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MIGR-O to migrate :-emigrate, to leave one country for another; immigrate, to come into a country from another; transmigration, passage from one place to another.

MITTO, MISSUM = to send :--mission, a thing sent; missile, a weapon thrown by the hand; missionary, one sent to propagate religion. MONEO, MONITUM = to admonish:--monitor, one who warns; monument, a memorial.

MOVEO, MOTUM= to move :-motion, change of position; commotion, a moving together; remove, to move back; mob, a moving or tumultuous body; promote, to move forward; motive, that which moves. MUT-O, -ATUM to change :--mutable, liable to change; commute, to change one thing for another.

NASCOR, NATUs to be born:-native, one born in a place; innate, born in one; nation, people of the same country.

NOCEO, NOCITUM to hurt :-noxious, hurtful.

NUNCI-O, ATUM= to tell :-announce, to declare; renounce, to disown. OPT-O, -ATUM=to wish :-option, choice; adopt, to choose to oneself. OR-0, -ATUM= to pray:-orifice, an opening; inexorable, not to be moved by entreaty.

ORN-0, -ATUM to adorn :-ornate, bedecked; suborn, to bribe; ornament, decoration.

PANDO, PANSUM= to open :-expanse, a space spread out.

PASCO, PASTUM to feed :-pastor, a religious teacher; repast, a feeding; antepast, a foretaste.

PELLO, PULSUM= to drive :-dispel, to drive apart; expel, to drive out; repel, to drive back.

PENDO, PENSUM := to hang :-pendent, hanging down; appendage, something hung to another; pendulum, the hanging part of a clock. PET-O, -ITUM= to seek :-petitioner, one who makes a request; centripetal, centre seeking; repeat, to ask again.

PLICO to fold-explicit, unfolded; simple, not folded; triple, threefold; multiplication, the art of increasing by repetition.

PONO, POSITUM-to place :-positive, laid down; apposite, appropriate ; compose, to place together; impose, to place upon, deceive.

PREHENDO, PREHENSUM to take, to lay hold of:-apprehend, to understand; comprehend, to take in or together; enterprise, an undertaking.

PREMO, PRESSUM to press :-compress, to press together; depress, to press down; impress, to press upon.

QUERO, QUÆSITUM to seek :-acquire, to obtain; inquiry, a searching into; questionable, admitting of doubt.

QUEROR, QUESTUs=to complain :—querulous, complaining; quarrel, ta complain with violence.

RAP-10, -TUM = to snatch, carry off by violence :- rapture, carried away with delight; surreptitious, snatched secretly.

ROG-O, ATUM-to ask :-abrogate, to ask away, to repeal; arrogant, proud; prorogue, to protract; supererogation, more than is required. RUMPO, RUPTUм to break :-eruption, a breaking out; interrupt, to break in upon; corrupt, to break together, to vitiate; abrupt, broken off.

SAPIO to taste, to be wise:-insipidity, without flavour: sapient, wise.

SCINDO, SCISSUM to cut :-abscission, the act of cutting off; scissors, cutting instruments.

SCIO, SCITUM to know :-omniscient, knowing all things; prescient, knowing beforehand.

SCRIBO, SCRIPTUM to write :-scribe, a writer; prescribe, to write before; ascribe, to attribute; subscribe, to write under.

SEC-O, TUM to cut :-dissect, to cut up; intersect, to cut between. SEDEO, SESSUM to sit :-subside, to settle beneath; dissident, one who sits apart or differs; sedulous, sitting close, diligent.

SENTIO, SENSUM = to discern, to feel :-consentient, agreeing with; dissent, to think apart; assent, to agree.

SEQUOR, SECUTUS to follow:-execute, to accomplish; sequel, the concluding part.

SERVI-O, -TUM to obey :-servitor, a servant; servile, like a slave. SOLVO, SOLUTUM to loosen :-absolve, to loose from; dissolve, to loose apart; dissolute, loose in conduct.

SPARGO, SPARSUM=to scatter:-asperse, to calumniate; intersperse, to scatter among; disperse, to scatter abroad.

SPIRO, SPIRATUM to breathe :--inspire, to breathe into; respire, to breathe back; exspire, to breathe out.

STRUO, STRUCTUM to build :-structure, a building; instruct, to build up by teaching.

TANGO, TACTUM = to touch, to reach :-contact, touching; tangible, that can be touched.

TEGO, TECTUM = to cover, to hide :-protect, to defend; tegument, a covering.

TENDO, TENSUM = to stretch:-attend, to stretch the mind to an object ; intent, bent upon; superintend, to stretch over.

TORQUEO, TORTUM to twist :-extort, to twist out; torture, a twisting. TRAHO, TRACTUM to draw:-abstract, to draw off; attract, to draw to; detract, to draw from.

TREMO to tremble:-tremulous, trembling; intrepid, brave.

TRUDO, TRUSUM to thrust :-intrude, to thrust in; extrude, to thrust out; obtrude, to thrust upon; protrude, to thrust forward.

URO, USTUM to burn :-combustion, burning together.

VENIO, VENTUM to come :-avenue, an approach; covenant, an agreement; revenue, income; supervene, to come upon.

VERTO, VERSUM to turn:-averse, turned from; converse, to talk together; revert, to return.

VIDEO, VISUM= to see :-visible, that can be seen; provident, foreseeing. VINCO, VICTUM= to conquer :-victor, a conqueror; convince, to conquer in argument; evince, to establish by proof.

VIVO, VICTUM to live :-vital, belonging to life; vivid, lively.

VOLVO, VOLUTUM to roll:-evolve, to roll out; circumvolve, to roll round; volume, a roll; volute, a scroll.

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