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the flesh we can feel, when we forget self, the palpitations of real love stirring within our fleshly bodies.

Away with all imaginations! The realities of existence are here in our lives, in our bodies; they are now, and not in the past or future. The sweet girl nature of the Universe is the present substantial reality to the heart of man. She is not an imaginary creature with wings, and lips too good or too ethereal to be touched. She is his sweetheart, his bride.

When we wake up to the Ever-presence there are pleasures forevermore. Not the pleasures of sense, but the immortal joys of love. Not the joys of getting love, but the joys of loving. Loving is the most sublime joy conceivable. Loving IS joy.

Real love is very rare and very precious. No words have been invented that can do it justice. The greatest works of song and story, reaching almost sublime heights, have caught but a feather from the wing of love.

And as love is the feast of this outward life, so it is of the inner life. When the inner

life espouses the Christ, the Great Love of

Blessing, then through the diffused a sweet flush of joy. love that never faileth.

whole being is

And that is the

No science has ever achieved the wonderful healing that is accomplished by love, and no eloquence can take the place of love.

"And though I understand 'all mysteries' and have not love, I am nothing."

Love loveth ever, even without a return. Love "seeketh not her own.”

Beareth all things, endureth all things. Love is the greatest power in the universe.



If you have read carefully all the foregoing chapters, and passed with me from the valley of humiliation to the mount of blessing if you have seen with me the ugly shapes of the beast and afterwards heard with me the sweet melody of the song of life within, a great longing may arise in your heart to be one with ME, with the I AM.

Selfishness cannot accept the CHRISTPOWER, and you can only accept it to the extent that you give up all your selfishness.

The way of the Great Acceptance is hard to take and I can only point it out to those who are willing to give up the personal selfishness that some seem to hold so dear.

I will gladly receive your letter and give individual advice and help. And of those who have written for advice before they have read this book, I ask the kindness of another letter, supplemental to the former one, written in the light of having read this book and telling me if they are WILLING to give up all selfishness.

I advertise that I have no need of money, and that is true. I work in the world at the legal profession for my living, and need nothing from the sale of this book or otherwise. Why then, do I, who do not want a profit, make a charge for this book?

I will tell you-but first let me explain that every cent I get for the book I pay to newspapers and magazines to advertise, in order to find those who can accept the CHRISTPOWER, freely and without obligation.

But I would gladly send you the book absolutely free-and some day, when you have progressed further, you will be capable of receiving freely but my experience with "The New Philosophy" shows me that for your own sake you have to make a real sacri

fice of the price of a book before you can receive the benefit.

In "The New Philosophy," I told the world that no contributions were needed and that I would not accept a cent for the book. Yet those, who rose to the height of sending a contribution in spite of that rule, even though not half the value of the book, were the ones from whom the INFLUENCES were most instantly exorcised.

I do not know if you will believe me when I say that I only look at the money question as it may affect YOU, and not at all as it may affect me. If I perceived that your development would be advanced by the sacrifice of money, I would tell you so frankly, without the slightest fear of, or care of, your, or any one's else opinion of me.

Yes, I did charge you for this book, because I knew it would be of great value to you if you had to sacrifice to get it, and might not be, if you got it for nothing.

When the time comes for you, you will not only believe it, but you will feel and know that you are one with ME, and you will feel

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