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additional senses, of which we cannot now conceive the use, but which shall prove the media of new and hitherto unconceived sensations of delight; and to all the enjoyment derivable from this source will be added all that shall arise from a renovation of our moral faculties-resplendent in the light of the divine approval— clothed with the reflected glory of his perfections-and rejoicing in an entire and for ever emancipation from sin and sorrow, and a prospective perpetuity of bliss upon bliss to eternity.


Nevertheless, as one star differeth from another star in glory, so also is the resurrection of the dead." It seems anything but reasonable to suppose that there will be no difference at that era betwixt Paul (for example) and the individual who passed from time without having taken the first step in moral advancement. I mean not by this, that the former merits a higher order of blissfor the bliss of heaven is not to be conferred on such ground-but I mean that it would be an utter departure from the uniform course of things under God's moral government. We here experience that effort is the price of all attainment, both moral and intellectualthat all advancement, as well as retrogression, is progressiveand that our souls (like gardens in nature) cannot be got into a condition of yielding the fruits of the spirit in any great degree of excellency or abundance, without sedulous and persevering culti vation. These things we know to be the case at present, and we have no reason for supposing they will be different with us when we enter upon a new stage of existence.

The above, reader, is all that I can propose for your faith on this dim subject; if you wish for more particular and authoritative information about it, why, doubtless, it is to be had very cheaply of certain persons, who dogmatize with most positiveness in matters of which they are least informed. The wise man is content with saying, that when the body shall return to the dust as it was, the spirit shall return to the God who gave it further concerning it he pretendeth to know nothing: but a modern poet (more enlightened) informs us, that

"To heaven it flies, not there to dwell,

But hear its doom, and sink to hell."

A piece of poetry, this, which I have oft heard sung in the churches, but have never been able to find in the writings of Peter or Paul.

It quite sufficeth me to be wise concerning these matters within scripture warrant; and especially as I have no particular anxieties about it, from a consideration that "whether we live, therefore, or die, we are the Lord's ;" and being his, his wisdom and goodness will see to our being properly taken care of. I therefore close this essay as I begun it, by remarking, that to human wisdom, relative to the state immediately subsequent to death, very narrow limits are assigned.


There's a region above
Free from sin and temptation,
And a mansion of love
For each child of creation.
Then dismiss all thy fears,
Weary pilgrim of sorrow-
Though thy sun set in tears,
"Twill rise brighter to-morrow.

There our toils shall be done,
And free grace be our story;
God himself is its sun
And its unsetting glory.
In that, world of delight,
Spring shall never be ended;
Nor shall shadows nor night
With its brightness be blended.

There shall friends no more part,
Nor shall farewells be spoken;
There'll be balm for the heart
That with anguish was broken.
From affliction set free,
And from God ne'er to sever;
We his glory shall see,
And enjoy him forever.

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The folly of intolerance in regard to differences in religious opinions,...


The way to reconcile apparent discrepances in a work of which the author is known,........


30, 31

Another illustration of the same point,..

The faithfulness of God, in his promises, is not dependant on the faith of man,.

The injustice of holding a person to the consequences of a compact, m wnich he was not a voluntary party,..

The law of God cannot be satisfied with what it does not require, The divine law does not comprise penalties which are adapted to defeat its own ends,..

The Creator would not have brought man into being, with the foresight that he should be endlessly miserable,.....

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And provided he had so created him, he would have been justly chargeable with the consequences,.


God's relation to men, as Creator, a ground for his pity toward them,.....


Our unfilial conduct toward God does not change his relation to us, as our Father,. . .


The endurance of God's paternal love,..


He will not abandon his offspring to infinite ruin,...

88, 89

The character of a ruler inferrible from the condition of his subjects,..


A ruler is answerable for the avoidable evils which he wilfully
admits into his dominions,.....
The folly of deferring the business of retribution,..
How a report concerning hell, by an eye witness, would affect the
reputation of the sovereign of the universe,.


91, 92


96, 97

God is less excusable than earthly rulers, (on the supposition that he inflicts endless suffering) for the miseries endured by the victims of his vengeance,..

97, 98


The perseverance of the good shepherd in saving lost man,.
All sentient existence must centre toward God, as its source,..
A firm belief in endless misery is incompatible with a sincere love
to mankind,...




And with the early experience of every christian,..
Our eternal interests out of the range of our control,...

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• The use of religion if our future salvation is unconditional,.....
Our opponents do not themselves believe, that all men will be re-
warded in eternity according to their works in time,. . . .
Why universalists do not believe, that God has threatened end-
less misery,..




....148, 149

Sin, according to endless misery, only takes us the sooner to hea


Bad society in heaven,.

According to endless misery there are many more rogues saved than honest men,.....

The same doctrine furnishes motives to murder,..







A peep into a universalian, and an endless hell futurity,......154, 155 Is the doctrine of universal salvation generally pleasing to wicked men?.........

And displeasing to men of prayer?...



The supposed remoteness of a day of reckoning for deeds perform-
ed in the flesh, must tend to embolden men to sin,....
It gives the priesthood an influence at the bed of death, which has
often been abused,....



The best, as the worst of men, must needs be changed after death in order to their admission to the realms of bliss,.......... The immutability of a law is no proof that its penalties are eternal,.....



The divine Being is not subject to the difficulties which beset human legislators,...


God was not reduced to the alternative of creating some for misery, or not at all,...


Forgiveness of sin does not (in the divine economy) imply ex

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If punishment is for our benefit, should we sin the more, in order to incur the more?...........


The penalty of death for murder does not operate to prevent it—

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Difference between positive and moral punishments,.
The modes of punishment,...

.244, 245 .247, 248 249

But when conscience becomes seared, how then?.......
A consideration of that punishment which is natural to sin, (and
therefore unavoidable) can alone permanently restrain from

Except sin continue eternally, punishment, of a moral kind, can

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The very consequences of an evil tend to effect its removal,..
But why may not sin continue to eternity?........
Exemplary punishment cannot be needed in the future state,...
The goodness of God is itself a ground for supposing that the
punishment of sin is present,..

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