Judgment in the County court of Hamilton County, 383.56 Whereas, there have been numerous claims for civilian clothing belonging to members of the Nebraska National Guard, which clothing has been destroyed in storage or lost in the operations of mustering in the Guards into the service of the United States and their subsequent service for the general government; there is hereby appropriated the sum of thirty-three thousand nine hundred dollars ($33,900.00), to reimburse each private and non-commissioned officer mustered out of the federal service on the Mexican border in 1917 at Fort Crook, at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each of said private and non-commissioned officers. The said individual claim in each case to be certified to the state auditor by the adjutant general of Nebraska. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BUREAU. (All figured at $3. per day and 564c per hour for overtime) Laura M. Beal, 52 days (Feb. 10 to 19). .$ 16.50 Janet A. Carnaby (January) 46 hours.. 25.87 Mrs. Annie C. Cashen, 31 days and 31 hrs overtime (Jan. 12 to Feb. 17)... 110.71 Lenore Daly, 19 days (December).... 57.00 Ella E. Lindblad, 2 days and 29 hours overtime (Jan.) Florence C. Meinsen, 362 days and 621⁄2 hours overtime (Jan. to Feb. 17)..... 22.31 144.64 Alice A. Stockdale, 282 days and 75 hours overtime (Jan. 5 to Feb. 7).... ..... Mrs. William F. Sweeney, 20 days and 23 hours over- 127.68 72.94 ... 124.59 Mrs. J. A. Trumble, 13 days and 18 hours overtime J. H. Broady, assistant in bill drafting from Dec. 15, including special service to the Judiciary Committee and as consulting attorney for members of bills, to April 1st, 1917 ..... 360.00 600.00 J. P. Palmer, services in bill drafting, including overtime, 31 days at $10 (January) 310.00 C. L. Rein, bill drafting services from Dec. 19, 1916, to 250.00 M. F. Stanley, bill drafting, 52 days in Jan. at $10...... F. M. Coffey, proof-reader and assistant in bill drafting, 25 days at $4. and 30 hours overtime at 75 cents per hour 55.00 122.50 EXTRA SUPPLIES. Typewriters: Underwood. 4 machines and 4 tables at $3.50 per month, 312 months.. $49.00 Remington 3.00 Office Equipment Co. (Paper & office supplies). 11.50 Porters (office supplies) 50.58 Star Van & Storage Co. (Moving from room 211 to 4.75 Sanitary Towel and Laundry Co. (Towel service from 3.00 State health inspection to April 1st, 1917... 100.00 |