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of his brothers. A fierce contest ensues, in which the giant is worsted, and has a foot cut off. Tristrem consents to spare his life on condition of his building a hall in honour of Ysonde and Brengwain. This condition he executes in the most magnificent manner, and employs the most skilful sculptors, when the hall is erected, to furnish it with the most exquisite and life-like statues, representing the incidents of the life of Tristrem.

Ganhardin, a brother of Ysonde with the White Hand, displeased at Tristrem's behaviour toward his sister, remonstrates with him, when he is informed by the knight that he gives up all claims upon her, being previously in love with a lady thrice as fair. Instead of resentment, this declaration only excites Ganhardin's curiosity to see the lady in question; and instead of his foe, he becomes the attached friend of Tristrem. After visiting the castle of Beliagog together, Ganhardin falls in love with Brengwain from seeing her statue, and the two set out for England in quest of their loves.

trem remains in Cornwall disguised as a beggar, and manages to communicate with the queen. Brengwain, who is present at one of their interviews, upbraids him for his precipitate retreat before the forces of Canados in the forest; and he, to vindicate his courage, requests that a tournament be proclaimed. This is accordingly done, and Canados and Meriadok are the challengers. Ganhardin returns from Brittany, and, with Tristrem, takes up the opposite side. Tristrem first attacks Meriadok, against whom he bears an old grudge, and wounds him desperately. Ganhardin is hard put to in his encounter with Canados, but Tristrem now comes to his assistance, and Canados is unhorsed and slain. Tristrem takes advantage of the consternation occasioned by the fatal issue of the jousts to avenge himself on several others of his enemies at court. After this the champions return to Brittany, where Tristrem, while assisting a young knight, his namesake, to recover his lady from a band of fifteen ungallant knights, receives an arrow in his After Tristrem's last flight from Cornwall, old wound, and his young namesake is Canados, his successor in the stewardship, | slain. Tristrem avenges him by putting aspired to succeed him in the affections of the queen. He informed her that Tristrem had proved false to her, and married the daughter of the Duke of Brittany. She, to soothe the melancholy caused by this intelligence, rides into the forest in company with Brengwain, and there they meet Tristrem and Ganhardin. Ysonde is reconciled to Tristrem, and Ganhardin is betrothed to Brengwain; but their movements are watched by Canados, who employs a spy, and raises a force to take his rival prisoner. They are apprised of their danger by Gouvernayl, but are compelled to fly in different directions. The queen and Brengwain return to court, and Ganhardin returns to Brittany; but Tris

them all to death.

[Here the Auchinleck MS. abruptly concludes, but Sir Walter Scott finishes the story as follows, according to a French metrical romance in the same style.]

Tristrem is carried to his castle, where every remedy is tried to heal his wound, but to no purpose. It daily grows worse and worse, and can be cured by none except the Queen of Cornwall. Ganhardin undertakes to acquaint Ysonde of the desperate condition of her lover, and to try and bring her to his assistance. Tristrem gives him his ring, and desires him to take two sails with him in the ship, a black and a white-the black to be hoisted on

his return should he fail in his mission, and the white in the event of his being successful. Ysonde of the White Hand having overheard the arrangement, resolves to turn it to account in avenging the slight offered to herself through Tristrem's behaviour.


Ganhardin sails for Cornwall in the guise of a merchant, and makes rich presents to King Mark, but to Ysonde he presents a cup containing Tristrem's ring, which token procures him a private interview, in which he acquaints her of the condition of her lover. She undertakes to cure him, and having disguised herself, accompanies Ganhardin to Brittany. they approach the coast, the white sail is displayed, and is seen by Ysonde of the White Hand, who knows by the token that her rival is on board. She informs Tristrem that the vessel is in sight, whereupon he asks her the colour of the sail. She tells him black; on which, concluding that he is forsaken by Ysonde, he sinks back in despair and dies. The queen, on landing, is informed of his death, and rushing to the castle where his body is laid out in state, she throws herself down beside his body and expires.



I was at [Erceldoune :]

With Tomas spak Y thare; Ther herd Y rede in roune, Who Tristrem gat and bare. Who was King with croun; And who him fostered yare ; And who was bold baroun, As thair elders ware, Bi yere :

Tomas telles in toun,

This auentours as thai ware.


This semly somers day

In winter it is nought sen; This greues wexen al gray, That in her time were grene : So dos this world Y say,

Y wis and nought atwene;
The gode bene al oway,
That our elders haue bene,
To abide :-

Of a knight is that Y mene; His name is sprong wel wide.


Wald Morgan thole no wrong,
Thei Morgan lord wes;
He brak his castels strong,

His bold borwes he ches:
His men he slough among,
And reped him mani a res;
The wer lasted so long,
Til Morgan asked pes
Thurch pine;

For sothe, with outen les, His liif he wende to tine.


Thus the batayl it bigan, Witeth wele it was so, Bitvene the Douk Morgan, And Rouland that was thro;

That neuer thai no lan,

That pouer to wirche wo:

Thai spilden mani a man,
Bitven hem seluen to,
In prise ;

That on was Douk Morgan, That other Rouland Rise.


The knightes that weren wise A forward fast thai bond,

Either greues or grenes; perhaps a mistake for groues.

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