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439 (210).


LEST are

the undefiled in heart,

Whose ways are right and clean,

Who never from Thy law depart,
But fly from ev'ry sin.

C. M.

2 Blest are the men that keep Thy word, And practise Thy commands; With their whole heart they seek the Lord

And serve Thee with their hands.

3 Great is their peace who love Thy law;
How firm their souls abide!
Nor can a bold temptation draw
Their steady feet aside.

4 Then shall my heart have inward joy
And keep my face from shame,

When all Thy statutes I obey,
And honor all Thy name.

440 (212).


HE man

is ever blest,

Who shuns the sinners' ways,
Amongst their councils never stands,
Nor takes the scorner's place:

2 But makes the law of God
His study and delight,
Amidst the labors of the day
And watches of the night.
3 He like a tree shall thrive
With waters near the root;
Fresh as the leaf, his name shall live,
His works are heavenly fruit.

S. M. 4 Not so th' ungodly race,

They no such blessings find;
Their hopes shall flee like empty chaff
Before the driving wind.

5 How will they bear to stand
Before the judgment-seat,

Where all the saints at Christ's right hand

In full assembly meet?

6 He knows and He approves

The way the righteous go:

But sinners and their works shall meet
Á dreadful overthrow.

441 (468).

HAT cheering words are these?
Their sweetness who can tell?


In time and to eternity,

'Tis with the righteous well.

2 In ev'ry state secure,

Kept by Jehovah's eye,

S. M.

'Tis well with them while life endures,
And well when call'd to die.

8 'Tis well when joys arise,

'Tis well when sorrows flow;
'Tis well when darkness veils the skies,
And strong temptations blow.

4 'Tis well when on the mount
They feast on dying love;
And 'tis as well, in God's account,
When they the furnace prove.

5 'Tis well when at His throne They wrestle, weep, and pray;

'Tis well when at His feet they groan, Yet bring their wants away.

6 'Tis well when Jesus calls:

"From earth and sin, arise,
Join with the hosts of virgin souls,
Made to salvation wise!"

442 (369).

С. М.

H, happy soul that lives on high,

His hopes are fix'd above the sky,
And faith forbids his fear.

2 His conscience knows no secret stings,
While grace and joy combine
To form a life whose holy springs
Are hidden and divine.

3 He waits in secret on his God;
His God in secret sees :

Let earth be all in arms abroad,
He dwells in heavenly peace.
4 His pleasures rise from things unseen,
Beyond this world and time,
Where neither eyes nor ears have been,
Nor thoughts of mortals climb.

5 He looks to heaven's eternal hill,
To meet that glorious day
When Christ His promise shall fulfil
And call his soul away.


BELOVED, "It is well!"

God's ways are always right;
And perfect love is o'er them all,
Though far above our sight.

S. M. 2 Belovéd, "It is well!"

Though deep and sore the sinart,
The hand that wounds knows how to bind
And heal the broken heart.

3 Belovéd, "It is well!"

Though sorrow clouds our way,
'T will only make the joy more dear
That ushers in the day.

4 Belovéd, "It is well!"

The path that Jesus trod,
Though rough and strait and dark it be,
Leads home to heaven and God.

444 (453).

CHILD HILDREN of the heavenly King,

Sing your Saviour's worthy praise,
Glorious in His works and ways.

2 Ye are trav'ling home to God,
In the way the fathers trod;
They are happy now, and ye
Soon their happiness shall see.

3 O ye banish'd seed, be glad!
Christ our advocate is made;
Us to save, our flesh assumes
Brother to our souls becomes.

4 Shout, ye little flock, and blest;
You on Jesus' throne shall rest: -
There your seat is now prepared;
There your kingdom and reward.


5 Lord, submissive make us go,
Gladly leaving all below;
Only Thou our leader be,
And we still will follow Thee.

445 (428).

S. M

Y Father! cheering name!

Give me with humble hope to claim
A portion so divine.

2 This can my fears control,
And bid my sorrows fly;
What real harm can reach my soul
Beneath my Father's eye?

3 Whate'er Thy will denies,
I calmly would resign;
For Thou art just, and good, and wise:
Oh, bend my will to Thine!

4 Whate'er Thy will ordains,

Oh, give me strength to bear;
Still let me know a Father reigns,
And trust a Father's care.

5 Thy ways are little known
To my weak, erring sight;
Yet shall my soul, believing, own
That all Thy ways are right.

446 (370).


S. M

THEN gloomy thoughts and fears
The trembling heart invade,

And all the face of nature wears
A universal shade;

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