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son of justice, benevolence, forgiveness, to give such a range of experience as will magnanimity, temperance, &c. Profanity develop character in its completeness. should be banished from the school, and There is not a sufficient diversity of inthe rights of all respected. Music will fluences, there is too much unity of feellend its helping hand, in this heart disci-ing and interest to cultivate decision, firmpline. As the united voices are raised ness and self-control. The school room in praise of God and the right, harmony furnishes incentives to action similar to of voice will produce harmony of spirit, those found in the outside world, with wild passions will be tamed, the rough this difference, that mistakes made in the places made smooth, and the heart made school room are more easily corrected to beat in unison with the moral senti- than those made in later life.

ment of the piece. Waupun, Wis.

I. J.

[For the Journal of Education.] COMMON SCHOOLS.

Some well meaning persons object to the public school, that depraved and vicious children are found there, and fearing that contact with such will contaminate their own sons and daughters, keep them at home or send them to private schools. Waiving for the present, the question whether the private are in this respect any better than the public schools Character is a result. Discipline and-we ask, can temptation always be trial are necessary to its formation. It is avoided, or the highest moral developnot simply to promote intellectual devel- ment be obtained without the discipline opment that children are sent from the which results from exposure to temptafamily circle to the school room. Life is tion?


No. 3.

a stern reality, a stage on which each Childhood soon passes, manhood comes must play his part-a battle-field where bringing with it cares and trials, temptavictory crowns only the experienced, the tions and sorrows. Which is best fitactive and persevering. He would be ted to bear the "fiery ordeal," and escape deemed a rash or fool-hardy general who unscathed, he who has been reared in should meet a powerful disciplined foe in seclusion, ignorant of the vices and folbattle with undisciplined raw recruits. lies of mankind, or he, who mingling So it would be rash, and not only rash freely with his fellows from his childhood, but cruel for a parent to send his child knows something of human nature, its ut into the world without some prepa-selfishness, deceitfulness, and proneness ration, some discipline other than that to err? An old lady is said to have adfurnished at the fire-side. It has been vised her son "not to go near the water said that "the world is a school;" it may until he had learned to swim." Those with equal truth be said that a school is parents who expect to prepare their a miniature world. children for "life's great struggle," to Though the aims and objects of pursuit fit them for stations of usefulness and are different they give employment to the honor-to make them faithful, efficient same faculties, develop the same emo-laborers in the great work of redeeming tions, the same sympathies and desires, their fellow men from the thraldom of vice dislikes and aversions. by keeping them in ignorance of the exThe family circle is usually too limited listence of evil, have no reason to laugh

[For the Journal of Education.]


There is no royal road to teaching.Heart's ease is not to be thought of. Success can only be attained by dint of labor and care and tact.

at the philosophy of the old lady's ad- ficient to convert it into diamond. In vice or pride themselves upon their su- geography and reading especially, if a perior discernment. paragraph have any sort of elasticity in it, the teacher must make it curvet in ground and lofty tumbling, dance the rope, toss the balls, blow ribbons, spit fire, assume as many shapes as Proteus. While it is in the power of the teacher and his bounden duty to awaken interest, to arouse the youthful mind to a proper pitch of voluntary exertion the pupil will defy all the excellencies of all the worthies, unless you give him an appreciable What a warm, half sunny, half showguarantee that his labors shall have ery day in May is to nature, that ought their full recompense. The usefulness every school-day to be to the young mind of what he is studying is almost as vague, -emphatically a growing day. If at incomprehensible as eternity or any other night there rests not that freshness on the mind of the pupil which glitters on education don't produce so lively nor so subtlety. Homilies about the value of the face of nature in the morning, then ought the teacher to take up the wail of the old Grecian: "I have lost a day?"

good an impression as Mother Goose' Melodies. Children are the high priests of practicality. To them, education is an

I once thought teaching might be defined the art of giving information. Ac-abstraction; possessing all the intangibilcordingly no reading lesson was interest-ity of their early enemies, the ghosts,

and often more dreadful.

ing unless it afforded me opportunity to tell something. My views have materialHope deferred maketh the heart sick.— ly changed, and now I sometimes think Children are confined for years over tasks teaching may be defined the art of get- which they care no more about learning ting information. It partakes more of a than I do about the mysteries of millipumping process than a packing process. nery.

While I still believe that every lesson No school system makes provision for needs the seasoning of story and fact-this fundamental law of our being: voluptuous condiments which only gifted Reward is inseperably associated with minds can spare-the subject must con- labor--a law in as strong operation in tain in itself, enough common place salt childhood as at the prime of life. The to render its nutrition savory. hope of a present in return for a certain

The excellency of instruction lies not number of perfect lessons for the term, in embellishment, but in showing the pu- would impart agreeableness and impil in every paragraph a cocoon, which portance to study. Let not the disyou will either spin yourself, or show prover of presents cry sordid! The him how to spin into costly silk. What desire for .property, most agree, is as I mean is, that much of what the pupil early, lasting and legitimate as desire learns, must, from the nature of his fac- for life. Having tried pleading, coaxing, ulties, lie in his mind as mere charcoal, scowling, scolding, beating and preachif the teacher have not alchemy suf-ing, all were found inferior to the simple

plan of presenting tickets for perfect les- [of which is to procure a library, lecsons, with the understanding that there tures and other means of moral and inwould be an auction at the close of the tellectual improvement. Initiation fee, term when these would be taken in pay-$3 00; honorary and life membership, ment for whatever the pupil might bid $10 00. The officers for the present off. are Ira W. Bird, President; G. A. Waldo, Recording Secretary; C. T. Clothier, Secretary.

D. J. H.

For the Journal of Education.

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They have several good works collected for the library, and are adding from time to time, as they have the means.Success to them in this and every other laudable effort to improve their minds.


[For the Journal of Education. SCHOOLS IN MUNROE

The people in this place are taking the initiatory steps for a Union Graded School, which will meet their wants and be worthy of public patronage. The


This place is the county seat of Jefferson county, but owing to several untoward circumstances is behind many other places in the county in educational advantages. A large tract of heavy timbered land on the east and north, has, as it were, cut it off from the rest of the world, and repelled the class of settlers most likely to prize popular education. A large proportion of the inhabitants of the town are Germans, who, though generally industrious and thrifty, have not yet late visit of the State Superintendent to learned to look upon education as the this place has done much to arouse the main spring of our prosperity and surest people and concentrate public opinion in support of those institutions, to enjoy favor of the measure. There are two diswhich they left home and friends in the trict schools in operation at present, be"Fatherland." sides one or two private schools. There are many intelligent, well edu-public schools are crowded, and for want cated people residents of this place, but of classification and arrangement, the their number has not been sufficient, or teachers, though faithful and industritheir efforts persevering enough to enlist ous, can effect but little compared with the mass in an earnest endeavor to realize what they might under a different state the benefits flowing from a good higher of things. Munroe is a beautiful, healthy class Public School. They have two very village; surrounded by some of the best good district schools in operation, and farming lands in the State, and needs only they endeavor to secure some of the ad- better facilities for disposing of overplus vantages of a graded school, by classify-products, and better educational advaning the scholars according to age and tages to take a higher rank among the qualifications-placing the younger and flourishing towns of our commonwealth. less advanced in one school, and the rest In a few months they will be in direct in the other. A little more than a year communication with the east by railroad, since, they obtained from the Legislature and I am much mistaken, if the public an act of incorporation, under which spirit of her citizens will permit them to they have organized a Literary Society, remain much longer without an efficient, called the Jefferson Institute, the object well-endowed Union School.'


[For the Journal of Education.


[For the Journal of Education.


WHAT though it be a humble home?

WHATEVER may be true concerning the You may have it full of the richest, rarest gift of speech having once graced the lips gifts of heaven-happy hearts. You may of the subtle serpent, or the orang-outang, make it an "inner temple," where the or even the exasperated beast of Balaam, surging of the great sea of cares and sor-it is still not to be doubted, that the rows is never heard. Make the fireside power of communicating thought, the of home a hallowed place, around which life current of the soul, is peculiar to shall cluster remembrances of noble and man, a distinguishing gift, and endowearnest beginnings in favor of truth and ment, calculated to aid in securing for right. himself and for others, the highest ends

But it

Let it be a green spot in the memory, of life. A cry or a note, awakening into which the heart may turn for repose stinct, passion or appetite, may proceed and new strength in the midst of life's from the lower order of beings. hot battles. O, strive to make it a happy is the human voice alone, that presents home for the little ones beneath its roof. in articulate utterances to the ear, lifeMake them love it. Have it full of God's pictures, in all the shades and tints that bright sunshine and gladdening flowers. stimulate and sustain the love of beauty Young hearts rejoice in light and love. in the heart. Truthful even in its ideal, And prepare them day by day to mingle nothing short of that ideal is worthy of with the world. Take that bright-eyed the name of speech. boy by the hand and tell him what the Next to truthfulness in the language. future will expect of him. Let him hear of the lips is grace, and so essential is of the great world's phases, of its long- the latter to the successful conveyance ings and strifes, of its plans and its hopes, of the former, and the former so truly the its daring trials and terrible decisions, of crowning grace of the latter that too its mighty ebbs and flows of thought and much pains cannot be taken to cherish feeling and courage. Let him know all and improve the union. this and his mind will be filled with high Full of desire that the utterance of and holy resolves which will tell in com their own generations should go down to ing years. A child is easily influenced posterity in a rich, euphonious diapason, to good or ill. Teach him, then, that in lexicographers of different ages have degoodness lies greatness, and as he kneels voted long years of patient effort to its by his little bed and softly repeats "Our perfection. Father" hear him add "make me good. and useful."

Shades and pages of Johnson, Walker and Webster, do not refuse to stand by, Make home happy with gentle tones or hover near the humblest of your coand loving smiles. Kind words cost you workers, toiling almost dubiously toward nothing, yet where would the "light of the same end, in training juvenile voices home" shine out if they were wanting? to a more perfect conformity with your Be patient, and loving and forgiving if teachings, voices already so perverted as you would make home happy. to call aloud on the teacher, first to point out, and then devise the best means for

C. E. A.

correcting the errors and corruptions of school."

or in

the pure English you have left us as an I begin to be alarmed lest Sally's voluinheritance. bility should surpass my memory, and But where shall I begin? I have no am glad to see that she has suspendsooner looked the subject in the face than ed long enough to take breath, and allow I discover that its "name is legion," and me to commence a brief critique. I seno one starting point can be gained. So lect from her remarks first the phrases remembering the direction that "What from the slang dictionary, such as your hand findeth to do, &c.," I make up "shouldent wonder," "like all fury," "put my mind to do it at once. Here comes in," &c., for "ben to work," I would the rosiest little girl of the morning, with say, been at work, for "be to our house,” grace in her movement, and the flush of at our house, for "sence," since, for beauty on her check, so pleasing to the "you'd orter," you ought to, for "suneye, that with the addition of sweetness thin" something, and I would not supand purity to her language she would be press the sound of r in first, a little gem. I say to her, good morning, worth, nor the g in morning, and I would my dear Mary. "Good mawnin," is the leave out the "as how," altogether. At return. It gives me pain to be so abrupt, last I hint to her that there is a general but I remember that I am a teacher, so I want of modest propriety in the whole suggest to her that she should say morn-communication, such as might be expecting, not "mawnin." "O, yessum, but Ied rather from boys playing at marbles awluz forgits." Always forget, Mary dear, on the side-walks than from young ladies you mean, I suppose; and as to "yessum" at school, and giving her the same direcyes, ma'am is the proper word or rather tion as given to Mary, I betake myself to words, pronouncing the ma'am neither musing on the difficulty, and looking emphatically nor broadly but preserving the same sound of a as in the word mad- certain whether I can trace to any one over my observations on the past to asam. Mary, you may go to your seat and prominent cause, the usual perversions write upon your slate a sentence contain-of our mother tongue. ing all the words which I have corrected for you, and bring them to me before the order bell rings. Occupying my mind ago, I taught a SELECT SCHOOL, in a beau

with reflecting upon the negligence of parents, and the too frequent indifference of teachers, I wait for Mary to finish her task.


Now comes Sally, in her usual careless attire and lounging gait and manner. remark, you seem fatigued, Sally.-"Shouldent wonder" answers Sally. "I've ben to work like all fury sence fust got up this mornin. You'd orto be to our house sometime and see how we carry on. My mother says as how a girl is'nt woth a cent that can't put in to hard

work and do sunthin before she goes to

I call up an incident.

Several years


tiful village in New England, and without contradiction, a village having high claims to privileges for intellectual culture. Early one morning a splendid carriage stopped at my door, and a lady with her three daughters alighted. splendid things are more or less a worship for me, I do not know as I can tell why. Whether I am especially fascinated by external appearances, or whether every one has a right to expect that internal worth, should everywhere correspond to outward display, I leave to be decided by better casuists than myself.—

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