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Robert B. Monell, Clerk 6th Chancery Circuit, Greene, Chen.....
Stephen A. Goodwin, do 7th
E. Darwin Smith, do 8th


and for clerk hire, &c.,


John M. Barbour, Chancellor's Clerk, Saratoga Springs,







JOHN YOUNG, Governor,..



Addison Gardiner, Lieutenant-Governor, $6 for each day's attendance. Nathaniel S. Benton, Secretary of State, and Superintendent of Common Schools, appointed Feb. 1845,.


Azariah C. Flagg, Comptroller,
Thomas Farrington, Treasurer,
John Van Buren, Attorney General,
Hugh Halsey, Surveyor General,
Henry Storms, Commissary General,

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Samuel Stevens, Adjutant General,

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Lewis Benedict, Jr., Judge Advocate General,.
Nathaniel Jones, Acting Canal Commissioner,



John T. Hudson,




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$1.33 for each day's service.

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Archibald Campbell, Deputy Sec'y of State, and Clerk of the Land

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George W. Newell, Chief Clerk of the Canal Department,.

Samuel L. Holmes, Gen. Dep. Sup't of Common Schools,.

George W. Ltle, Deputy Treasurer,.

John L. Tillinghast, State Librarian,

Henry V. Colt, Private Sec'y to the Governor,.

Sanford Cobb, Messenger to the Governor,

$3 each day.

Commissioners of the Land Office-The Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the Assembly, Secretary of State, Surveyor General, Comptroller, Attorney General, and the Treasurer.

Commissioners of the Canal Fund-The Lieutenant Governor, Comptroller, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Surveyor General, and the Trea


The Canal Board-Consists of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund and the Canal Commissioners.

Trustees of the State Library-The Regents of the University.

With the Dates of their Appointment.

1807, February 11,

1823, February 14, 1825, January 12,

The Governor, ex officio.

The Lieutenant Governor, ex-officio.
The Secretary of State, ex officio.
Elisha Jenkins, Hudson.

Peter Wendell, M. D., Albany.
John Greig, Canandaigua.

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Secretary of State's Office-John Cuyler, Henry P. Nugent.

Comptroller's Office-Homer R. Phelps, Peter Keyser, Henry Tifft, Edward W. Graham, Jetur Gardiner, Brace Millerd, Homer Phelps.

Free Bank Department-William W. Van Zandt, Chief Clerk. Charles Callender, George Hanford, Registers.

Incorporated Bank Department-Thomas M. Burt, Book Keeper. Ed. mund Sloan, Register.

Canal Department-Edward James, William McGourkey, Henry C. Southwick, Jr.

Surveyor General's Office-James B. Jones.

Attorney General's Office-Hamilton W. Robinson.

Treasurer's Office-Allen C. Archibald.

Adjutant General's Office-Abm. Van Vechten.



Established by the Canal Board on persons and property transported on the New-York State Canals, to take effect on the opening of navigation in 1847.

Provisions, &c.

1. On flour, salted beef and pork, butter, cheese, tallow, lard,
beer, cider, and vinegar per 1,000 pounds per mile,.............
2. On bran an: shipstuffs, and oil cake or oil meal, in bulk,
per 1,000 pounds per mile,

els. m. fr.



Iron, Minerals, Ores, &c.

3. On salt manufactured in this State, per 1,000 pounds per mile,
4. On foreign salt, per 1,000 pounds per mile,
5. 1st. On gypsum, the product of this State, per 1,000 pounds
per mile,

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2d. On foreign gypsum, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

6. 1st. On brick, sand, lime, clay, earth, manure, iron ore, and stone for the manufacture of lime, per 1,000 pounds per mile,......

2d. On leached ashes, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

3d. On bones for manure, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

7. On pot and pearl ashes, window glass or glass ware, manufactured in this State, kelp, charcoal, broken castings scrap iron and pig iron, per 1,0.0 pounds per mile,

8. On mineral coal, per 1,000 pounds per mile,


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9. On stove, and all other iron castings, except machines and the parts thereof, per 1,000 pounds per mile,


10. On copperas and manganese, going towards tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

0 4 0

11. On bar and pig lead, going towards tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile,


Furs, Peltry, Skins, &c.

12. On furs and peltry, (except deer, buffalo and moose skins,) per 1,000 pounds per mile,...


13. On deer, buffalo and moose skins, per 1,000 pounds per mile,
14. On sheep skins, and raw hides of domestic animals of the
United States, per 1,000 pounds per mile,................
15. On imported raw hides, of domestic and other animals, per
1,000 pounds per mile,...



Furniture, &c.

16. On household furniture, accompanied by and actually belonging to families emigrating, per 1,000 pounds per mile, 17. On carts, wagons, sleighs, ploughs, and mechanics' tools necessary for the owner's individual use, when accompanied by the owner, emigrating for the purpose of settlement, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

Stone, State, &c.

18. On slate and tile for roofing, and stoneware, per 1,000 pounds per mile,



0 3 0


19. On all stone, wrought or unwrought, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

Lumber, Wood, &c.


20. On timber, squared and round, per 100 cubic feet per mile, if carried in boats,

21. On the same, if carried in rafts, (except dock sticks, as in next item,) per 100 cubic feet per mile, .

22. On round dock sticks, passing in cribs, separate from every other kind of timber, per 100 cubic feet per mile,

23. On blocks of timber for paving streets, per 1,000 pounds per mile,......

24. On lumber carried in boats, when weighed, per 1,000 pounds
per mile, viz:

1. On white pine, white wood, bass wood and cedar,
2. On oak, hickory, beech and sycamore,

3. On spruce, maple, ash and elm,

4. On cherry and black walnut,..
5. On hemlock,


6. On boards, plank, scantling and sawed timber, reduced
to inch measure, all kinds of red cedar, estimating that
a cord, after deducting for openings, will contain one
thousand feet, and all siding, lath, and other sawed
stuff, less than one inch thick, carried in boats, (except
such as is enumerated in rates number 26 and 35),
per 1,000 feet per mile when not weighed,
7. On hemlock, per 1,000 feet per mile, when not weighed,
8. On subs. 6 and 7, if transported in rafts, per 1,000 feet

per mile,....


25. On mahogany, (except veneering) reduced to inch measure, per 1,000 feet per mile,.

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26. 1st. On sawed lath, of less than ten feet in length, split lath, hoop-poles, handspikes, rowing oars, broom handles, spokes, hubs, tree-nails. felloes, boat knees, plane stocks, pickets for fences, and stuff manufactured or partly manufactured for chairs or bedsteads, and hoppoles, per 1,000 pounds per mile, ....

2d. On brush handles. brush backs, looking-glass backs, gunstocks, plough beams and plough handles, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

27. On staves and heading and empty barrels and casks, transported in boats, per 1,000 pounds per mile,....

28. On the same, if transported in rafts, per 1,000 pounds per mile,......

29. On shingles, per 1,000 pounds per mile, carried in boats, 30. On the same if conveyed in rafts, per M. per mile,


31. On split posts, (not exceeding ten feet in length,) and rails for fencing, (not exceeding fourteen feet in length,) per M. per mile, carried in boats,..

[blocks in formation]

32. On the same, if conveyed in rafts, per M. per mile,
33. 1st. On wood for fuel, (except such as may be used in the
manufacture of salt, which shall be exempt from toll,)
per cord per mile,........




2d. On tan bark, per cord per mile,. 34. On the same, if transported in rafts, per cord per mile,...... 35. On sawed stuff for window blinds, not exceeding one-fourth of an inch in thickness, and window sashes, per 1,000 pounds per mile,.


20 D


Agricultural Productions, &c.

36. 1st. On wool, per 1,000 pounds per mile,...

2d. On cotton, per 1,000 pounds per mile,.

37. On live cattle, sheep, hogs, horns, hoofs and bones, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

38. On horses, (and each horse when not weighed to be com. puted at 900 pounds,) per 1,000 pounds per mile,.....

39. On rags and junk, per 1,000 pounds per mile,.. 40. 1st. On manilla, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

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2d. On hemp and unmanufactured tobacco going towards tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

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3d. On unmanufactured tobacco going from tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile,..


41. On pressed hay and pressed broom corn, per 1,000 pounds per mile,.....


42. 1st. On corn, per 1,000 pounds per mile,..


2d. On potatoes, apples and onions, per 1,000 pounds per mile,....


3d. On wheat and all other agricultural productions of the
United States, not particularly specified, and not being
merchandize, per 1,000 pounds per mile,

43. On merchandize, per 1,000 pounds per mile, viz:
1. On sugar, molasses, coffee, nails and spikes, iron, steel,
and crockery, oysters and clams in the shell, going
from tide water,

2. On other merchandise,





3. On mineral water,



Articles not enumerated.

44. On all articles not enumerated or excepted, passing from
tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile,
45. On all articles not enumerated or excepted, passing towards
tide water, per 1000 pounds per mile, 1.



Boats and Passengers.

46. On boats used chiefly for the transportation of persons, navigating the canals, per mile, viz:

1. Genesee Valley, Cayuga and Seneca, and Chenango Ca


2. All other canals,

47. On boats used chiefly for the transportation of property per

48. On all persons over ten years of age, per mile,
49. On all articles of the manufacture of the United States, going
towards tide water, although they may be enumerated in
the foregoing list, per 1,000 pounds per mile,..

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Albany, April 12, 1847.

I CERTIFY the foregoing to be a correct copy from the minutes of the

Canal Board, on file in this office.

G. W. NEWELL, Chief Clerk.

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