The Contemporary Consultant: Casebook for Teaching

Передняя обложка
Larry Greiner, Thomas Olson, Flemming Poulfelt
Thomson/South-Western, 2005 - Всего страниц: 418
This book complements The handbook of Management Consulting: The Contemporary Consultant: Insights from Leading Experts, 1e but can also be studied separately. The book consists of 20 cases including Harvard and Stanford cases. The cases present the broad range of topics that are pertinent to current management consulting. Each of the four parts of the text presents a cogent introduction by the editors, delineating topics that are critical for todayÂ's consultants to understand. The cases represent major practice areas of consulting and afford new insights into change processes and other current management issues facing consulting firms. These cases, together with the handbook, will prepare consultants and other business managers for a successful future in a highly competitive consulting environment.

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Major Practice Areas
Data Gathering Analysis
Consulting Group
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