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ACCIDENTAL things ought to be carefully distinguished
from permanent causes and effects, viii. 78.

Account, capital use of, what, ii. 312.

Act of Navigation, ii. 144. 380. 391.

Acts of Grace, impolicy of them, iii. 378.

indemnity and oblivion, probable effects of them as a
means of reconciling France to a monarchy, vii. 187.
Addison, Mr., the correctness of his opinion of the cause of
the grand effect of the Rotund, questioned, i. 183.

his fine lines on honourable political connexions,
ii. 334.
Administration, a short account of a late short one, ii. 3.
Duke of Cumberland's, in July 1765, ii. 3.
Lord Chatham's, July 1766, ibid. Marquis of Rocking-
ham's, 146. State of publick affairs at the time of its
formation, 148. Character and conduct of it, 157.
Idea of it respecting America, 168. Remarks on its
foreign negotiations, 187. Character of a united admi-
nistration, 196. Of a disunited one, 204. Should be
correspondent to the legislature, 262.

Admiration, the first source of obedience, vi. 310. One of
the principles which interest us in the characters of
others, x. 151.

Adrian, first contracts the bounds of the Roman Empire, x.

Advice, compulsive, from constituents, its authority first re-
sisted by Mr. Burke, vi. 116.

Adviser, duty of one, vi. 52.

Agricola, Julius, character and conduct of, x. 215.

Air, the Archbishop of, his offer of contribution, why refused
by the French National Assembly, v. 223
Aix-la-Chapelle, the treaty of, remarks on it, viii. 335.
Akber, the Emperor, obtains possession of Bengal, xiii. 82.

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Ariosto, a criticism of Boileau on, x. 158.
Aristocracy, affected terror of an extension of power by, in
the reign of George II., ii. 244. Influence of the aris-
tocracy, 245. Too much spirit not a fault of it, 246.
General observations on it, v. 254-5. Character of a
true natural one, vi. 217. Regulations in some states
with respect to it, 307-8. Must submit to the dominion
of prudence and virtue, vii. 369. Character of the aris-
tocracy of France before the Revolution, v. 251-3. ix. 38.
Aristotle, his caution against the delusion of demanding
geometrical accuracy in moral arguments, iii. 112. His
observations on the resemblance between a democracy
and a tyranny, v. 231. His distinction between Tragedy
and Comedy, x. 157. His natural philosophy alone
unworthy of him, 278. His system entirely followed by
Bede, ibid.

Armies yield a precarious and uncertain obedience to a senate,
v. 390. On standing armies, v. 17.

Army commanded by General Monk, character of it, vi. 44.
Art, every work of, only great as it deceives, i. 185.

Artist, a true one effects the noblest designs by easy me-
thods, i. 185.

Artois, de, Count, character of him, vii. 149.

Ascendancy, Protestant, observations on it, ix. 426.

Asers, race of, origin, character and conduct of, x. 250.
Assassination, recommended and employed by the National
Assembly of France, vi. 41. The dreadful effects of, in
case of war, 42, 3.

Astonishment, origin and nature of the passion, i. 157, 266.
Atheism by establishment, what, viii. 170.

ought to be repressed by law, 37.

schools of, set up by the French regicides at the pub-
lick charge, ix. 119.

Atheists, modern, contrasted with those of antiquity, vii. 58.
Athenians, at the head of the democratic interests of Greece,
vii. 17.

Athens, the plague of, wickedness remarkably prevalent
during its continuance, x. 88.

Augustine, state of religion in Britain when he arrived there,
x. 255. Introduced Christianity among the Anglo-Saxons,


Aulick Council, remarks on it, vii. 360.

Austria, began in the reign of Maria Theresa to support great
armies, viii. 245, 6. Treaty of 1756 with France, de-
plored by the French in 1773, 247.

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