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should so understand the wants of all as party influences usually at work when to work intelligently in meeting them; political nominations are made, can but who should have a whole heart, and that be regretted by every thinking, sincere warm in the love of education; who lover of education. The wants of our should ever be firm in the right; who, school system are too great to leave the in fine, should be a true man, such that filling of its most important office to such it would not be profane to say of him, chances, and too constant to admit of a "he reflects the image of his Maker;" good officer this term and a poor one one, who with the power given him by next. his knowledge, with zeal inspired by his Conventions of all political parties, in love of human progress, and with purity dividing the chances for office, pay parof purpose drawn from principles within, ticular attention to giving every section could go forth“ a workman who needeth of the State its share. If the members not be ashamed." How and where shall from one section fail to get "their man such a man be found? Will he be found nominated for Governor, their feelings among the wire-working and office-seek- must be conciliated by giving some one ing foam and scum thrown upon the sur- of their number a nomination for some face by the varying winds of politics, and other office. The divisions being made, which receives what of purity it has from the nominations having been given, no the great undisturbed ocean below? Not matter to whom, and all having sworn there. Men with whom so sacred a trust fidelity, except occasionally a disappointwould be safe, are not found urging their ed, fractious one who waits to be whipclaims to office among this wire-working ped into the ranks, they cry "all-wise scourge of our land. Though, "with the and ever true are these our candidates;" talents of an angel, a man may be a fool," and the party shout "amen." yet to find men with purity of purpose Now the "amen" may, perchance, be like angels who have not fallen from well given, if by the weaker party, or by their first estate, and still groveling with the stronger, if it has chosen some tried political hucksters, would be a strange men to add strength to waning power.sight indeed! They shrink back with But this case happens only in the revoloathing even at the thought of being lution of parties. placed before the public as candidates The Superintendency is considered no brought out by such means. Yet custom more sacred than the other offices, and determines that the office of Superinten- hence is a matter of trade equally with dent shall be thrown into the lottery with other offices, and the people consent to it; even those who in the selection of local Superintendent act so wisely, do not persist in their opposition to it.Occasionally a man manifest a little opposition, but generally the people are thoughtlessly indifferent, or agree in the


That the selection of candidates for Superintendent should be subject to all the


If an aspirant to some higher office (?) knows a suitable person for Superinten. dent in the same vicinity with himself, who is likely to be nominated, he will as soon engage to lend his influence to secure the nomination of any one from another section, if by thus doing he can secure the aid of the other's friends for himself, as he would were his neighbor a la candidate for any other office. These

facts of trade will not be denied except at such an act. That he did not degrade by the very sensitive office-seeker who himself, is no praise to the other officers claims for his fellows the purest of mo- and office-seekers. They wanted his intives in looking after the welfare of the fluence; but mistook the man.

be heard.

The uncertainty of suitable nominations under such circumstances would

people. Such, of course, will deny This might be the result generally; that the will of their party is ever defeat- still it is enough that a political nominaed by them, or that they would sell their tion and election places the Superintenfriends for a nomination. But every dent where he might even be suspected convention where the party feels secure of favoring such schemes; much more by previous success, and frequently when when a party expect it of him. it is otherwise, exhibits a like scene; But admit him free from all party inwhile the cursings of "the sold" may yet trigues; as a party man he has been elected with more or less political excitement, rarely failing to engender at least coldness of feeling in many, which must seem to be sufficient reason for striking greatly lessen the good he ought to do.—the Superintendency from the list of po- This is the best view of the case; for, litical offices. But there are other reausually, during the excitement, he is desons. An officer elected by a party is famed by one party, and too highly exsupposed to hold party allegiance; he is tolled by the other. Though his influexpected to be a party man; he is looked ence may not be materially affected by upon as such. If he will not put on the his being well slandered by his friends, party shackles, he is set upon by the par- yet the defamation heaped upon him by ty guards who leave no means unused to others, will cause many to look jealously injure his reputation and usefulness. He upon him. He will not be considered by is expected, like others, to be ready to them as a disinterested man, free from assist in any work that may be necessary party influences, working solely for the

to the success of its leaders.

cause of Education.

the election of either of the candidates,

A few years since the Superintendent If then, in party nominations for an was attending an educational convention office which requires such peculiar qualiin a village in our State. At the same time and place there was a convention for fications of him who would hold it with honor to himself and profit to the State, the nomination of an important officer, at there is great danger of having candidates which were delegates attended by numerous anxious friends, as well as high func-imposed upon the people unfit for the tionaries and low functionaries on a pil- position, as there certainly is; and if, in grimage from the capital. While the outside workers were using their utmost influence to get the unwilling delegates to vote right, the Superintendent was privately asked of as to whether he was favoring the nomination of their man. He replied that he was attending an educational convention; that he had nothing to do with the matter. He told of the circumstance, feeling, no doubt, contempt

though the nominations might be good, party connections, party influences, and the slanders of political enemies, may prejudice the influence of the elected, as it certainly does, why should not the course be abandoned? Precedents will not be urged in so important a matter; and the good resulting from its entire seperation from political strife would be too

great to be any longer lost by its contin- where her twin-sister knowledge is neglected."


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Suppose all the people who are now mourning over their ignorance, should come to you and tell you of their losses and crosses and difficulties, in consequence of a neglect on the part of their parents to give them that education of which they now stand so much in need. Do you think it would make you more careful about your own children?

Here is a poor woman, who wants words

who lately returned from Europe, where to express her pain at not being able to he had spent several years, delivered a read the Bible. Oh! she would give all lecture in New York recently, on the edu- the world if she could only read that cational characteristics of that continent, blessed book. from which we extract the following pregnant paragraph:

Here is a poor laboring man, whose mind is dark and unenlightened, and who, "If there be any moral to the tale I as he sees others enjoying themselves ovhave told, it may be summed up in a few er a volume or newspaper, almost curses words,-Pay your school tax without those who, in his boyhood, neglected his grumbling; it is the cheapest premium schooling.

of insurance on your property. You are

And so we might enumerate. Do you educating those who are to make laws wish your children to be like them and for yourselves and your children. In like thousands and thousands of others, this State you are educating those who ignorant and debased, debarred of pleaare to elect your judges. Build more sures enjoyed by others, and daily sufferschool-houses, they will spare you the ing, and neglected and despised? Then, building of more jails. Remember that omit in childhood, their education. the experiment of other countries shows Oh! that parents who are neglecting that the development of free and extend- the schooling of their children would but ed education has been followed by public consider their responsibilities. It seems and private prosperity; that financial to me that it only needs for one to go success and political tranquility have through our streets, to look into the hovels blessed the lands which have recognized of wretchedness, and to think for one moits importance. Remember that educa- ment that his offspring, through his negtion without freedom is barren in its re- lect, may become such objects as are sults, that freedom without the educa. therein presented, to stir up every right tion of the moral sentiments soon runs resolve do do his duty to his children. into anarchy and despotism,-and that Parents, do your children go to school? liberty, ever vigilant herself, demands If they do not, you are to blame. The ceaseless vigilance in her votaries-liber-law provides for their education. Schools, ty will not linger long in those lands free schools are open in every part of the

country. To them you can send your and virtue and happiness, or it was said children. To them you should, (if you to be the means by which all these were cannot afford to pay) send them immedi- attained. We are told that every school ately. Will you think of this and act? Act aright, and you will never regret it.

-R. I. Schoolmaster.

From the Newburyport, (Mass.) Herald.

house rendered one prison less necessary and what we spent to instruct we saved in punishing. If by education they intend the simple imparting of knowledge -and this is all the meaning, common sense gives the word-nothing is further

"I insist,” said Daniel Webster, "that from the truth. Intellectual culture may there is no charity, and can be no chari-be a great curse to an individual or comty, in that system of instruction from munity. It always is, unless accompawhich Christianity is excluded." Per-nied by a corresponding amount of morhap: our school committee do not agree al power. That is the worst condition of with Daniel Webster, and hundreds of a nation when its head shakes its heart, other most mature minds; certainly they for there is no vice or crime that that do not, if the report they made in rela- head may not invent, and that may not tion to schools in Ward Six, published grow in the shade where the heart should yesterday, in which they speak of the power of education to stay vice, expresses their true opinion. It is not a fallacy

be. As individual examples, take a Byron or a Bonaparte; as a national example, look at France before her revolu

tion in the last century! Why, seven

of theirs alone, however, but generally entertained and often declared, and for eights of all the villainy in this world, that reason we notice it. In New Eng-of all the systems of oppression, robbery land education is a hobby that is well and fraud-have originated with the innigh ridden to death. The natural intellectual and refined, and all statistics terest that all feel for their children, and show that as education, apart from religwhatever tends to elevate and improve ious instruction, has increased, in the their children, has made the public often same ratio and even more has crime inlister to the wildest dreams and the creased. This has been the case here in greatest fallacies from those who would Massachusetts, and we might quote Gov. seek popular favor by claiming to be the Briggs, Attorney General Clifford, and special friends of public instruction-by others, in support of the assertion. The which they have meant intellectual ele-Mayor of Boston, Biglow, a few years vation-for the old systems which are ago, said, "at the rate which violence denounced looked much more after and crime have recently increased, our moral culture than is now deemed advis- jails, like our alms-houses, however caable; indeed it has been thought best, pacious, will be scarcely adequate to the even in this Puritan State of Massachu-imperious requirements of society." And setts to dissever education from religion.

All imaginable good, and escape from all possible evils, have been ascribed to education. It was not enough that "learning was power," but it was riches


without quoting anybody, look at the great number of more enormous crimes that are committed. The jails of Boston and New York are full of murderers all the time. Nor is it true, as we are often told, that these persons are all of the low and ignorant. Look over a list of the

swindlers, forgers, and even murderers, thirty years, crime would have diminand you find a good proportion from the ished instead of increased 400 per cent." professions, the clergy, physicians and The same facts appear in Scotland, lawyers and what are not found there, where crime has increased forty fold, the railroad offices, banks and stores can while the population has not doubled supply. once. In Prussia, where every child is

We have no tables by us showing the forced by law to go to school, there is proportion of the educated and uneduca- fifteen times more crime than in France, ted among our criminals; and it would where two-thirds of the inhabitants can not show truly if we had, for the igno- neither read nor write; and a comparirant are most likely to get caught; but son of some portions of the world might the Chaplain of the Auburn State Pris- show a like condition of things. on, New York, recently gave a list as



If these things be so, is education an evil? They would not prove that learn

Educated. Uneducated. ing in itself was a bad thing, but in bad hands it may be. A razor in the hands of an infant is not more dangerous than is intellectual power to moral infants. It is better that a child should never know than to know only to do evil. What is needed




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Passing countefeit money Forgery, What is true there is true otherwheres. is the drawing out of all the powers of A London paper lately uttered this truth: body, will and intellect—an education a"It is moral ignorance that makes men bout which the world do not seem at this socially and politically dangerous, and age to be solicitous, but by hoping for hapnot a want of mental culture." So says piness, as Eve did in the garden, from the the history of England, where so much tree of knowledge, believing thereby that has been done within the last century to they will become as gods-they are ininstruct the masses-but where crime deed deformed monsters-ill-shaped, unhas increased eight fold, where the population has only doubled.

A distinguished officer in the city government of London remarked, in a communication published in the Times :

sightly, devilish in desires as in spiritual appearances. If in heaven there is a true idea of symmetry of soul, the angels must weep over those born into the other life with some faculties distended and others warped, as we would over child"In 1814, the report of the National ren that were born here with monstrous Society states there were 100,000 childheads and small bodies, or with arms ren receiving the benefit of education.Now there are above 1,000,000 under twice too long, and legs twice too short. that excellent institution, besides the tens Give to your boys and girls that trainof thousands and hundreds of thousands ing that a republican and christian peowho are receiving education under the ple need-first in the use of hands, that auspices of the Lancaster schools. No every one may be industrious and do man, therefore, can say that the increase something useful for their support-it is of crime is attributable to the absence of as necessary to know how to do as how education. If it were so, with education to think; next in the development of increased 800 per cent. during the last mind, not by the hot-bed system, but by

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