am I my Brother's Keeper? A Thought for the New Year. 1d.

Thoughts for the New Year. By ZETA. d., or 4s. per 100.

Scripture Texts for the New Year. d., or 4s. per 100.

FOR CHILDREN. Honey and the Honeycomb. With Woodcuts. By H. J. W. 1d. Also,

Hide It. With Woodcut, 1d., or 9d. per doz. God Loves You. With Engraving. 12th Thousand. ld.

Whom will you Serve? With Engraving. 9th Thousand. 1d., or 9d. per dozen.

A Happy New Year. By SELINA BUNBURY. With Woodcut, ld.

Letter from a Father to his Children, on the New Year. 1d.

Thou Shalt call His Name Jesus. On the Circumcision. (Jan. 1.) 1d., or 25 for 1/6

[blocks in formation]

They would not Come; or, A Word of Warning to 5 million Souls. 1d., or 25 for 1/4 Present Perils, and Words of Urgent Warning. ld.

The Coming Troubles, and consequently approaching Glorious Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. 30th Thousand. 1d., or 25 for 1s. 6d.

Thoughts on the Second Coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ. By ZETA. 6d. per doz.
Bible Texts on the Second Coming of
of our Lord Jesus Christ. 6d. per dozeň.
The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ, and Millennial Reign of the Saints.
By Rev. PHILIP GELL, of Derby. 6d.
The Lord at Hand. By Rev. Dr. SEISS. 2d.
The Prince of the Power of the Air;

being Thoughts concerning His Past, Present, and Future. 6d.

The Great Light. A Little Allegory. By PILGRIM HUMBLE. 20.

The Life of Jesus. Written for the Young. 31st Thousand. 1d.

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Questions for Home Study, on Several Branches of School Knowledge. By CHARLES BAKER. 6d.

Our Father's Message, A Series of Twenty Short Tracts on the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. By Rev. A. C. KINGDON. In a Packet, 6d.

A Few Plain Words on some of our Lord's Quotations from the Old Testament Scriptures. By A. O. M. 2d.

Tracts on the Bible. By Rev. C. II. FER. RALL, A. M., Curate of Thorpe Arnold, Leicestershire. 2d. each. No. 1.-Introductory. 2.-On Authority & Inspiration of Scripture. Ecce Homo, its Character and Teaching. By E. ASH, Esq., M. D. 3d.

The Divinity of Christ, demonstrated by
Proofs drawn from the Book of Revelation.

A Mother's Hymns for her Children. 24.
Some Little Tales. 32mo., cloth, 3d.
Two of My Teachers, and what They Taught

Me. By Rev. C. P. LONDLAND. Sq. 16mo., 4d. Hugh Stanton's Mission. By H. MARY WRIGHT. 3d.

Lame Sam; or, Walter Castle's Work. By
C. H. Second Edition. 6d.
Little Beppo. The History of a Monkey. By
Author of The Conceited Mouse." 32mo. 21
Riches or Poverty: which is your Portion? 2d
The Value of the Soul. "What shall a man
give in exchange for his soul?" 2d.

London: WILLIAM MACINTOSH, 24, Paternoster Row.

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HE last day of another year has gone, its days are past-its waters that have run so tempestuously in many a channel, and over buried wrecks and hearts' hopes buried with them,

lie still and calm over all the memorial of the past-and things that were seem as if they never had been. The past year has rolled its waters over graves we did not think would have opened so soon; over wrecks we did not expect would be shattered so quickly; over scenes and sorrows, trials and bereavements, and hidden griefs too big for tears and too solemn for expression.

Who would have thought that its waves would have covered the young wife, looking forward with joy to the prospect of a new love in connection with a new life, yet they had rolled but half their allotted number ere she had found a grave, and left her babe to another's care. To some it was a year of anxious thoughts, terrible uncertainty, painful losses-to others a year of sore separations-of wounds that a lifetime will not heal, sorrows that the remedial hand of time will not be able to mitigate. Footfalls, that were heard like glad music in domestic thresholds, will be


heard no more; Christmas congratulations, that were so sweet, will be felt no more in this world; plans that were laid are left unfinished-enterprises are left stifled in their birth. Buds, that gave promise of bright flowers, are blasted; flowers, that gave promise of rich fruit, are withered. Our earth, our country, our homes, are disenchanted of half their beauty, because some who were near and dear, have passed away like shadows from the dial-plate of time; and the place that knew them once shall know them no more for ever. Faces, on whom other days opened with all the brightness of manhood, begin now to be furrowed with years-tresses that were ravenblack begin to be thinned and silvered. We are, every one, growing older-may we all be nearing eternal joy!

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