The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes, Том 17J. Nichols and Son, 1813 |
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Стр. 4
... Iras , } Attendants on Cleopatra . Officers , Soldiers , Messengers , and other Attendants . SCENE , dispersed ; in several Parts of the Roman Empire . ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA . ACT I. SCENE I. Alexandria . PERSONS REPRESENTED .
... Iras , } Attendants on Cleopatra . Officers , Soldiers , Messengers , and other Attendants . SCENE , dispersed ; in several Parts of the Roman Empire . ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA . ACT I. SCENE I. Alexandria . PERSONS REPRESENTED .
Стр. 12
... Iras , Alexas , and a Soothsayer . ] The old copy reads : " Enter Enobarbus , Lamprius , a Soothsayer , Rannius , Lucilius , Charmian , Iras , Mardian the Eunuch , and Alexas . " Plutarch mentions his grandfather Lamprias , as his ...
... Iras , Alexas , and a Soothsayer . ] The old copy reads : " Enter Enobarbus , Lamprius , a Soothsayer , Rannius , Lucilius , Charmian , Iras , Mardian the Eunuch , and Alexas . " Plutarch mentions his grandfather Lamprias , as his ...
Стр. 15
... IRAS . No , you shall paint when you are old . CHAR . Wrinkles forbid ! It is observable that the same mistake as this happened in Coriolanus , where the same correction was made by Dr. War- burton , and adopted by all the subsequent ...
... IRAS . No , you shall paint when you are old . CHAR . Wrinkles forbid ! It is observable that the same mistake as this happened in Coriolanus , where the same correction was made by Dr. War- burton , and adopted by all the subsequent ...
Стр. 18
... Iras hers . ALEX . We'll know all our fortunes . If every of your wishes had a womb , And fertile every wish , a million . ] For foretel , in ancient editions , the latter copies have foretold . Foretel favours the emendation of Dr ...
... Iras hers . ALEX . We'll know all our fortunes . If every of your wishes had a womb , And fertile every wish , a million . ] For foretel , in ancient editions , the latter copies have foretold . Foretel favours the emendation of Dr ...
Стр. 19
... IRAS . There's a palm presages chastity , if nothing else . CHAR . Even as the o'erflowing Nilus presageth famine . IRAS . Go , you wild bedfellow , you cannot sooth- say . 5 CHAR . Nay , if an oily palm be not a fruitful ...
... IRAS . There's a palm presages chastity , if nothing else . CHAR . Even as the o'erflowing Nilus presageth famine . IRAS . Go , you wild bedfellow , you cannot sooth- say . 5 CHAR . Nay , if an oily palm be not a fruitful ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Alexas ancient Antony better Cæsar called CHAR Charmian CLEO Cleopatra Cordelia Coriolanus CORN Cymbeline daughters death dost doth Edgar edition editors Edmund Egypt emendation Enobarbus Enter Eros Exeunt Exit eyes father fool fortune give Gloster gods Goneril Hanmer hath hear heart honour IRAS JOHNSON Julius Cæsar KENT King Henry King Lear knave lady LEAR lord Macbeth madam MALONE Mark Antony MASON means MESS metre never night noble o'the Octavia old copy old reading omitted Othello passage perhaps play Plutarch poet Pompey poor pray Proculeius quartos read queen Regan RITSON says scene second folio seems sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir Thomas Hanmer speak speech STEEVENS suppose sword tell thee THEOBALD thine thing thou art thought Timon of Athens TOLLET Troilus and Cressida WARBURTON word ΕΝΟ Ром