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[For the Journal of Education. EDUCATION.

qualified, all his instructions will be in-
complete and defective-and, if the facili-
ties and appliances for study and illustra-
MAN is a child of God. He is so, not
tion, experiment and demonstration, be simply because he was called into being
few and inefficient, all the instructions of by the Almighty, but because he is crea-
the schoolroom, will be either wholly ted in the image and likeness of his Maker.
wrong, or imperfect and inadequate.-|
Then, with what care should every school
room be built and furnished, should ev-

That man's faculties, though finite in degree, are in kind the same with those of the Lord, is demonstrated from the fact

ery text-book be selected, and every that man is commanded to be holy as God

teacher chosen!

Again, the instructions of the schoolroom, especially here in this "Prairieland," have a great work to accomplish. Not many years hence and the Valley of the Mississippi will be the central power, as it is now the geographic centre, of the United States; and whatever governs and controls its destiny, will govern and control the destiny of the Republic. Whoever corrupts the youth and degenerates the people of the Mississippi Valley, corrupts and degenerates a nation. But whoever educates and renders virtuous the youth, and reforms the people of this country, protecting and securing them from moral degeneracy, educates, happifies, and secures the permanency of a great Republic, effects incalculably the good of humanity, and blesses the world; for, a knowledge of science, literature and art, and the discipline of mind consequent upon a thorough pursuit of the same, together with the regularity of habits secured, are equally essential to the reformatory energy and progress of society, the stability and perpetuity of a Republic, and the highest good and happiness of mankind.

is holy. Likeness of character consists in likeness of acts and conditions of like faculties and susceptibilities; and if man were not mentally constituted in the imcommand him to be of a like character. age of his Father, it would be vain to

Education in its true and extended sense means the development or drawing forth of this divine or seminal image in man, with ever increasing fullness, in harmony with the Supreme. The soul, upon which this office is exerted is as eternal in regard to the future as God himself; and must become happy and advance in blessedness as it approaches its divine original; or miserable as it recedes from Him.

How all-important, therefore, is education.

The Almighty himself, is the Great Teacher; for he only can communicate a knowledge of himself; but He operates both directly and indirectly. In all cases however, one indispensable condition of the attainment of a right education, is a voluntary co-operation on the part of the learner. Strength of character, integrity and wisdom depend on acts of will. A man or child is that, which in the right use of means, he wills himself to be.

All subordinate teachers must conform

To the accomplishment of these ends and these great purposes, then, should to the laws of the Great Teacher. The

all our schools be adapted, and should unite all their interests and labors; for it is only by a united effort that these objects can be accomplished. Milton, Wis.

A. C. S.

commandments which God has written in his volume of nature, are as obligatory as those written in the volume of his word. God has ordained, in this life, an inseparable connection between a health

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ful body and a healthful mind. So long It is absurd and impious to suppose that as mind remains a tenant of this taber- God's truth can be defeated. This noble nacle of flesh, the command-"go preach reliance upon divine help, sustained the the kingdom of God," cannot be disjoined prophets and apostles in times past; and from the command-" and heal the sick." must and ever will sustain the righteous In education, the law whereby different and wise in all ages. The development

of this principle is one part of a correct education.

most powerful and thorough means for the elevation of society, and the prosperity and stability of a nation, is the rightful education of the youth; and whoever strikes a blow at this foundation, commits an evil from which flow very sad and fearful consequences.

organizations produce different effects, also demands attention. The organic law Not by one force of circumstance only, is potential in all things, at all times and but by all forces and circumstances is everywhere. Trees and plants differ in character or education formed. School organization; therefore trees and plants systems and discipline may be very good, differ in their fruits and other productions. but if the system and discipline at home You may insert different grafts upon the be bad, the labors of the teacher are counsame stock; yet, notwithstanding they all teracted. Parents and guardians, who, receive nourishment from the same roots instead of co-operating with the teachers and stem, their fruits vary according to at school encourage or connive at a contheir organic peculiarities. Thus it is in trary disposition in their children, do nations and in all social organisms. Mon- much harm; they impair the efficiency of archical, aristocratic and republican insti- the school; they inflict a lasting evil upon tutions do not and cannot educate men to others; and very greatly retard the genthe same character; neither can our in-eral public advance and happiness. The stitutions in the South educate men to the same character as those in the North. This power of the organic law is no less forcible in schools. A school system and discipline should be such as to draw forth the mental and moral powers of youth in free, generous and candid directions; to form the mind and body to hardihood;to educate the will into habits of fixed and concentrated attention; to cultivate promptness as well as accuracy and depth thought, with vigor of imagination; and Imitation and emulation are very disto imbue the heart with an ardent love of tinct forces. Imitation incites us to copy truth, of justice, of humanity, of piety.-the manners and habits of others. EmuScholars should be trained to wisdom.-lation exerts a deeper power; it seeks to Wisdom consists in choosing a right end equal or excel in real or supposed worth. and right means to accomplish it; and in A child may imitate a grown person.— executing such purpose with courage, en- The action is external. He may do it in ergy and a confident reliance upon the sport; or, insensibly, from habit. Almighty. For he who fights God's bat- child, also, may be instructed to venerate tles has God upon his side, and is sure of the character and admire the actions and victory; though he water his cause with life of a great and good man; and to his own blood, his cause still conquers, mould himself after his example. But and he himself ascends to a higher glory. emulation puts not forth its greatest force

The great Author of nature, has also ordained laws in the mental constitution of man, to which we must conform in the work of education.


except between persons who are equal or should exalt him in honor and power far nearly equal. Emulation is a kind of above all others; but it is base, maligrace. We do not willingly, or with alac- nant and injurious, for any one to seek rity, engage in a race with others, unless or desire to retard another, in order to we have some hope to win, or to be equal; gain a superiority. Let each be educated or at least not to be distanced in the con- to the top of his ability; and if my neightest. Thus nature in inciting children bor's capacity is more than mine, may I onward in the career of mental improve- ever thank God for it; just as I thank ment, by the force of emulation, one of God that there are Angels and Seraphim her strongest powers, does not stand so higher than men. Truly educated and far off from them as at the great distance conformed to the will of the Supreme, of mature manhood. The man acts on all rational beings are co-members one of the child by reverence, authority, the another; and the advancement, beauty force of imitation and love; rarely, if at and blessedness of one, is for the common all, through emulation, except in youth good of all; just as the hand is benefited by the strength of the foot, and each when ripening into manhood. But namember by the health and perfection of ture presents to the small child, another all the members. This is Christain doc

child still more advanced; to this other,

a third and so continually, the great law of emulation, by connecting links, unites childhood to youth; and youth to manhood; and urges on the whole family of man and successive generations in unceasing progress.

trine; and it is so, because the principle

is founded in the very nature of things which the All-wise Creator has ordained. It is indispensable, therefore, to a correct education, that emulation be so guided and instructed, as to incite, not to hate or to subversive competition, but to love and good works.

God's character and purposes are revealed in the Scriptures; neither can the human mind be developed or drawn forth

One evil child does very great harm to many. One generous and noble youth may influence multitudes for good.Children are by a law of nature, and to an inconceivable extent, either for good or evil, the educators of children. This in conformity with the Divine, except as instructs us that the education of no child can be safely neglected; and that all society and the whole nation are interested in the education of all children.

indicated in the Bible. The doctrines and life of Christ enter into the foundation and superstructure of all truthful education. But there are many distinct

Emulation needs guidance and disci-departments in the great and unending work of training the human mind. Papline that it may not degenerate into ill

will or enmity. When we direct our rents, the Clergy and Teachers, have thoughts to our Father above, we perceive their separate and various functions. Yet that all mankind, being the offspring of can no school be safely entrusted with one Parent, are brothers, and have a com- the education of youth, which ignores the mon interest. Malignant rivalry must practical duties of Christian piety, of revnot exist among them. It is right and erence to God, and love to man as taught commendable for one brother to seek in the sacred volume.

his own full and perfect development,

Racine, Wis.

H. H. V. A.

according to the capacities given to him CONSCIENCE. Man's dominion ends, says by his Creator, even if that development | Bonaparte, where that of conscience commences.

Superintendent's Department.


Madison, April 15th, 1856.

Desiring to meet, as far as possible, the Teachers, School Officers, and Friends of Education generally, in the several counties of the State, for the purpose of conference, I hereby call a series of Educational Conventions, to be holden as follows:

In Elkhorn, May 2d and 3d.

In Janesville, May 6th and 7th.
In Monroe, May 9th and 10th.
In Shullsburg, May 13th and 14th.
In Mineral Point, May 16th and 17th.
In Lancaster, May 20th and 21st.
In Prairie du Chien, May 23d and 24th.
In La Crosse, May 27th and 28th.
In Richland Centre, June 2nd.

In County Seat of Adams Co., June 5th.

In Baraboo, June 9th and 10th.

2 o'clock, P. M., Discussion on Uniformity of Text Books.

3 o'clock, P. M., Call by towns as to condition and progress of Education.

4 o'clock, P. M., A Paper on Moral Education in our Schools.

5 o'clock, P. M., Recess.
8 o'clock, P. M., Address.


9 o'clock A. M., Miscellaneous Business. 10 o'clock, A. M., Lecture on Physical Education.

11 o'clock, A. M., Call by towns as to condition and progress of Education. 12 o'clock, M., Recess.

2 o'clock, P. M., Discussion on the subject of County Lyceums as a means of promoting the interests of Education.

3 o'clock A Paper on School Govern't. 4 o'clock, A Paper on Union Schools. 5 o'clock, P. M., Recess.

8 o'clock, P. M., Address.

Each paper and address will be followed

In Portage City, June 12th and 13th. by brief discussion if the time will per

In Juneau, June 17th and 18th.
In Jefferson, June 20th and 21st.
In Waukesha, June 24th and 25th.
In Racine, June 27th and 28th.
In Kenosha, July 1st and 2nd.

[To be Continued.

It is desired of the Town Superintendents in the several places designated in the foregoing list, that they make such arrangements for the Conventions, with regard to place of meeting, accommodation of members, &c., as may be required. The following Order of Business is respectfully submitted:-



Supt. Pub. Inst.


To authorize the State Superintendent of Public In-
struction to subscribe for a certain number of
copies of the Wisconsin Journal of Education.
The People of the State of Wisconsin represented in
Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction, from year to year, so long as he shall deem expedient, is hereby authorized to subscribe for so many copies of the Wisconsin Journal of Education, published by the State Teachers' Association, at the price of fifty cents per year as shall be sufficient to supply one copy to each organized school district in the state: Provided, The State SuperAddress by State Su- intendent be allowed to publish free of expense to the state, any and all matters of an educational character, that he may


10 o'clock A. M., Organization.

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11 o'clock, a. M., Miscellaneous Busi- wish to publish from month to month in


12 o'clock, M., Recess.

the columns of said Journal. The said periodical shall be sent by the publishers

acter of the Journal.

to the clerk of each school district in the wish that the Journal should be the Organ of state, and to each town superintendent in the Department of Public Instruction, and that the state. It shall be the duty of each some arrangement should be made by which he district clerk, to cause each volume to be might have a voice in deciding as to the charbound at the expense of the district, and to be kept in the library of such district, subject to the general library regulations. On motion of Jno. G. McMynn, the CommitSEC. 2. A sum sufficient to pay for the tee proceeded to ballot for editor to fill the vanumber of copies of said Journal so sub-cancy occasioned by the resignation of Geo. S. scribed for, is hereby annually appropri- Dodge Esq. Hon. A. C. Barry was unanimousated from the income of the school fund, ly elected a member of the Editorial Committee. and the same shall remain in the treasury On motion of Jno. G. McMynn, it was ordersubject to the draft of the State Superin-ed that on the title page of the Journal, after tendent of Public Instruction, to be drawn quarterly, and paid over to the publisher the words "The Organ of the State Teachers' of said journal. Association" the following "Also of the DepartSEC. 3. In making the annual appor- ment of Public Instruction" should be inserted. tionment of the income of the school fund | The Resident Editor then stated that he had among the several towns and cities of this assumed the responsibility of having three thoustate, it shall be the duty of the State Super-sand extra copies of the 1st number of the Jourintendent to deduct from the whole amount nal printed, upon the request of the State Suotherwise subject to apportionment, such sum as may be necessary to pay for said journal at the price above named.

perintendent. The Committee then voted to approve the action of the Resident Editor.

On motion of Jno. G. McMynn, it was voted SEC. 4. In certifying to the State Treasurer, the apportionment of the school fund that the Treasurer be required to give bonds annually, the State Superintendent shall satisfactory to the Chairman and Secretary of state in such certificate, the aggregate the Editorial Committee, for the safe keeping amount deducted according to the provis- and faithful disbursement of all money that ions of this act. may come into his hands.

SEC. 5. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Speaker pro tem of the Assembly.

President pro tem of the Senate.
Approved March 19, 1856.


The Committee authorized the Resident Ed. itor to enter into contract with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, to furnish the Wisconsin Journal of Education to the State according to the provisions of the law enacted during the present session of the Legislature, and to contract to publish such additional number of copies as he may deem expedient.

Committee voted that the Chairman and Sec

retary of this meeting act in the same capacity
during the current year. Adjourned.
A. J. CRAIG, Ch'n.

A. C. SPICER, Sec'y.

Chicago is destined to be great in every thing. Her citizens seem anxious that her educational development shall keep pace with her unparalleled physical growth. Read what they are doing there for schools:

WALKER HOUSE, Milwaukee, March 28, 1856. The Editorial Committee of the Wisconsin Journal of Education met pursuant to notice. A. J. Craig, Jno. G. McMynn, W. Van Ness, V. Butler, W. C. Dustin and A. C. Spicer were present. A. J. Craig was called to the Chair and A. C. Spicer was appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated, viz: to confer with the State Superintendent in relation to carrying out the provisions of an act lately A beautiful building three stories high, of passed by the Legislature, authorizing the State Athens marble, has just been erected in Chicago Superintendent to subscribe for a certain num- for a high school. The building is 38 feet by ber of copies of the Journal. The State Super-88, and stands in an eligible position in the intendent being present, by invitation, made a statement in regard to the circumstances under which the bill was passed, and expressed a

western part of the city, and cost $36,000. The school is to go into operation the present season.

Another school house is also under contract, for the North part of the city, to cost $25,000.

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