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stow upon the pages of the Journal. The indulgence of the patrons of the Journal, for whatever deficiencies may have appeared in its

This issue of the Journal, completes the first volume. The State Superintendent of Public columns during the past year, is felt and acknowledged. The generous aid also, which Instruction, having furnished us with his annual report for publication, it was deemed in-has been rendered by contributors, is duly apdispensable to have it appearentire in one issuepreciated.

Arrangements will be made for the next vol

of the Journal. This could not be done in a single number, and we were therefore under theme of the Journal, by which it will receive necessity of making this a double number, to increased attention in its editorial and other accomplish the object desired. It will be ob- departments, and be made more effective in served that a single number of the Journal, promoting the object of its establishment.contains thirty-two pages of reading matter, While the Journal may now be regarded as exclusive of the advertising pages; this issue established on a permanent basis, its friends of the Journal contains seventy-two pages, be- should not relax their efforts, to give it wider ing eight more pages of reading matter, than is circulation and more extended usefulness. It contained in two numbers of the Journal of the should be looked upon as educational property usual size. This explanation accompanying of the State, in which every friend of common this issue, answering to numbers eleven and schools has an interest. Without the aid and twelve of the Journal, we trust will prove sat-co-operation of teachers, school officers and isfactory to our readers. others, it cannot prosper; but with the help of

Our arrangements for the next volume, will these, it can succeed in achieving desirable rebe such, that we confidently expect greater ex-sults. The people of the State have made noble actness in point of time, in the publishing and beginnings; the great educational work has mailing the Journal. been commenced in almost every new settlement, and in many localities, it is being prose

TO THE PATRONS AND FRIENDS OF cuted with vigor. Let no one however supTHE JOURNAL.

pose that the present, is a time for rest, and that the work begun, will go forward with less With this issue of the Journal, which closes labor than heretofore. Never was the demand the first year of its publication, it is proper to greater than now for earnest effort, to consumsay a word in reference to the past, also in re-ate the work so well begun. Let every teacher spect to future determinations. The success of and friend of common schools, endeavor to the Journal thus far, in its pecuniary interests, make the ensuing year, one of educational prohas not fallen below the expectations of the gress in the State. early friends of its establishment. A full exhibit of its financial affairs, will at the proper time be made.

LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY.-The following exhibits the attendance of students during the past year:

Gentlemen in College,



Prep. Department, 156 Ladies in College,

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"Prep. Department,




At the meeting of the State Teachers' Association in August last, the resident editor of the Journal, distinctly stated his disinclination to assume the responsibilities of the editorial department, and only consented to accept the position, with the understanding that he was to be relieved, as soon as other arrangements could be perfected. No provision was AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE.-The site of the subsequently made for supplying the place, and New York State Agricultural College has been he has been compelled contrary to his wishes, fixed near the village of Ovid, Seneca county. to discharge the duties of the office. The con- Six hundred and seventy acres of land have stant pressure of other engagements, has nec-been purchased for $13,500; average about $64 essarily allowed him but limited time, to be- per acre.




The annual Report of the State Suporintendent of Public Instruction, found in this issue of the Journal, is an ably written document and

It appears from the report, that the city is greatly deficient in school room; the seven The first number of the next volume of school houses afford accommodation for 955, the Journal, will be issued on the fifteenth out of 2560 scholars in the city, leaving 1610, of March next in an improved form. We or 64 per cent. unprovided for. In view of are under great obligation to those who have this state of affairs, the Commissioners strongly heretofore acted as agents, and hope to have urge upon the city authorities the immediate their assistance in procuring subscriptions to erection of more school houses. the next volume. Besides, we hope there are friends of our enterprise in the State, who thus far have made no special effort to assist the Journal, but who will now make some exertion to enlarge our subscription list. We have no traveling agencies, and must therefore depend upon the friends of the Journal, to aid in giving it circulation. Town Superintendents no doubt will be read with interest. It can especially, should assist in obtaining subscrip- hardly be expected of us at this time, to notice if each town Superintendent would get the various subjects discussed, and suggestions as many subscribers as there are teachers in his made in the report. Among the recommendatown, it would not only help the Journal, but tions of the State Superintendent, we earnestly greatly promote the interests of common schools invite attention to that portion of the report in his town. For terms of Journal, see first relating to Normal Schools, and we hope the page of cover. Legislature now in session, will not adjourn without making some suitable provision for the establishment of a Normal School, distinctly as such, in the State. This is an immediate want -an educational necessity, demanded now. The School Commissioners Report, made to Good school houses; liberal provision for their the Common Council of the city, on the 23d of furnishment and for the support of teachers, January 1857, gives a very full account of the are highly essential; but the elevation of condition of the city schools. From the report our schools, requires teachers better ed



we gather the following facts:

Sir ce the first day of September last, there have been in attendance in all the schools 1,024 scholars; of this number 815, or 78 per cent. have attended daily. The expenses of the schools for the current year, are estimated at $7,092; of which sum $1,500 will be received from the State, and $5,592 raised by tax. Of the expense per scholar, under the present arrangement, the commissioners remark:

ated and fitted for the business of teaching.


The second meeting of the Sheboygan county Teachers' Association, convened in the city of Sheboygan on the 22d of January, 1856, and "Comparing this estimate with the number continued its session three days. A great vaof children in attendance upon the schools, it riety of interesting matter was brought before will be seen that the expense of educating each the Association, and its discussions were highly child one year, of 44 weeks, is $5 46; and if interesting and instructive. The Evergreen we estimate it upon the number of children in (Sheboygan) City Times says:daily attendance upon the schools, it will be "The meeting was large and spirited, em$6 88; which is little more than one half the bracing above forty Teachers, and several amount it costs at a private or select school of School Officers and friends of Education.the poorest grade, and not half the amount Eight or nine towns were represented, and it costs at private schools of equal grade with altogether the demonstration was a highly enour public sehools. couraging sign of improvement in our schools.

MISTAKEN POLICY OF TAX-PAYERS. to prevent the building of a suitable house.But I trust this aristocratic feeling, will in due

A Superintendent in a rapidly growing vil-time be overcome, and a house erected, costing lage, which already contains a population of from three to six thousand dollars."

over 2,500, writes:

"Our school houses are small, inconvenient KENOSHA PUBLIC SCHOOLS: TRIBUTE and insufficient. At our last school meeting, TO A TEACHER.

it was thought best by some of the inhabitants of district No. 1, to raise a tax of five or six

The Kenosha Tribune & Telegraph, gives a thousand dollars, and build a good school highly favorable account of the present condihouse. But there were objections to this, by tion of the Public Schools in that city. The those who were directly interested, only by way teachers in the several departments are repreof paying taxes; consequently it was voted sented as being of the right stamp-actively down. Instead of a tax of six thousand dol-devoted to the work in which they are engaged.

lars, there was voted a tax of six hundred dollars. The district then applied to their superintendent for a certificate, to allow the raising of the sum so voted; but their humble servant refused—thus ended the slx hundred dollar school house project. Both districts in the village, are abundantly able to build school houses worth from six to eight thousand dol


At the close of the last term, the scholars in the High School Department, presented the Principal, John G. McKindley, with a silver goblet, purchased by contributions from the scholars of that Department, at a cost of over forty dollars. On the occasion, Miss Mary Barber, a member of the School, presented the gift, accompanied with a suitable address, which was appropriately responded to by the Principal.

The course pursued by the Superintendent in this instance, it seems to us, deserves commendation. The policy of building small school houses in a town, having the population and JANESVILLE. --The Janesville Standard wealth of the one here referred to, is calculated gives an encouraging statement of the condito throw embarrassments in the way in future tion of the Public Schools in that city. That years, to the erection of school buildings adapt-paper says: ed to a proper school organization. Better wait awhile and start right, than begin wrong and put hindrances in the way to getting right


"Within the last two years, onr people have been aroused to the necessity of procuring competent teachers, and our school house buildings are equal if not superior to any in the State. Those in the 2d and 4th wards are large

ARISTOCRACY, A HINDRANCE TO DIS. and commodious; are constructed of brick,


A Superintendent residing in a village, containing some twelve hundred inhabitants, writes us, that there is great necessity for a new school house in the place; the present school house accommodation being insufficient for one half the scholars who ought to be in school. Among the chief hindrances to the building of a new house, he says:

"The greatest obstacle in the way, is a certain aristocratic feeling which some people possess, and who seem to think, that it is unpopular to send children to a district school; therefore they throw every obstacle in the way,

are 32 feet in width by 62 in depth, and two stories high. They are heated by furnaces, and the seats and desks are comfortable and convenient for the scholars.

H. B. CoE, who has long been favorably ably known in this State as a teacher, and who during the past two years, has had charge of the intermediate department in the High School building at Racine, has retired from his post. Mr. Coe has been highly esteemed as a teacher, not only at Racine, but also at Kenosha and Geneva. It is hoped that he does not intend to abandon an occupation, to which he has devoted so many years of his life.


The columns of our Journal might doubtless be rendered more interesting, were teachers and school officers, in various portions of the State, to furnish local information in respect to the present condition and prospects of the! schools in their respective localities. Any intelligence relating to the progress of educational matters in our young and growing State, is generally read with avidity, and often proves an incentive to greater activity among the friends of common schools. Were a few pages of each number of the Journal devoted to local, items of the character alluded to, we are sure it would prove agreeable and instructive to our readers. This can be done, if the friends of

the Journal will aid.

SHEBOYGAN SCHOOL EXHIBITION.-A public exhibition was given by the Sheboygan High School, which is spoken of by the Sheboygan papers as a highly creditable affair, and received with general satisfaction. The Sheboygan Journal remarks:-

"At the conclusion of the Exhibition the audience repaired to the Lecture Room, to partake of an excellent supper, (which, we understand, was prepared by the ladies of this city for the purpose of realizing a sum sufficient to procure a Melodeon, &c., for the use of the School)."

WE acknowledge the receipt of an encouraging letter from R C. Parsons, of Port Washington.


MARQUETTE COUNTY TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The Teachers of Marquette county met at Berlin on the - day of January, and pro- MITCHELL'S NATIONAL MAP.-This Map is ceeded to organize a Teachers Association.-probably unrivalled in respect to correctness The proceedings of the meeting came too late and workmanship. The latest authorities have for publication in this issue of the Journal. been consulted and the result is just such a We regret this, inasmuch as we take pleasure Map as is fit for schools, libraries and offices. in publishing the transactions of Teachers As-See advertisement.

sociations, as far as practicable, whenever re-AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL YEAR BOOK FOR 1857. quested so to do. AN ALMANAC, EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS, TEACHERS' DIRECTORY, ETC.

The Association having completed its organization, elected the following officers:-J. Abbott, President; E. P. Locke, Vice President; J. J. M. Angear, Secretary; M. B. True, Treasurer; E. K. Fay, R. E. Gross, A. M. May, Bsard of Directors.

A number of excellent resolutions were adopted, and the proceedings seem to have been characterized by the right spirit.

Published by James Robinson & Co., Boston.

Published by Morris Cotton, Boston; J. M.
Farrchild & Co., New York, 1857.

Yale College.

New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., 51 and 53
John Street.

PUBLIC SCHOOL EXHIBITION.-We are pleased to learn occasionally, through the medium of the press, and otherwise, that friend Kilgore, Principal of the Madison Public Schools, is pursuing his vocation with marked success. The Madison Patriot speaks of the closing ex- This work we have used in the school room, ercises of the last term, as follows: Never and we are sure that it has rare merit as a was the old Presbyterian Church jammed more text-book. We think those who use it will be full and overflowing, than on Friday evening satisfied with it. It is prepared with reference last. Much was expected from the Exhibition, to the wants of schools, and will be introduced by the Public Schools of the city, under the as it becomes known. superintendence of Mr. D. Y. Kilgore, but the audience were happily disappointed, the Exercises being far superior to public expectation.

Several book notices are necessarily deferred until the next month. Do not fail to read our advertising pages.

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