The Paternoster Church History, Том 31965 |
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Стр. 14
... ecclesiastical appointments or impose crushing burdens in taxation in Christendom , but to these protests were added more radical suggestions concerning the nature of the Church , the functions of the Pope and clergy , and the ...
... ecclesiastical appointments or impose crushing burdens in taxation in Christendom , but to these protests were added more radical suggestions concerning the nature of the Church , the functions of the Pope and clergy , and the ...
Стр. 30
... ecclesiastical dignitaries , the secular leaders of the country and the London mob . Lancaster saw that Courtenay was seeking to attack him through Wycliffe , and left no doubt about supporting his servant . He supplied four theological ...
... ecclesiastical dignitaries , the secular leaders of the country and the London mob . Lancaster saw that Courtenay was seeking to attack him through Wycliffe , and left no doubt about supporting his servant . He supplied four theological ...
Стр. 189
... ecclesiastical life . In the war with England and the civil strife , the great monasteries of northern France fell into considerable decay , bringing disorder in what they did or failed to do . On occasion their abbots could argue that ...
... ecclesiastical life . In the war with England and the civil strife , the great monasteries of northern France fell into considerable decay , bringing disorder in what they did or failed to do . On occasion their abbots could argue that ...
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abuses appeared appointments Archbishop arguments attack authority Avignon Basel became Bible bishops Bohemian Brethren brought cardinals Charles Charles VIII Christ Christendom Christian Church claimed clergy clerical Colet concern conciliar condemned Constance Constantinople corruption Council Council of Basel criticism crusade Cusa death defend developments Deventer doctrine Dominican E. F. Jacob earlier ecclesiastical election Emperor England English Erasmus Eucharist Eugenius faith fifteenth century Florence fourteenth century France Franciscans French friars German God's Greek Henry heresy heretic hopes Humanistic Hussite ideas individual influence Italian Italy John king Ladislas later Latin leaders Lollard London Luther ment movement mystical official Orthodox Oxford Papacy papal political Pope popular practical Prague preaching predestination priest princes principles reform religious remained Renaissance Roman Rome royal rulers Savonarola Schism scholars Scripture secular Sigismund sixteenth Spain Spanish spiritual Taborites teaching transubstantiation Turks Utraquists vernacular Waldensians whilst Windesheim Wycliffe Wycliffe's Wycliffite Ximenes