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pended than on the production or importation of useful practical knowledge.

Inftitutionum Medicina publica edendarum Adumbratio, cum Specimine de Vulnerum Lethialitate: accedunt aliquot Cafus Medici Forenfes, ad illuftrandum Argumentum. Au&. Chrift. Frider. Daniel. 4to. Leipfig. To judge from the table of contents of the future work, announced in this Profpectus, it will contain the most complete Medecina Forenfis ever yet published.

Découvertes de M. Marat, D. M. &c. fur le Feu, l'Electricité, et la Lumière; conftatées par une Suite d'Expériences nouvelles, qui viennent d'être verifies par Meff. les Commiffaires de l'Académie des Sciences. 8vo. Paris.

Moft or all of these experiments were made by means of a solar microscope. They are ingenious; but the inferences drawn by the author feem to be liable to a variety of objections.

Lettres du Docteur Démefte, de la Société d'Emulation de Liege, &c. au Docteur Bernard, Prémier Prof. de la Fac. de Medéc. de Douay, &c. Jur la Chymie, la Docimafie, la Chryftallographie, la Lithologie, la Minéralogie, et la Physique en general, 2 Vols. 12mo. Paris.

This author views his own performance with a great deal of selffufficiency and paternal fondness. Impartial readers will find it, however, an indifferent work.

L'Art du Diftillateur et Marchand de Liqueurs, confidérés comme Alimens Medicamenteux. Par M. Du Buiffon, ancien Maitre Diftillateur. 2 Vols. 8vo. Paris.

The refult of judicious obfervations and a long experience of a man very eminent in his profeffion.

Les Amans François, ou les Délices de l'Angleterre. 12mo. Paris.

The writer of this fhort indifferent novel was certainly not infected with what his countrymen ftyle l'Anglomanie. He has depre ciated the national character of the English as freely and skilfully as many an English fcribbler has undervalued that of the French.

La Clef de la Langue Latine, ou Moyen très-fimple par lequel les Per-
Jonnes des deux Sexes, et de tous les Ages, particuliérement les Dames
peuvent apprendre le Latin. Par M. Drobecy. 8vo. Paris.
Lettre de Madame la Comteffe de à l'Auteur de la Clef de la Langue
Latine, ou cette Clef rendue lumineuse et palpable. 8vo. Paris.

A ftrange compound of quackery and pedantry; tho' the maker of this Key to the Latin Tongue profeffes his averfion to pedantry, even in his motto; and boasts to enable his pupils to learn Latin well, in a short time, without any trouble, and in spite of pedants. L'apprendre bien, l'apprendre en peu de tems,

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Sans peine aucune, en dépit de pédans.'

La vraie Manière d'apprendre une Langue quelconque, vivante ou morte, par le Moyen de la Langue Françoife. Ouvrage divifé en plufieurs Parties. Premiere partie. 8vo. Paris.

This grammarian boasts lefs and performs more; at least in this Art part, which contains a fuccinct and methodical introduction


to the French language; which is to be succeeded by fhort Italian, Latin, English, German, &c. grammars.

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Inftructions fur les Egaremens de l'Esprit et du Cœur humain ;`ou fur les Vices capitaux et leur Réméde. 12mo. Paris.

The first part of these methodical and valuable instructions unmafks and difplays the capital vices, by which mankind too frequently debafe themselves, and forget their origin and end, in all their native deformity. In the fecond part, the author teaches and enforces the virtues by which they may acquire and fecure to themfelves the favour of their Creator and of their fellow-creatures; and that portion of happiness of which this transient state and paffage to a future life is fufceptible.

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Lettre d'un Vieillard'de Ferney, à l'Académie Françoife; l'Eloge de Voltaire, Piéce qui a concouru pour le Prix de cette Academia. 8vo. Paris.

A fulfome panegyric attempted in indifferent verse.

Sermons du Pere Pierre Claude Frey de Neufville, l'ainé. a Vols. 12mo. Paris.

The author of these elegant fermons was the elder brother of the late celebrated preacher and panegyrift of Cardinal Fleury; and, like him, a Jefuit. Though his fermons were applauded by his audience, he never chofe to print them during a long life. They are now published, fixteen in number, by his nephew, M. Frey de Neufville, and will not difgrace his memory.

Della Tipografia Ferrarefe, dell' a. 1471. al 1500. Saggio Letterario Bibliografico dell' Abate Girol. Baruffaldi Juniore. 8vo. Ferrara.

The first printer at Ferrara was Andreas Gallus, a native; and the first book printed by him was Servius in Virgilium, 1471. The author has noticed fome remarkable publications, but feems to have merely compiled his accounts from other bibliographers, without having infpected himself the ancient prints of which he speaks. Jani Steenwinkel, I. V.D. de Vita, Studiis, Honoribus, et Scriptis C. Caffii Longini ICti, Differtatio. 4to. Lugd. Batav.

A very minute account of the Gens Caffia, and her families and branches; of the names and parents of Caffius Longinus, his learning, his places, his character and his works. The compilers of the Pandects have either not had, or not used his works, nor those of his master, Sabinus; though both these authors are often quoted by later writers.

Schema Introductionis in Univerfam Theologiam Chriftiano-Catholicam, continens Definitiones, Axiomata, Theoremata, Confe&taria et Corolla. ria cum Difcurfu præliminari de Origine, Mutatione, ac Fatis Theologie Chriftianæ 4to. Bruchfal.

An hopeful refult of the laudable and liberal improvements made after the abolition of the Jefuits, in the bishoprick of Spire, in the method of teaching and ftudying divinity.




A Short Hiftory of the laft Seffion of Parliament, with Remarks. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Almon.

HE tranfactions mentioned in this narrative relate to the following fubjects, viz. the addrefs at the opening of the feffion, the affairs of Ireland, army eftimates, Middlesex election, Mr. Burke's bill for regulating the civil lift, Sir George Saville's motion for the penfion lift, the minifter's commiffion of account bill, contractor's bill, Mr. Crewe's bill for preventing revenue officers from voting at elections, and Mr. Dunning's motions upon the petitions. From each of thofe topics the author labours to extract matter of accufation against the ministry, the conduct of which he indifcriminately arraigns in the fevereft terms. Through the whole, the various facts are blended with the mifrepresentations of prejudice; and the moft laudable meafures of government are converted into the effects of imbecility, or of criminal purposes.

An Inquiry into the Origin and Confequences of the Influence of the Grown over Parliament. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Dodley.

This writer treats his fubject in a cool and impartial manner, He admits that the influence of the crown, in a certain degree, is neceffary for promoting the operations of the executive power; and he endeavours to fhew, that if our political constitution be corrupted, the degeneracy proceeds from the vitiated habits of the people. He concludes with exhorting the nation, at the prefent juncture, to make choice of fuch reprefentatives as are men of property, virtue, and approved integrity.

A Letter to Lord North, on his Re-election into the House of Com mons. Is. Wilkie.

The author of this Letter takes a view of the affociations which were formed in different parts of the country during the last feffion of parliament, and also of the bill for reftraining the influence of the crown. The tendency of the former he hews to be incompatible with the authority of parliament; and he evinces at the fame time, that the latter was founded upon principles repugnant to the conflitution. While he places thefe matters in a clear and rational point of view, he pays feveral juft compli ments to the noble lord at the head of administration.

Narrative of the Proceedings at the contefted Election for two Members to reprefent the City and County of Norwich in Parliament. 15. Booth, at Norwich.

This narrative contains a hiftory of the proceedings at Norwich, from the diffolution of the last parliament to the close of`

the election of reprefentatives in the prefent. The various addreffes of the feveral candidates to the conftituents, are alfo fpecified; nor has the compiler omitted even the temporary ballads which were published on the occasion.

A Letter from the Right Hon. Lord Carysfort to the Huntingdonfhire Committee. 8vo. 6d. Almon.

In this letter Lord Carysfort urges the propriety of extending the right of election to the whole body of the people, and of fhortening the duration of parliament. His lordship investigates the fubject with great attention; and his arguments, though not decifive, are at least supported with plaufibility.

Copies of the Proceedings of the General Meetings of the County of Wilts, &c. 8vo. 1. Baldwin.

Befides the Proceedings, this pamphlet contains letters from lords Shelburne and Radnor, and from Meff. Fox, Burke, Barré, T. Pitt, and Dunning.

The Crifis. Now or never. Addressed to the People of England. 410, 15. 6d. Rivington.

A Gloucestershire freeholder crying aloud for triennial parliaments, and a change of minifters.

A bort Sketch of the Conduct of Adminiftration towards the Borough of Portsmouth. 4to. 15. Kearfly.

The influence of Lord Sandwich and his party, in a late contested election for mayor of Portsmouth, is the subject of this political plaintive, who confiders the tranfaction as a matter of great criminalty,

A Plan, or Articles of perpetual Union, Commerce, and Friendship, between Great Britain and her Colonies, &c. 8vo. 15. 6d. > Johnson,

Since the commencement of the difpute between Great Britain and America, various proposals for an accommodation have been fuggefted to the public. The event is certainly much to be defired by the friends of both countries; but as any plan for that purpose muft require the moft mature deliberation, it would at prefent be fuperfluous to enumerate the feveral articles contained in this pamphlet; the author of which, however, we cannot forbear observing, feems to discover fome partiality in favour of the colonies.

Le Deftin de l'Amerique, &c. or, the Fate of America. 8vo.

This pamphlet is written in the form of dialogue, between his m--y, fome of his minifters and nobility, a few foreign ambaffadors, a projector, and a philofpher. The fubject is chiefly the fate of America, concerning which we meet with a variety of political fpeculations, intermixed with remarks on the


prefent fituation of Great Britain. The dialogue, in general, is clear and argumentative, and the characters fupported with propriety.

Reafons for Uniformity in the State, 8vo. 1s. Bew.

This is a fupplement to the Britannic Conftitution, by Roger Acherly, Efq. late of the Inner Temple. It is, however, a plan which we can have no profpect of being ever carried into execu tion, fo long as men fhall continue to differ in their fentiments on public affairs.

A Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Middlesex, delivered at the General Seffion of the Peace bolden at Hicks's Hall, on Sept. 11, 1780. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. 8vo. 6d. Brooke. This Charge, delivered by Sir John Hawkins at the opening of the late general feffion of the peace held at Hicks's Hall, has, we are informed, been published in compliance with the defire of that court. It contains a fenfible addrefs to the grand inqueft, on the nature and extent of their jurifdiction, accompanied with prudential directions relative to the exercise of it after the late riots in the capital.


Joannis Brunonis, M. D. de Medicina Præle&oris, Societatis Regia Medica Edinenfis Præfidis, Elementa Medicina. 12mo. 35. 6d. in boards. Dilly.

The author of thefe Elements of Medicine informs us, in his Preface, that he has long been diffatisfied with feveral hypothefes that are currently maintained in the fchools of phyfic. The most general and important of thefe is the doctrine of inflammation, concerning which we shall lay before our readers an abstract of his opinion in his own words.

• Prioribus erroribus omiffis, morborum, qui inflammatorii, quod eos inflammatio comitatu, vulgo, nofologis phlegmafiæ, nominantur, princeps adfectus inflammatio effe, communis omni corpori tumultus ab hac pendere, credebatur, et nunc quoque creditur. Is femel et iterum eryfipelas, fæpe cynanchen tonfillarem, fæpiffime catarrhum, denique, quantum pura cuiquam ufu venire poteft, ipfam fynocham, expertus, eorum morborum naturam in fe, item in aliis, diligentum contemplatus, et, ad eandem rem, quicquid apud Mor gagnium, quiquid apud Trillerium, et fide dignitiffimum quemque virum, nulli opinioni infervientes, attinens invenitur, maximeque de peripneumonia proditur, magno labore, pari fide perfcrutatus in omnibus, quas ipfe recipiendas putarat, phlegmafiis communem adfǝctum, feu pyrexiam, præcedere, inflammationem fequi, utramque quandoque fimul incidere, deprehendit. Q10 facto, inflammationem pyrexia fymptoma, non hanc illius, effe videbat; eoque magis, quod, unde ipfa pyrexia effet, requirens, iifdem experimentis et obfervationibus, propriis, alienis, manu quafi ad caufam du centibus, eundem corporis, ac is quo morbus conftat, ftatum, tan


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