THE CHURCH. HER FOUNDATION. 191 (148). S. M. EE what a living stone Yet God hath built His Church thereon, 2 The work, O Lord, is Thine, 3 Hosanna to the King Of David's royal blood! Bless Him, ye saints, He comes to bring 4 Oh, come the happy hour When all the world shall own 5 We bless Thy holy word Which all this grace displays; 192. C. M EHOLD the sure foundation stone B which God in Zion lays, To build our heavenly hopes upon, 2 Chosen of God, to sinners dear, They trust their whole salvation here, 3 The foolish builders, scribe and priest, Yet on this Rock the Church shall rest, 4 What though the gates of hell withstood; Yet must this building rise: "Tis Thine own work, Almighty God, And wondrous in our eyes. HER PRIVILEGES AND GLORY. 193 (533). 8s & 7s. YLORIOUS things of thee are spoken, GLORIOUS of He, whose word cannot be broken, What can shake Thy sure repose? 3 Round each habitation hov'ring, For a glory and a cov'ring, 194. C. M. H, where are kings and empires now, 2 We mark her goodly battlements, We hear within the solemn voice 3 For not like kingdoms of the world Though earthquake shocks are threat'ning her, And tempests are abroad; 4 Unshaken as eternal hills, Immovable she stands, A mountain that shall fill the earth, HER MINISTRY. 195. ORDINATION AND INSTALLATION. L. M. WITH Thy faithful messenger secure, And make him to the end endure. 196. 2 Gird him with all-sufficient grace, HOLY Lord, our God, To Thee the cherubim, Angels and seraphim, 2 Here give Thy word success, And while the sinuer's Friend And make Him known. 3 May ev'ry passing year 197 (567). 6s & 4s. ET Zion's watchmen all awake, C. M. Now let them from the mouth of God 2 'T is not a cause of small import But what might fill an angel's heart, 3 They watch for souls, for which the Lord Did heavenly bliss forego; For souls which must forever live 4 All to the great tribunal haste, 5 May they that Jesus, Whom they preach, Their own Redeemer see; And watch Thou daily o'er their souls, 198 (351). A BLESSED CALLING. S. M. TOW beauteous are their feet H Who stand on Zion's hill! 2 How charming is their voice! 3 How happy are our ears |