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larger than a private box at the Theatre; and here also may be heard frequent de, clamations, but not like those of Kean or Macready.

We keep, however, a good table, and the society which meet at it amuses me much. A young female generally sits be side me who is not a whit more mad than I am; only she will maintain that she is the daughter of the Grand Signor. And why should she not be so? I know very well that, such as I am, 1 am the wife of a mandarin: my husband is as true a Chinese as you would wish to see. He has only one little lock of hair on his bald head: and he sent me here to be close cooped up under pretence of giving me change of air! Our gardens are laid out in the form of terraces, one above the other. There is a stout gentleman who takes the title of Olympian Jove, and who always offers me his arm to ascend to the highest terrace up the other slopes. Is not a London lady highly exalted when she can walk with Jupiter?

But do not, my chaste old gentleman, be uneasy on my account; the utmost decency and circumspection is observed in all our steps. There is no fear of any of those adventures taking place with which mythology is so replete. First, Plato comes to pay us his respects, then Diogenes, and we converse incessantly on morality, the goodness of the Gods, and the wickedness of men.

When we speak of men, Diogenes laughs like a Satyr, and when we talk of the Gods, Jupiter bridles.

This wretched Jupiter has now a defluxion on the lungs; he coughs, and the whole universe, that is to say the whole house, trembles. It gives me the horrors during the night, and in order to ensure my safety, I sleep with two great cats in my chamber. These cats are beautiful, but though their looks are demure their claws are terrific; they have torn all the lace off my last new night-caps, and I look like the character I last appeared in at the masquerade, which was Dido forsaken by Eneas. This was like a presentiment of my own deserted and forlorn state: little did I imagine I should so soon realize the fabled fate of this wretched Queen. But, dear Sir, judge of my sorrows when I tell

you that all communication with the town is denied me. I have no longer ready to await my orders the most fashionable dress-maker, jeweller, or milliner; 1 am obliged to attire myself exactly as they did three months ago; and I am sure I should be taken for some monster if it was not for my countenance, which is still handsome though deeply tinged with melancholy.

My motive, therefore, for writing to you is not only to set forth my unhappy situation, but also to request that you will send to me one of those marchandes de modes who are famous for making the most fashionable and becoming head-dresses. Do not, Sir, think that I am really mad: was not Pallas, the Goddess of wisdom, was not she fond of dress? May not 1, then, a mortal, be fond of it likewise? I am, I do not deny it; and I believe there are very few women who are not passionately fond of dress; if that is madness, we are all mad: and if every woman is to be shut up for her expensive taste on that head, the madhouse at Bulan will be much too small to hold them. 4 de ligin of 2003 Vilerd

My husband chose to begin with me; he has sent me here for being a leader of fashion, and for continually inventing new ways of making dress, and new kind of hats. I certainly gave myself up with an ardour, almost approaching to madness, to every article belonging to the toilet, on which I lavished all my time, care, and expence. And it was that first sent to every distant part of the earth for those articles which make such a distinguished part in the decorations and dress of a mo dern belle.⠀ Oh! how ardently do 'I now wish to have only half an hour's conversation with some celebrated milliner, some artificial florist, or some dear, dear (I do not care how dear) smuggler of contraband silks or laces some bewitching vender of India shawls, or some trading Captain, about fine china, moukies, paroquets, birds of paradise, paddy feathers, piuk topazes, and pear pearls! Cannot you, in the mean time, contrive to send me some clever young female, well loaded with feathers and ribbons?" And then we could get ready to take a trip to Brighton; from thence, perhaps, I might escape to France, and for ever quit this hateful den and my wicked husband that immured me in it.

Farewell, Sir, for the present: Jupiter || pockets has wrought a great alteration. has just sent me word he will take break- The inconsiderate wife will now adopt the fast with me. He is now well named, for manners, costume, and family of the Graces; his voice growls like thunder, and his eyes free from care, and destitute of reflection, are like red lightning. As you are a good she sports under the tutelage of her slaves; natured old man, and seem to be a friend her correspondents' notes, no longer secretto our sex, I trust you will send me the ed occasions storms at which she grieves little milliner I require; if French, she will and is amused nearly at the same moment. be the more agreeable. As soon as I can A woman without pockets is a Cupid just get rid of Jupiter I shall practice my out of his cradle. What a picturesque waltzes and quadrilles in order to qualify medley of dependence and caprice, of myself for my sojournment in France. thoughtlessness and of candid simplicity! Your's respectfully, But it may, perhaps, be the case that the perfection of a handsome woman consists in her complete approximation to a state of childhood.


I shall conclude this number with the following little sketch written by my friend Major Barnacle, when in Paris.

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To you all-thinking men of every part of Europe let us therefore apply: without further delay take this moral crisis into velope the truths which a subject so inter consideration; make it your theme to de estiug to the destiny of the human species is pregnant with; give us a Philosophical History of Pockets.

No one answered the Major's appeal; perhaps by publishing it in The Listener some ingenious and investigating being will bestow this desired history on pockets. The following fact may, however, be relied on.

AN ESSAY ON THE USE OF POCKETS, THE most serious efforts are occasionally the result of the most trifling imperceptible causes. The French nobility, which so briskly took to flight at the beginning of the battle of Cerizoles, ascribed it to the bridles of their horses. The bag that was fastened by a leathern thong to the loins of the Sophists of antiquity, and wherein journeyed on pell-mell, figs, a cup, onions, and a few books, contributed vastly to the rendering philosophy popular through the It is but a very little time back that a burghs of Peloponeses: how many temples very lovely young woman, in a blue satin and palaces would have remained in the spenser and a pistachio nut-coloured crape quarries, had it not been for that double skirt was standing under the vestibule of bottomed bag which monachism, has the Theatre Feydeau. Her agitated and thrown across the shoulders of its col- confused appearance caused several persons lectors! Can it be thought that the mo to surround her, imagining she was in want rals of the fair sex, and the domestic hap- of something or other, and they were emu piness depending on them, are foreign to lous to render her service." Are you in so simple a cause apparently as the use or want of an umbrella, young woman? Is disuse of pockets? it a coach you are waiting for, MadeSo long as those faithful depositories re-moiselle? Will you be pleased, Madam, tained their station by the sides of the to accept of my arm? Will you favour respectable housewife, the result must have me by accepting a seat in my cabriolet ?”been a spirit of good order and habits of "No, gentlemen, I want nothing but a economy: to trust dependants was not so pair of pockets."And the little epicure requisite, the authority of the wife was was holding in one hand a basket of more absolute, and the community more || peaches, in the other a large bunch of flourishing. The public streets would grapes, with an enormous green melon sometimes offer the most interesting spec- || under her arm! tacle, namely, that of a youthful female

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bestowing charity. The disappearance of

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some, though not a considerable fortune, found himself reduced on a sudden to very bumble circumstances, owing to his having been security, to a large amount, for two friends, one of whom was a bankrupt, and the other died insolvent. No sooner did be receive the sad intelligence than he proceeded to London, to fetch back his only child, a son, whom he had sent thither in order that he might profit by the instructions of the eminent professors which the metropolis contains.


A COUNTRY gentleman of the name of || have had frequent opportunities of meeting Jacibald, after being possessed of a hand with. I shall not attempt describing to you her beauteous person and agreeable wit, the loved object always stands un. paralleled in the eyes of a lover, but if her disposition, and the qualifications of her noble heart were known to you, I am certain you would not disapprove of my par tiality to her, although she is ignorant, as yet, who are the parents from whom she was born. You wonder at this avowal, which I have made very candidly, especially as our present circumstances deprive me of all hopes: for if her friends are persons of rank, as I have not the least doubt, from the education that has been bestowed upon her, whenever they are willing to claim her as their child, they will not accept of me for her husband: whereas, if they never are to claim her, I never will marry a person Llove, so long as I am be reft of the means of making her comfort. able in proportion to her deserts."ano.

A messenger was dispatched to bring the youth to the house where his father had alighted upon his entering the room, he was addressed as follows:-" You now see before you, my dear George, a living parent, who would not lament so bitterly the misfortunes that have recently befallen him, if he cherished you less, and if he had not every reason to be satisfied with your behaviour. The improvement you have made during your short stay in this place will add to the regret which I feel at no longer being able to bear the expence which your continuing in town would require, and of which I know you to be deserving. The patrimony I had inherited from our ancestors has not been lost from my extravagance. I, on the contrary, lived retired in a little country box, where" "I shall be very happy to follow you, Sir," interrupted the sou, "if my company can prove sufficient to afford consolation to my dearly-beloved and respectable unhappy father. I only beg you will allow me time to go and bid adieu-"At these words the young man's eyes were filled with tears. "My dearest boy," said the father, perceiving that be durst not enter into further explanation, “speak freely. Perhaps you have formed an inclination in this town, Confide in me; you know that I have al-happened to strike his head against a post, ways wished you to consider me rather as an experienced indulgeut friend, than as a despotic father."-" Yes, Sir, you have guessed right," replied the youth, falling on his knees; "I do love, and my affection is repaid by a young lady whom 1

"George," resumed Mr. Jacibald,“ I cannot approve of that love for a person whose birth is thus kept a secret. Meanwhile, if the passions of men be violent at your time of life, most fortunately they are not of long duration. Let us eat our sup per; to-morrow you will take Jeave of all your friends, and on the next day we shall take our departure." Their repast was soon at an end, and George dismissed at an early hour. As he was returning home, assailed by the most sorrowful ideas, he was surprised at meeting an immense crowd, and curiosity prompted him to inquire what was the matter?" I was driving an elderly gentleman," said a hackneycoachman," who had stooped to look out at some object or other, when another carriage running against mine, occasioned a sudden jolt; the door flew open in conse quence, and the poor gentleman, in his fall,

and was taken senseless to a surgeon's, who has pronounced him to be in danger of his life."-"I am sorry for the veteran; but, at any rate, you have been discharged I suppose, so carry me to Adam-street, Adel phi."

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Although ever so preoccupied with his | I found it.”—The right owner, in a transtroubles, our youth, on entering the coach, port of joy and of admiration, clasped the felt a something rolling under his feet, knees of his benefactor: "Ah! Sir," said which, on picking up, he found to be a he, a moment after, “I beg you will inbox, with a very rich lid. When he had form me to whom I am obliged for a serreached his home, he examined the trea- vice of this nature, and in what manner I sure which chance had thus thrown in his could manifest my gratitude?"- "To that way. It proved to be a casket partly filled | I renounce every claim; I am, if I flatter with diamond ornaments, and at the bot not myself too much, above accepting of a tom of which a drawer had been managed remuneration: my name is Jacibald.”—“I that contained bank-notes to the amount of have had the pleasure of knowing your eight thousand pounds. These riches, father for years, and am no stranger to the thought George, most certainly belong to misfortunes that he has encountered. You the old gentleman who fell out of the coach. are the worthy son of a respectable father, If he be still alive, what must his inquie- With regard to myself, I am a widower, tude be! I must go to-morrow and inquire left with an only daughter; allow her to after him, Then, casting his eyes anew share with you the property you have just on the whole, "Alas!" exclaimed he, with returned, to which I shall add as much a sigh," how happy could I live with my more in case you accept of the proposals. Sophia, if I was possessed of this wealth!" On account of some family broils, which At an early hour the next morning he have only been settled for a few days past, repaired to the surgeon's. The old gentle- she has been made acquainted this mornman was not dead, but he could not being, for the first time, with the name of her spoken to as he was just gone to rest. Till such time as he awakes, said George, let me go and see Sophia. But, when I meet her, when l witness her tears upon being in- || goformed that we must part for ever, how do I know I shall be endowed with sufficient fortitude not to think of the treasure I found yesterday? Most shocking idea! can I question my own honour? When he ask. ed for Sophia, he was told that she had been sent for at day-break, and was not yet returned.!


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father." Then, raising his voice," Come in, my girl," said the old gentleman.

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From an adjacent room instantly rushed in the very identical Sophia, in whose favour young Jacibald was so affectionately prepossessed. The surprise of the two lovers alone prevented them from flying into each other's arms; yet it no sooner subsided, to make room for emotions of a more tender nature, than Mr. Richardson, (Sophia's father), addressing George, said to him, with a smile, “Although you have not answered me yet, I believe I can read in your looks that you agree to my propo, sition, and I congratulate myself that the husband 1 had prepared for my Sophia is the same whom her heart had fixed upon."

He therefore proceeded back to the surgeon's, and as he urged the necessity of his speaking to the invalid about business of essential importance, he was immediately brought to his bed-side."Sir," said he, "pray tell me, did you not leave a casket in the coach, from a fall of which you met with your accident?"-"Alas! Sir," replied the other, "I have lost a box containing diamonds to the amount of twenty thousand pounds, besides eight thousand in bank-notes.”—"You have lost nothing, Sir," resumed the youth; "here is your property, which I feel happy to restore as || piness.

Mr. Jacibald was overjoyed at his son's good fortune; neither was he much less pleased with the circumstance whence it originated. The marriage ceremony was performed as soon as a license could be procured; and the young couple, for a series of years, lived in uninterrupted hap


on their deliverer. The high-wrought transports of the enfranchised captives, and the ardent sympathy of their liberators, had not subsided, when a train of camels excited new feelings of mingled astonishment and curiosity. A lady, casting away the boughs of foliage that screened her from the sun, threw up her veil, and, in the English dialect, intreated for admission to the royal presence. An officer who understood her language, communicated this supplication: the Emperor commanded him to lead her and her companions within the circle of his lords in waiting, and he to act as interpreter. The camels and their load were committed to safe custody, and the travellers dismounted, and obeyed the imperial mandate. The elder lady took the arm of her male companion, and the other sylph-like figure, covered with a drapery flowing from her head to the ground, walk. ed on the other side. They approached the royal pavilion with genuflections.

CHARLES V. Emperor of Germany, attended by his officers of the highest rank in the armament, which sailed from Cagliari on the 16th of July, 1535, having compelled Tunis to surrender at discretion, hastens through all quarters of the city, seeking, by remonstrances and threats, to restrain the violence and rapacity of his victorious troops; but their basest passions prevail against subordination-thirty thousand Moors and Arabs are massacred, and ten thousand reserved for worse than death in the mines of South America. To the atrocities of a few hours, the natives still ascribe that vengeance of Divine Providence, which, in the third African expedition of the Spaniards, and the second of their sovereign, ordained the wreck of fif teen ships of war and one hundred and fifty transports, with the loss of eight thousand men, in the fathomless ocean; and thousands, after gaining the shore, were slaughtered by the vindictive retribution of the Tunisian populace. The soldiery had, in-Charles desired the veiled lady to shew her deed, perpetrated horrible cruelties, but their superiors spared no exertion to rescue the victims. Charles, with his own hand, inflicted several flesh wounds on the most daring leaders of his plundering murderous legions, in hopes of intimidating the rest; but the officers, comparatively few, were unable to enforce their orders. The Emperor, in grief and indignation, dashed to the ground his ensanguined weapon; and the officers, of all degrees, stood in sad silence, ashamed of nominally commanding a host of ruffians. Their faces, hands, and uniforms, bore bloody evidences of recent warfare; their chargers seemed to have waded amidst rivers of gore; and their downcast aspect might belong, not to victory, but to defeat. Imprecations, menaces, screams, and groans, filled the air. The tumult was hushed a few moments, and joyful acclamations spread nearer and more near. Twenty-five thousand Christian slaves, the brave men who, imprisoned in the citadel, had burst their fetters, and turned the artillery of the ramparts against the oppressors, now threw themselves at the feet of Charles, pouring forth blessings

face; and as she did not instantly comply, a gay officer attempted to draw aside the gauze, but the young stranger kneeling beside her darted a look of lofty displeas sure, and, in whispers, persuaded the trembling fair to permit him to fulfil the Em peror's command. A murmur of admiration passed along the assemblage, on be holding a form and features where the expression of intellectual dignity redeemed sweet timidity from the charge of imbecile softness. The Emperor rose, and giving a hand to each lady, conducted them within 1 the pavilion. The matron wished again to T kneel, and the lovely girl, who watched her every movement, followed her example; ' but Charles prevented them, and waved his hand to the youth, declining a repeated act of homage. Looking pleasantly on his officers, the Emperor said :→→→

"We are, to-day, no more than the Ge nerals and subalterns of a disobedient army; and as all have undergone much-fatigue, so all should be seated, and this lady will honour us with some account of A the purport of her journey."

The interpreter imparted the monarch's

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