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The superior schools comprise the fa- When he enters the school room on the culties of theology, jurisprudence, medi-morning of commencement, a great share cine, sciences and letters, and the schools of his future success depends upon the of pharmacy; perhaps, in this class impression he makes upon those who should also be included the Normal may be assembled there. How closely School of Paris. Of these institutions they will watch every move he makes, the college of France, at Paris, possesses and how sure they will be to hear every the highest rank. As evidence of the word he utters, that they may form a range of subjects reached by the superior correct opinion of the man. The first schools it may be not inappropriate to opinion, formed either by his pupils or state that at this institution there are dis- patrons, is the one by which they will tinct professorships for the following sub- judge of whatever he may say or do thereafter. If he obtains the good will of his jects: astronomy, mathematics, physics, experimental physics, chemistry, medi- pupils on this occasion, a very important cine, natural history of inorganic bodies, point is gained, and he is in the straight road to success. His scholars will comand of organic bodies, comparative embryology, natural and national law, poli-mence learning immediately, and everytical economy, comparative legislation, thing will start in the right direction. If history and morals, archeology, Hebrew, he succeeds in making the first impresChaldee and Syriac, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Chinese, and Manchou Tartar, Sanscrit, Greek, Latin eloquence, Latin poetry, Greek Roman and Latin philosophy, French language and literature of the middle ages, modern French literature, foreign languages and literature, Slavonic languages and literature.

sion favorable, he will generally find himself pleasantly situated, having a contented mind, and enjoying life, because he is conscious of doing good. What evils may attend him if this impression is bad. What situation can make any one more miserable, than to be a teacher in a common school where he may have chanced to obtain the ill will of both scholars and patrons. After having formed an unfavorable opinion of a teacher, both parents and pupils will be determinpeculiar adaptation to some particular ed to call everything wrong that he may sphere of usefulness, are educated at the say or do. His scholars, instead of studypublic charge.

Many of these schools, in each grade, are open, gratuitously, to all. In some of the higher institutions young men who have evinced studious habits, or

For the Journal of Education. THE FIRST IMPRESSION OF A TEACHER.

ing, will watch him continually, not to observe his good qualities, but his faults, for the purpose of publishing them abroad. Some pupils, who have taken a dislike to the Teacher, will try to irritate him by breaking the rules, very slightly at first, How much depends upon the first im- but if he bears that, they will conduct a pression made by a teacher, when he little worse, and so continue, doing noenters a common school. The whole thing very bad, but continually vexing. community, as well as the scholars, have If the Teacher is naturally passionate, an earnest desire to see him, see how he and allows such pupils to irritate him, he looks; how he appears, that they may will soon find himself in the midst of make up their minds concerning him.- much trouble; the only first cause of


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which, was the impression first made is true that much effective labor may be
upon those scholars. When a Teacher performed, which is mere task work, and
has once made a bad impression upon that the efforts of the Teacher may to
the community, although he may strive a certain extent be successful, although
to do his best, he can effect but little. mechanical and spiritless. Some measure
To succeed well, a Teacher must have of mental discipline may be promoted in
mutual good will existing between his pupils, and some degree of knowledge
pupils, his patrons, and himself. It is, imparted to them, by a Teacher who takes
no doubt, the desire of every Teacher to very little interest in the work. Good
make the first impression in the right methods and systems, adopted at second
manner, and try, in different ways, to se- hand, may even be followed with a cer-
cure this end. Some Teachers put on tain slavish faithfulness; but in such a
airs, and appear puffed up on such oc- case, the instrumentality of the Teacher
casions, thinking thereby to gain the re- is more like that of one who guides the
spect of all with whom they meet. This operations of a machine, than that of a
often produces the contrary effect. They skilful and original artist. Such Teach-
are apt to appear a little awkward in the ers will hardly possess any thorough
business, and all close observers will soon knowledge; their preparation for their
see "the ears peep out above the lion's daily work is eating, sleeping and arriv-
skin,” and brand him a hypocrite. The ing at the school room at the appointed
only way to make a good impression is to hour; their independence of books con-
be sure to have a mind well stored with sists in having committed to memory the
useful knowledge, and well cultivated, contents of certain books.
and then try to make no one believe that
you know more than you really do. Be
as near the perfect man as possible and
always appear NATURAL.

E. M.

Wisconsin University, Nov. 8, 1856.

It is only enthusiasm for the work then, that will fulfill these conditions.— Knowledge obtained as the result of ardent thirst and earnest efforts for its possession, begets in generous minds, a desire to diffuse its light. The enthusiastic scholar makes the enthusiastic Teacher. His exertions are the maximum rather than the minimum of his ability. His mind refuses to be confined to a simple book or treatise; and though in his ef In a former article were noticed some forts at independent thought, he may of the conditions of success in the Teach-sometimes err and stumble, his pupils' er's calling, viz: thoughts will move with far more ease

For the Journal of Education.

NO. 2.

1. Thorough acquaintance with the and freedom, than if confined to the techsubjects taught. nicalities of a system, and cramped by a

2. Daily preparation for the school more mechanical drilling.


3. Independence of text-books.

True teaching implies then, the vital contact of mind within mind; the presen

To these conditions may be added, as tation of the Teacher's own process of no less important:

4. Enthusiasm in the work.

thought, in such a way as to excite and encourage the power of thought and ex

This is necessary in every pursuit. It pression, on the part of his pupils. But


to teach in this way successfully, implies other ill-considered innovations. uncommon intelligence and earnestness. many a Teacher may be able, by due reThis reminds us that the Teacher needs flection and careful experiment, to make also, valuable improvements.

5. DISCRETION AND HUMILITY. The art of teaching in this conntry, The necessity of these qualities is urg-though greatly advanced within some ed here, in reference especially to the years past, is yet in its infancy. He who points already remarked upon. In the like COLBURN, (author of the "Intellectual earnest effort to rise from the position of Arithmetic,") introduces a truly great and a mere mechanic, to that of an artist in valuable improvement in school-teaching, his profession, the Teacher is liable both is far better entitled to national gratitude to errors of judgment, and illusions of and a national monument, than a mere passion. There is needed the most vigi- military hero. It may be hoped, the time lant exercise of that discretion, which will at last arrive, when the teacher's makes a right application of principles, profession will be properly estimated which considers carefully the wants and and its all important functions properly circumstances of pupils, and avoids at- discharged. tempting that which though meritorious Sheboygan, 1856. in itself, is impracticable. A successful method of conducting a recitation with a class of elder pupils, may be quite inappropriate with a younger class.

J. B. P.




On the other hand, the Teacher who makes the attempt to steer his own course, is in danger of thinking too highly of his The casket must be placed in careful own opinions and methods. He should break away indeed, from a blind and hands, but the gem it contains may, for slavish imitation, Chinese like, of the aught parents know or care, be entrusted antiquated methods of "school keeping;" to the veriest botch, the most abject time but it does not follow from this that he server, the most immoral spendthrift, can at once devise a new and perfect sysmerely because he will barter his own soul tem himself. His good sense will be and ruin the souls of his pupils for a small shown rather by seeking out and adopt- pittance the fractional part of what it ing improved methods, and modifying would cost to employ a good Teacher. them as circumstances require. It is the Such scandalous conduct on the part of province of genius to improve, as well as parents, such culpable neglect may suit to create. It is said that the transcend- very well those who stay in a school ent powers of Shakspeare were often em- house six hours each day, thinking of ployed upon the most common and home- nothing but the ease with which they are ly materials of popular literature. But earning a livelihood, but to the Teacher, whatever he touched, turned to gold. who feels that his work is one whose Ordinarily that Teacher will be most value may not be measured by dollars successful and useful, who, familiar with and cents, who recognizes the great truth improved methods, adapts them to cir- that to God he is accountable for the in- cumstances; avoiding on the one hand fluence he exerts, it is a heart-sickning mere mechanical imitation, and on the trial. Do you not feel it such, fellow

Teacher, you, who have toiled day after what my conscience tells me is right and day and week after week, it may be beneficial, but I cannot bear to "dwell month after month, without one look of among tombs," constantly offended as approval or smile of encouragement from my senses must be by the mass of dead those you are serving with your best stagnant matter about me. energies? Does not your heart sink within you as you recall the vain attempts you have made to secure the attendance of your patrons at the school room at endeavor remove these sources of trial.— least one-half day out of a terin?

Let us be of good cheer. The dawn of a better day appears in some favored localities. Let us by earnest and united

Already hordes of unqualified Teachers are driven by an enlightened public sentiment to the school, or back to the plow and the bench. The work goes nobly on. Our share in it may be a severe one. We

Last in the list I place unjust faultfinding, not that I esteem it the greatest trial of the Teacher, but because it is nade so by the majority of those engag ed in the profession. Truly hard is it to find one's best motives wholly miscon-ay fall ere we see it accomplished, but if we fall, let us fall at our post. Let us strued, to find little faults magnified to strive to awaken an interest in the public the very last degree, to have one's best mind by showing ourselves interested. efforts thwarted by meddlesome mischief Let us elevate ourselves and draw up makers, it may be by some who are puff with us the load which now weighs us ed up with a little brief authority, to meet down, but which will grow lighter as we with malignant enemies, busy tattlers, ascend. Time will work a cure. neighborhood regulators, who apply themselves assiduously to school-machinery is long as it is in operation. Such are in every community. But aside from these ind infinitely more trying to the Teacher are those, who wish their children taught ust as they were taught. They must wear home the ten cent piece as a token SHEBOYGAN COUNTY EDUCATIONAL

"Then let us be up and doing,

With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait."
Platteville, Nov., 1856.

For the Journal of Education.


Agreeably to a call issued by a few Teachers, an Educational Convention assembled in Plymouth, Sheboygan county, on Friday, ▲. M., December 5th, consisting of a respectable number of Teachers, School Officers and friends of education.

of being at "the head." They must spell four times a day and read as many. No innovations can be allowed under any circumstances. The school of to-day must be an exact copy of the school of "forty years ago." But with all this, severe as it must be, the real Teacher finds nothing so trying as stolid indifference. Bitter strife even is preferable to leaden inactivity. An occasional storm is welcomed more, by the sailor, than a constant dead calm. The most successful armies are followed by the largest number of vultures. I can endure with patience a storm of persecution, a perfect mouth, E. ADAMS, ofwhirlwind of indignation, if it arise from B. PRADT, of Sheboygan, were appointed

N. C. FARNSWORTH, of Sheboygan Falls, was called to the Chair, and W. O. BUTLER, of Plymouth, appointed Secretary.

M. M. FLINT and W. E. CADY, of Plyand Rev. J.

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and Secretary, shall constitute an Execu tive Committee, any five of whom may constitute a quorum; to be elected by ballot at each annual meeting.

ART. 4. The duties of the President

of Greenbush, and D. J. HOLMES, of She-Vice President, Secretary and Treasure boygan, were appointed a Business Com


The proper method of teaching Arithmetic was discussed in an instructive manner, by Messrs. Flint and Butler. Adjourned to half past one P. M.


shall be such as pertain to the same offices in similar Associations.

ART. 5. The Executive Committee shal arrange business for the annual meetings procure Lecturers for the same, and through the Secretary of the Association who shall be ex-officio, their Secretary conduct such correspondence as may be deemed advisable. They shall also have

Mr. GEO. S. GRAVES, of Sheboygan power to call special meetings of the As Falls, in the Chair.

sociation, to provide for holding Teachers Institutes, to procure Teachers for the While the Convention awaited the re-same, and to fill all vacancies occurring ports of committees, the subject of Phy-in the offices; and they shall make to the siology was discussed by Messrs. Pradt Association an annual report of their pro and Holmes. The former maintained ceedings.

ART. 6. The annual meeting shall be that a knowledge of Physiology and the held at such time and place as the Execu Laws of Health, was of more importance tive Committee shall designate, and any than a knowledge of Geography. The five members who shall meet at any re latter thought Teachers did not sufficient-gular or special meeting, shall constitute

ly heed the Physiological connection between bad air, a bad stomach, and a bad temper.

The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That Physiology should be taught in our common schools.

a quorum for the transaction of business

ART. 7. This Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting of the Association, by a vote of two-thirds o the members present.

About forty members were enrolled | by the Secretary, and the following offi The committee reported, and the con-cers of the Association were elected: vention adopted the following Constitu- N. C. FARNSWORTH, Sheboygan Falls

tion of the Sheboygan county Teachers' Association:


DR. A. B. CARY, Greenbush, V. President W. E. CADY, Plymouth, Secretary. ART. 1. This Association shall be call-J. F. MOORE, 66 Treasurer. ed the Sheboygan County Teacher's AsDIRECTORS: sociation, and shall have for its object the mutual improvement of its members, and the advancement of public education through the county and State.

ART. 2. The Association shall consist of Teachers, School Officers and Friends of Education, each male member paying fifty cents annually. Honorary members

D. J. HOLMES, Sheboygan.
DR. A. B. CARY, Greenbush.
REV. J. B. PRADT, Sheboygan.

MISS E. E. SHATTUCK, Plymouth.

Mrs. H. N. Smith, Mrs. D. J. Holmes

may be elected at any regular meeting, Miss J. F. Clark, Miss S. E. Leach and who may, by the payment of the annual Miss E. Lundegreen were appointed fee, become acting members.

ART. 3. The Officers of this Association

shall be a President, a Vice President, a

Board of Critics.

Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Smith and Miss

Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Board of Clark were appointed a Committee or five Directors, who with the President Resolutions.

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