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Wisconsin Journal of Education,

In Account with Editorial Committee,

To amount paid Hulett &

$781 19

Harrison on account, "Ain't paid C. S. Boynton

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D. Y. Kilgore offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That John G. MeMynn is entitled to our hearty thanks, for the faithfulness and skill with which he has discharged his duties as the first Resident Editor of the Wisconsin Journal of Education.

The resolution was passed by a unanimous vote.

The following resolution was then discussed:

Resolved, That no person habitually using intoxicating drinks, profane language, or tobacco, ought to be licensed to teach in our public schools.

Remarks were made by Messrs. Kinney, Nolan, Atherton, Fisk, Craig, Bingham, McMynn,Spicer and Kilgore-after which the resolution was indefinitely postponed.

A. C. Spicer, Chairman of the committee on resolutions, reported the following: Resolved, That the Educational inter$1888 33 ests of this State require a more cordial $676 80 and active co-operation of teachers of all ap-classes, in advancing the cause of public

D. Y. Kilgore, from the committee pointed to examine the books of the Res-education. ident Editor, reported as follows:


Remarks were made by J. G. McMynn and A. L. Chapin, President of Beloit The committee appointed to audit the College; after which the resolution was accounts of J. G. McMynn, Treasurer of the Editorial Committee, and Resident made the special order of the day for Editor of the Wisconsin Journal of Ed- Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock.

ucation, hereby certify, that we have examined the books, accounts, and vouchers in his possession, and have found them correct.




A. J. Craig, Chairman of the Editorial Committee, made a verbal report in regard to the success of the Educational Journal-appropriating two hundred and fifty dollars to J. G. McMynn, for services as Local Editor.

The report was amended, on motion of D. Y. Kilgore, so as to include traveling expenses-increasing the amount to three hundred dollars-when it was unanimously adopted.

Adjourned to 7 o'clock.


A large audience was favored with an address by Prof. J. Emmerson, of Beloit College. Subject, "History-its office in the work of Education."

The following persons were elected
Honorary Members:

J. M. Bingham, Palmyra,
C. B. Skinner, Watertown,
H. W. Collins, Janesville,
Dr. H. Vandeusen, Mineral Point,
Geo. W. Bliss, Mineral Point,
Rev. W. C. Whitford, Milton,

F. F. Mayhem, Empire, Fon du Lac, Co.
Henry, Freeman, Freeport, Ill,
J. C. Pickard, Jacksonville, Ill,

D. W. Pickard, Groveville, Mass,
Prof. A. Kellogg, State Normal School,

N. Y.

Adjourned till 9 o'clock, to-morrow morning.

THURSDAY, 9 o'clock A. M. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Foote, of Janesville.

C. E. Hovey, President of the Illinois Teachers' Association, gave an account of the state of Education in his State.

D. Y. Kilgore, of Dane county; Mr. Bartlett, of Dodge; W. Van Ness, of Fond du Lac; J. L. Pickard, of Grant; R. C. Parsons, of Iowa; A. J. Craig, of Jefferson; L. Stone of Kenosha; F. C.

J. G. McMynn, Chairman of Execu- Pomeroy, of Milwaukee; J. G. McMynn, tive Committee, reported the order of of Racine; and A. A. Griffith, of Waukebusiness for the day. sha; gave account of the condition of Public Schools in their respective counties.

M. P. Kinney, F. W. Fiske, F. C. Pomeroy, J. G. McKindley, and W. C. Dustin, were appointed a committee to nominate Editors for the Journal, for the ensuing year.

An Essay was read by W. Van Ness, upon the "Disconnection of the State Superintendency with Politics."

The resolution which was made the

special order of the day, was taken up and discussed by President Chapin, Profs. Bean and Fisk, J. G. McMynn, A. A. Griffith, C. E. Hovey, and A. J. Craig; after which it was adopted.

The members of the Association were then invited by President Chapin to visit Beloit College, at such time as they might decide upon.

Voted to accept the invitation, and 41⁄2 o'clock P. M. fixed upon as the time.

W. Van Ness, A. A. Griffith, A. Wilson, A, Pickett, and H. W. Collins, were appointed a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year.

Mr. Kinney, from the committee on resolutions, reported as follows;

Resolved, That the cause of Education demands that more earnest attention be given to the erection and improvement of school buildings-both as regards convenience and health of pupils, and also the elevation of public taste.

Adjourned to 7 o'clock.


The following resolution was discussed: Resolved, That the Educational interests of this State require the immediate establishment of a training school for teachers.

The resolution was discussed by President Chapin, A. M. Kellogg, "of Albany,

Professor in the Normal School of the State of New York, Prof. Emmerson, A. C. Spicer, J. G. McMynn, M. P. Kinney, and others; after which the resolution was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. McMynn, Pickard, Pickett, Kinney and Collins.

Adjourned to 8 o'clock A. M., to-mor


Session was opened with prayer by
Rev. J. Nolan, of Beloit.

W. Van Ness, from the committee on time and place of next meeting, reported, That the next meeting be held in Waukesha, on the second Wednesday in August, 1857. Adopted.

W. Nan Ness, from the committee on nominations, reported, and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

The resolution was discussed by M. P. A. C. SPICER, Milton, President. Kinney, H. W. Collins, A. A. Griffith, M. P. KINNEY, Racine, Wm. Backus, Esq., of Chicago, and D. F. W. FISK, Beloit, Y. Kilgore. Adopted. D. Y. KILGORE, Madison)


V. Presidents.

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Mr. Kinney introduced the following resolutions:

Resolved, That we hereby extend to Prof. J. Emmerson, of Beloit College, our thanks for his able and instructive address, on the "Study of History,” and are happy in his co-operation in the great work of educating the youth of our land.

much pleasure and profit to remarks from Resolred, That we have listened with

Prof. Kellogg, of the New York State Normal School, in regard to its arrangenents and operations; and cordially receive him as a welcome visitor to our Association.

Resolved, That we earnestly urge Town Superintendents, Teachers, and all others interested in the cause of Education in our State, to enlist in efforts to obtain subscribers to the Journal of Education, and thus essentially aid in promoting

The committee on resolutions present-sound education. ed the following:

Resored, That every teacher should Resolved, That experience, observation regard himself as an Educational Missionand reason clearly indicate that the high-ary, whose duty is to labor to secure the |attendance of all the children of suitable est interest and well-being of the race demand that the sexes should be educated age within his district or circle of effort. together in the same schools, and in the same classes.

Laid over until next meeting.

Resolved, That some Legislative provision should be made for the organization of Union or Graded Schools in every town in the State.

Resolved, That we are grateful to the Congregational Church and Society of Beloit for the use of their Church edifice, in which the sessions of our Association have been held; and to the citizens generally for their generous hospitality.We shall carry with us pleasing recollections of their kind attentions and social D. Y. Kilgore, from the committee ap- enjoyments experienced by us at their pointed last year to memorialize the Leg-homes; and will remember Beloit as one islature upon the subject included in the of the sunny spots in life's pilgrimage, above resolution, reported that the com- Teachers' Association of Wisconsin, we Resolved, That as members of the State mittee had performed their duty; but the will make grateful record in behalf of the Legislature had not performed theirs.-Milwaukee & Mississippi, the Racine and Report accepted, and committee dis- Mississippi, and the Beloit and Madison Railroads, whose superintending officers charged. have kindly afforded us half-fare passes Mr. Spicer reported the following reso-over their roads, to and from our meetlution: ing. Thereby we have assurance that Resolved, That the members of this that they have in favorable regard the Association take immediate steps for the educational interests of our State-in organization of Teachers' Institutes in which we rejoice.

their respective counties.

Resolved, That the thanks of this AsResolved, That the Editorial Commit-sociation are due to the Racine and Mistee be, and is hereby empowered to fill sissippi Railroad Company, for granting all vacancies which may occur in said a free pass to the Resident Editor of the committee. Adopted. Wisconsin Journal of Education.

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CALUMET COUNTY. Miss Mary B. Newell, Chilton. DELEGATES.

C. E. Hovey, President State Teachers'
Association, Peoria, Ill.

Wm. R. Powers, Dixon, Ill.
W. H. Lapham, Chicago, Ill.
M. Tabor, Aurora, Ill.

Chauncey Nye, Ohio.

J. B. Richardson, Tidiotate, Penn.
J. C. Pickard, Jacksonville, Ill.
A. M. Kellogg, Professor in New York
State Normal School, Albany, N. Y.
Rev. D. W. Pickard, Groveland, Mass.
A. W. Freeman, Freeport, Ill.

John P. Hunt, Jr., West Aurora, Ill.
Mrs. J. P. Hunt, Jr.,

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LEARNING is like a river whose head being far in the land, is, at first rising little, and easily viewed, but still, as you go, it gapeth into a wider bank; not without pleasure and delightful winding, while on both sides set with trees and the beauties of flowers. But still, the further you follow it, the deeper and broader it is, till at last it inwaves into the unfathomed ocean, there you see more water, but no shore-no end of that liquid fluid's vastness.

"There are few talents so very inconsiderable as to be uualterably excluded from all degrees of fame; and all should, in Life's visits, leave some token of their existence."

ENVY.-Envy ought, in strict truth, to have no place whatever allowed in the heart of man-for the goods of this present world are so vile and low, that they are beneath it; and those of the future world are so vast and exalted, that they are above it.

PUNCTUALITY.—If you desire to enjoy life, avoid unpunctual people. They impede business and poison pleasure.

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