INDEX. A. ACCIDENTAL things ought to be carefully distinguished Account, capital use of, what, ii. 312. Act of Navigation, ii. 144. 380. 391. Acts of Grace, impolicy of them, iii. 378. indemnity and oblivion, probable effects of them as a his fine lines on honourable political connexions, Admiration, the first source of obedience, vi. 310. One of Adrian, first contracts the bounds of the Roman Empire, x. Advice, compulsive, from constituents, its authority first re- Adviser, duty of one, vi. 52. Agricola, Julius, character and conduct of, x. 215. Air, the Archbishop of, his offer of contribution, why refused EE 3 Alfred Ariosto, a criticism of Boileau on, x. 158. Armies yield a precarious and uncertain obedience to a senate, Army commanded by General Monk, character of it, vi. 44. Artist, a true one effects the noblest designs by easy me- Artois, de, Count, character of him, vii. 149. Ascendancy, Protestant, observations on it, ix. 426. Asers, race of, origin, character and conduct of, x. 250. Astonishment, origin and nature of the passion, i. 157, 266. ought to be repressed by law, 37. schools of, set up by the French regicides at the pub- Atheists, modern, contrasted with those of antiquity, vii. 58. Athens, the plague of, wickedness remarkably prevalent Augustine, state of religion in Britain when he arrived there, 257. Aulick Council, remarks on it, vii. 360. Austria, began in the reign of Maria Theresa to support great EE 4 Authority, |