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Dr. Cary, Mr. H. Gerrells, of Sheboy- The Association discussed at considergan Falls, and Rev. Mr. Pradt, were ap-able length, and subsequently adopted pointed a Committee on Text-books.

[blocks in formation]

The Association took up the following resolutions:

the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Bible should be used as a book of daily reference by the teacher.

Adjourned to Saturday, 10 A. M.


Mr. W. R. NORTHRUP, of Gibbsville in the Chair.

Prayer by Rev. Mr. PRADT.

The Association engaged for a few hours in the following exercises:

1. Reading-class conducted by Mr. Pradt.

2. Practical Arithmetic--class conducted by Mr. Holmes.

3. Mental Arithmetic-class conducted

by Mr. Gerrells.

The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That the teachers in each

Resolved, That the object in the training of those who have not attained maturity of bodily growth, is to secure the highest health, strength and perfection of town be recommended to meet every body, and a corresponding development Saturday for mutual improvement.

of mind.

The resolution was adopted.

The committee on Text Books present

Subsequently, the following resolutioned the following

was also discussed and adopted:


Your committee having carefully con

Resolved, That the Association recommend Teachers here present to introduce sidered the subject of text books for into their schools, a suitable series of schools, respectfully report: gymnastic exercises, and report the success of their experiments to the next meeting of the Association.

That they regret to find that an excitement has been created in the county upon this subject, unfriendly to the welfare

In the discussion of these resolutions, it was earnestly maintained that more at- of the schools. tention should be paid to the develop-| That they disapprove of the officiousment of the muscular system and the ex-ness of book agents, in entering the school pansion of the chest. Illustrations of room, and recommending their own books, suitable exercises for the school room and disparaging others,

That a uniformity of text books in the county, would, in the present state of the schools, be attended with advantages, but should not be urged at the expense of harmony and good feeling.

were given by Messrs. Gray, Holmes and Pratt. Mr. Garrells gave a series of muscular movements to be performed in connection with exercises in the vocal sounds, and Mr. Cady another series to be used in singing. The Chairman, Mr. Graves, also made some interesting remarks, er are of more importance than the charfounded upon his own experience.

That the ability and skill of the teach

acter of the books used.

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That having examined the books most

Messrs. Gerreils, Holmes and Pradt

used in the county, they give their pre- were appointed a committee to revise the

ference to the following:

Sander's Speller and Readers.
Monteith & McNally's Geographies.
Davies' Series of Arithmetics.

Clark's Grammar.

Willard's Histories of the U. S.
Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping.
Parker's Philosophy.

Mrs. Cutter's and Mrs. Taylor's Juven-
ile Books on Physiology, are also com-
mended to the notice of teachers and



proceedings of the Associaiion, and pre-
pare them for publication in the Ever-
green City Times, and Wisconsin Jour-
nal of Education.

W. E. CADY, Secretary.
PLYMOUTH, Wis., Dec. 6, 1856.

For the Journal of Education.

Editor of the Journal:

DEAR SIR:-As a member of the Educational Convention recently held in this County, permit me to make a few observations. The Convention and resulting Association furnish proof that Sheboy

A motion being made to adopt the report, yeas and nays were called for, when gan county is awake in the cause of it appeared that the ayes were 34, and

the noes 2.

schools. The proceedings give evidence

that there is no lack of intelligence or

The report was then, on motion, unani- ability to advance the interests of public education in the county. mously adopted.

The prominence given to the import

The Board of Critics presented a series of interesting and instructive criticismns, ance of a knowledge of Physiology, and an observance of Health, in the discusfor which suitable acknowledgement was sions, show that the convention did not made.

The Executive committee announced regard any system of education as sound that a meeting of the Association would or complete, which does not recognise be held at Sheboygan, on Thursday, Fri- the necessity of physical as well as mental and moral training. day and Saturday, the 22d, 23d and 24th days of January next.

Mr. Pradt presented the Association with a copy of the "Pennsylvania School Architecture," which was accepted and

thanks returned.

The Resolutions and discussions, in respect to the text books, the use of the bible, and other matters, show also that the convention is becoming independent in its opinions, and healthfully conservative as well as progressive.

Altogether, the gathering may be re

The following resolutions were passed: Resolved, That the members of the Association be prepared for a thorough garded as highly encouraging to the examination in Arithmetic, at the next friends of education, and the movement meeting. as only the beginning of a good work. J. B. P.

Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be tendered to Rev. Mr. Pradt| for his assistance.

Resolved, That the thanks of the As

SHEBOYGAN, Dec. 11, 1856.

sociation be returned to the citizens of HONEST worth usually wears the garb Plymouth, for their generous hospitality. of true modesty.


Bayard Taylor, writing to the Tribune, thus sums up the results of modern discovery:

Crime." A large amount of statistics was drawn from every part of the kingdom, and it was shown that about seventy per cent of the whole number arrested for criminal acts could not read! In Liverpool, the number taken into custody who could read and write well was only two and a half per cent.; barely read and write 46; entirely uninstructed 44. All the prison returns showed a fearful connection between ignorance, drunkenness

and crime.

"Within the last twenty-five years, all the principal features of the geography of our own vast interior regions have been accurately determined: the great fields of Central Asia, have been traversed in various directions, from Bokhara and the Oxus to the Chinese wall; the half known river systems of South America have been explored and surveyed; the A MAGNIFICENT IDEA.-Prof. Mitchell icy continent around the Southern Pole in describing the gradual tendency of the has been discovered; the North-western earth's orbit to assume the circular form, passage, the ignus-fatuus of nearly cen- said its short diameter was gradually turies, is at last found; the Dead Sea is lengthening, and would continue so to stripped of its fabulous terrors, the course expand until it should become perfectly of the Niger is no longer a myth, and the circular, when it would again contract to sublime secret of Nile is almost wrested its original shape and dimensions; and so from his keeping; the mountains of the the earth would vibrate periodically, and Moon, sought for through ten thousand these periods were measured by millions years, have been beheld by a Caucasian upon millions of years. Thus, the earth eye; an English steamer has ascended will continue to swing back and forth, to the Chadda to the frontiers of the great and fro in the heavens, like a pendulum Kingdom of Bornou; Leichardt and Stu- beating the seconds of eternity.-Roch. art have penetrated the wilderness of Adv. Australia; the Russians have descended the Irkoutsk to the mouth of the Amoor; UNQUOTED.-At the close of a Teachers' the antiquated walls of Chinese prejudice Institute down east, the Principal of the have been cracked and are fast tumbling Academy in M. being requested to make down, and the canvass screens which sur- a few remarks, rose and spoke as follows: rounded Japan have been cut by the "Ladies and gentlemen-In the language keen edge of American enterprise. Such of (hesitating-I forgot what his name are the principal results of modern explo- was-(still hesitating)—and also what he ration. What quarter of a century, since said." the form of the earth, and the boundaries of its land and water were known, can exhibit such a list of achievements?"

Ir is not what people eat, but what they digest, that makas them strong. It is not what they gain, but what they save,

EDUCATION AND CRIME.-At the annual that makes them rich. It is not what meeting of the British Scientific Associa- they read, but what they remember, that tion, held in August last, an enlightened makes them learned. It is not what they discussion took place on "The Relations profess, but what they practice, that of Poverty, Ignorance, Drunkenness and makes them righteous.

Superindendent's Department.


Madison, October 16th, 1856.

pre-emption, one hundred and sixty acres of said swamp or overflowed lands, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, all and every of the pre-emption rights granted by the aforesaid act, approved April 2d, 1855, are hereby secured to every person who, before the taking effect of this act, shall have complied with the provisions of the said act, approved April 2d, 1855, and every such pre-emptor shall by the affidavits of at least two credible and disinter

All persons claiming the right to pre-emption ested persons, prove that he has complied with to any of the above lands are hereby notified the provisions of the aforesaid act, approved that they will be permitted to pay for said pre-fore some person by law authorized to adminApril 24, 1855, such affidavit shall be taken beemptions at any time after this date, up to within ten days next, before the time set for theister oaths, and when completed shall be filed public sale of said lands in the county in with the Register of Deeds, of the county which said lands may lie. In order to guard wherein such pre-emption lands lie, or of the the rights of contestants, no pre-emptor will be permitted to enter the tract by him claimed, until he shall file in the office of the Secretary of State a certificate of the Register of the county in which the land claimed is situated, certifying that there are no adverse claims to said tract. And in case there are adverse claimants, the person making application to pay for the land by him claimed, shall procure a certificate as above, giving all the names of the adverse claimants, and by furnishing evidence at this office that he has notified such

county to which it may be for county purposes attached. Such Register shall, on demand of, or on behalf of every such pre-emptor, make out a true and complete copy of such affidavits, as aforesaid, and of the declaratory statement of such pre-emptor, as aforesaid, and which is required by the aforesaid act, approved April 2d. 1855, and over his official signature, shall thereof, in the same manner as by law required certify to the correctness and completeness to make copies of the record of deeds evidence.

Copies of such declaratory statement and adverse claimants of his intention to prove his affidavits, certified as aforesaid, shall be by, on pre-emption, on a day fixed in said notice, behalf of such pre-emption, filed with the giving one day for every thirty miles travel, Secretary of State, and the whole purchase from the residence of such claimant to Madison, money paid at least ten days prior to the time his application will be heard and determined.appointed for the sale of the swamp and overDAVID W. JONES, Secretary of State.

Published October 15th, 1856.


flowed lands in the county where such preempted lands lie. A neglect to comply with the provisions of this act, shall be deemed, and is hereby declared to be a waiver, surrender

AN ACT to provide for the disposal and sale and forfeiture of all rights to said lands in virof the swamp and overflowed lands. tue of pre-emption rights.

SEC. 3. After the taking effect of this act no The people of the State of Wisconsin, represent-pre-emption shall be made to any of said ed in Senate and Assembly, do enact as fol- swamp or overflowed lands.


SEC. 4. Either the Attorney General, SecreSEC. 1. All the lands granted to this State tary of State or State Treasurer, or any preby an Act of Congress, entitled "an act to en-emption claimant, may proceed by way of apable the State of Arkansas and other States to peal to the Circuit Court of the county, wherein reclaim the swamp and overflowed lands with-is situated any of said swamp or overflowed in their limits," approved September 28th, lands claimed by pre-emption right, and in 1850, shall be sold by the Attorney General, such Court have the pre-emption claim deterSecretary of State and Treasurer, whenever the mined by a jury. In all such appeal proceedGovernor shall deem it expedient so to do.ings the appellant shall, within sixty days after Such sale shall be conducted in the manner the copies of the statement and affidavits menand under the restrictions provided for the sale tioned in section two of this act, and as in the of the school and university lands, in chapter last mentioned section, filed with the Secretary twenty-four of the revised statutes so far as of State, procure a certified copy thereof from said provisions may be applicable, and not in- the said Secretary of State, and file the same in consistent with the provisions of this act. the Circuit Court to which the appeal is taken. SEC. 2. In all cases of pre-emption under the act of the legislature, entitled "an act for And the Circuit Court shall make rules prethe protection of the swamp and overflowed scribing the mode of procedure on such aplands of the State, and to grant pre-emption peals. If, on appeal, the right claimed by prerights thereon," approved April 24, 1856, the emption shall be determined against the prepre-emptors upon complying with the pro-emption claimant, then in that and every such visions of this and the last aforesaid act, shall case, the State Treasurer shall refund to such have the right to purchase, in virtue of such claimant, his heirs, executors or administrators,

the purchase money paid by him for the lands the Town Treasurer as last aforesaid, within by him claimed. two years after the receipt thereof by the SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the said At-County Treasurer, shall be by such County torney General, Secretary of State and State Treasurer paid into the State Treasury, and the Treasurer, to adopt without appraisal or survey. same shall form a constituent part of the school the lines, boundaries and descriptions of the fund, and shall be managed as provided by law United States survey, as exhibited by the plats in relation to said fund. and field notes of the swamp and overflowed lands, and which plats and field notes they are hereby required to procure und pay for, as far as may be necessary, out of the proceeds of the sales of such lands.

SEC. 9. All laws for the protection of school or university lands are hereby extended and made applicable to the swamp and overflowed lands in this act mentioned or contemplated.

SEC. 10. All laws inconsistent with or repugnant to the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

SEC. 6. The minimum price of said swamp and overflowed lands shall be five dollars per acre, except such as shall be purchased in vir- SEC. 11. The swamp and overflowed lands of tue of pre-emption right. At least one-half of this State shall be sold in limited quanities for the purchase money of all of said lands de-actual settlement, or for the use of an adjoinscribed or designated in the plats and field ing farm to each purchaser, not more than notes aforesaid as timber lands, shall be paid three hundred and twenty acres each. at the time of the sale thereof, and of all other SEC. 12. This act immediately after its passin the ratio as provided in chapter twenty-four age shall be printed by the State Printer, and of the revised Statutes for the sale of school when so published shall take effect and be in and university lands other than the five hun-full force. dred thousand acres.

SEC. 7. The legitimate expenses incident to the sale of the swamp and overflowed lands aforesaid shall be first paid out of the proceeds of such sales, and seventy-five per cent. of the residue, and all of the purchase money for the selected lands in this section hereafter mention


Speaker of the Assembly.


Lieut. Gov. and President of Senate.
Approved October 11th, 1856.


The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

ed, shall form and be a constituted part of the AN ACT to amend Chapter 24 of the Revised school fund of this State, and shall be subject to the same uses, designs, regulations and laws. All lands by or under the authority of this State, selected in lieu of swamp or overflowed lands, sold or otherwise disposed of by the United States since the passage of the aforesaid granting act of Congress is hereby for the purposes contemplated, herein declared to be swamp and overflowed lands.

SEC. 1. Any Union School, Academy, College, University or other institution of learning, now or hereafter to be organized, or incorporated within the limits of this State, may SEC. 8. Twenty-five per cent. of the residue borrow money on the credit of the town, of purchase money mentioned in the next pre-village or city in which the same is located, ceding section shall be paid in the county trea- from the principal of the school and university sury of the county in which the sales may have funds in sums of not less than five hundred, been made, and the county treasurer, upon the nor more than ten thousand dollars, to any one receipt of such money, shall give his receipt corporation, for the purposes of purchasing therefor to the Attorney General, Secretary of sites, constructing buildings, procuring apparaState and State Treasurer, and a distinct and tus and libraries, establishing endowments, accurate list of all the lands sold in each town- and for such other purposes as may be necesship in said county, shall be made in duplicate sary to promote the interests and success of by the officers making such sales as aforesaid, any institution of learning, provided that the one of which shall be filed in the office of the town, village or city in which such institution, Clerk of the County Board of Supervisors of may or shall hereafter be located, shall at a such connty, and the other shall be filed in the general election or an annual town meeting, office of Secretary of State, and in case there give its sanction to the making of the loan, is an organized town in such county containing and determine the amount to be loaned by any any of such lands sold as last aforesaid, which such aforesaid corporation for the purposes require and are susceptible of being drained, enumerated in this section, and provided also then in that and every such case, such County that no sum shall be loaned on the bond of Treasurer shall pay to the Treasurer of such any town, village or city, that shall exceed town its proportionate share thereof, the same twenty-five per cent. of the assessed valuation being the twenty-five percent. residue of money of property in said town or city. realized from the sale of lands therein. And SEC. 2. When any corporation for educationsuch town shall proceed to the reclamation of al purposes shall determine to ask such a loan, such lands by draining the same with all con- it shall be the duty of the presiding officer and venient speed. All such money not paid to secretary, or the trustees of the institution, to

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